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External Magnetic Field Data Format for FLUENT MHD Module

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Old   January 24, 2019, 02:54
Default External Magnetic Field Data Format for FLUENT MHD Module
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Join Date: Dec 2018
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eduardvinter is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone!

I need to calculate the conductive fluid flow under the action of an external alternating magnetic field.

So, the problem consists of two parts:
1. The solution of the harmonic electromagnetic problem in Ansys or Maxwell.
2. Import of the calculated magnetic field to the Fluent MHD Module and calculation fluid flow under the action of the Lorentz force

Studying the MHD manual I encountered a misunderstanding of the term "data point" in the manual.

Information from the Appendix C of MHD module manual:

nX nY nZ
X1 Xn
Y 1 Y n
Z1 Zn
nAC F req
BXre−1 BYre−1 BZre−1 BXim−1 BYim−1 BZim−1
BXre−n BYre−n BZre−n BXim−n BYim−n BZim−n

.................................................. ...........
The rest of the data file contains the magnetic field data points. Each line defines the components of
the real and imaginary parts of the magnetic field vector on one data point. The data points are indexed
i=1,...,nX, j=1,...,nY; k=1,...,nZ
The data is listed in the ascending order from 1 to n, where n is the total number of data points given
by n= nXnYnZ.
As I understood l is a line number in the array of B.

For instance, I have an alternating magnetic field calculated in ANSYS APDL. I can write APDL macro for extracting magnetic field induction (real and imaginary component) from each element, but I have to extract this magnetic field induction from each data point. What is it?

Can anyone explain the structure of magnetic induction array in the mag. file? And also, how can I generate this file?

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