October 18, 2007, 16:53
Various types of Mesh creation
Normally, I go the tried and true Octree tetra's with Prism layering that seems to be the norm. With SP1 of ICEM, I've found several more meshing methods.
With the Quick (Delaunay) method, I've found its nice and fairly high quality, but VERY picky about geometry. This is also the case with the Smooth (advancing front) type method. I'd love to use them, but I frequently encounter problems in expansion volumes or corners.
Body Fitted meshes look very nice and have a high degree of quality. Most if not all my models have a much better degree of quality using this mesh. I'm new to it and most of the testing I've done on the models where it was utilized give me similar if not the same values in CFX. My question then, is are there any pitfalls I may be overlooking in this mesh type and why isn't it more generally accepted?