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improving quality after merging tetra and prism

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improving quality after merging tetra and prism

Posted December 1, 2012 at 10:19 by diamondx

you can only merge meshes if one side is all tetra... It needs the flexibility of the tetra mesh make it work. Prisms are too restrictive. We are working on ways to improve this situation.

Prism quality looks worse than it is... No worries there either.

As for the poor tetras, run the smoother with the prisms and hexas frozen... see what it can do. It should fix most tetras. The tetras it can't fix are those that are stuck between close layers of prisms...

In that case, you may want to free up the prisms to be smoothed, but greatly reduce the "upto quality" number. So instead of trying to smooth just the tetras with an upto of 0.6, turn on prism smoothing and set the upto down to 0.1...

If the problem is just that your prism layers get too close together and there isn't room for the smoother to get any improvement, you could try regenerating the prisms with auto-reduction (an advanced option) on, or adjust the height or number of layers in that area.

Best regards,


By simon
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  1. Old Comment
    Thanks Ali for sharing the great threads by Simon
    Posted December 3, 2012 at 12:43 by Far Far is offline

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