October 8, 2015, 09:55
how to caculate the mass of impacting particles per unit area and per unit time?
New Member
Bruce Xiao
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 26
Rep Power: 12
Hi! everybody
how to caculate the mass of particle impact on wall per unit area and per unit time? In a gas-solid two phase flow model, I want to get the mass of solid particle impact on wall per unit area and per unit time to caculate wall erosion rate(wall erosion rate=wall mass loss/mass of impacting particles). In CFX-post, I defined additional variable:
wall erosion rate=Erosion Rate Density[kg m^-2 s^-1]/mass of solid particle impact on wall per unit area and per unit time[kg m^-2 s^-1].
First, I chose ''Particle.Wall Mass Flow Density'' as the denominator. But then I find the value of "Particle.Wall Mass Flow" is zero on the whole wall. I think the reason is all particles impact on wall are rebounded. so the value is zero. so I really do not know how to get the the mass of impacting particles per unit area and per unit time. Who can help me? Thanks!
Last edited by xyq916; October 12, 2015 at 09:39.