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Segmentation Fault Error due to the zero flow in porous jump boundary

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Old   December 8, 2018, 15:13
Default Segmentation Fault Error due to the zero flow in porous jump boundary
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Join Date: Dec 2018
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zypresse is on a distinguished road
Dear all thanks for the discussion, it gives me such insight about my project.
Still, I have to ask since I couldn't manage to run it properly.

My system is composed of 3 bodies, and the middle body will be the host of a reaction. All those three systems have the porous zone option activated. I want the water liquid which flows through the undermost body and arriving the porous jump boundary, passing through this boundary, reacting with the chemicals I designated in the middle body, creating those other products, and finally once again those products for this time passing through the second porous jump boundary and reaching to the uppermost body.

I hope you could imagine the system. Now I created 2 cell zones just above these porous jump boundaries with a width of 1 grid cell which was 8 m for my case, and also set the Y velocities of those interior cell zones as 0. Logically, since they are just above the porous jump boundaries they are actually in-situ of the reaction area(the middle body). So, I did activate the porous zone and reaction options for my cell zones, and set '0' value for the Y velocities in the fixed values tab (A researcher who encountered the same problem proposed this method, so I wanted to give it a try.).

Now, as for porous jump boundaries, I still set them as porous jump boundaries which I believe where the problem arises. When I didn't create a namedselections for them in mesh section, ANSYS Fluent gives the error for example:
Error: Species are not solved in neighbor cell threads (14 and 16)\n of interior zone 6. \n
Error Object: #f

but when I set them as porous jump boundaries, this time it gives an error of segmentation fault, no flow detected at porous jump 7(exp.).
One more thing, the properties of the porous jump condition:

FACE PERMEABILITY: 1e+10(default) How do I set it, I have a mesh system of 5000x5000 m and 40000 elements(grids) in this system
PRESSURE-JUMP COEFFICIENT: 0(default) I saw some calculations for cylindirical studies but I don't know how to calculate it or what are the values for 2D planar structures(systems).

What is it that I'm doing completely wrong and/or fail to notice?

Any comment would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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ansys fluent, boundary condition error, flow through porous media, porous jump bc, segmentation fault

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