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Pls. help:how to include pressure at the interface

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Old   April 16, 2008, 23:15
Default Pls. help:how to include pressure at the interface
Posts: n/a
I am modeling the change of droplet's shape when it hit the wall. The spherical droplet is initially in liquid state and is at very high temperature. The wall is at room temperature. When the droplet hit the wall, the droplet will spread out, solidify and cool down to form a pancake-like shape. I currently set up multiphase setting and activate phase change for droplet (from liquid to solid).

The result so far is quite good. However, i would like to extent the model to include other factors. For eg., when the droplet hit the wall, the wall temperature increased. Then, some water on the wall surface will be vaporised . This vapor was at very high pressure which explode the droplet at the center where is the highest heat transfer coefficient. As a result, the pancake-like shape will look like a pancake with a bubble hole at the centre droplet(or a doughnut-like shape). Anybody know how to include this high pressure into the model, exp. at the interface of two domains (solid for wall and liquid domain for droplet)?. Or any way to account this effect.

I really appreciate your idea about this matter.

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