March 28, 2008, 21:02
Evaporation of droplets in cooling tower @cfx10-11
Hello, i'm trying to set up a simulation of a cooling tower on cfx10 or 11. I need a ranz marshall correlation for both heat and mass transfer; i enabled this by setting up and variable comp mixture of air ideal gas+ water ideal gas, and using lagrangian particle tracking with Water; i'm using injection regions to inject the particles , and an inlet boundary to inject the mixture.
physical conditions: saturated water is injected at high temperature air is injected and lower temperature, and mass fractions that represent the humidity( only for water,i used air ideal gas as constraint material) The problem is that when i post process i can't see a heat transfer effect / mass transfer effect, neither on air or droplets. once i got a cooling of the droplets by setting "latent heat" instead of automatic.
Anyhow, any ideas how to generally setup a simulation involving evaporation of a liquid in a continous phase at lower temperature??
Thank you!!!