March 26, 2007, 18:15
Dynamic Mesh in an In-cylinder case
I am simulating an engine which has 2 inlet (one with a relatively low pressure fuel-air mixture and the other with a high pressure Air ) and a single outlet. Due to the wide variation of pressure, I am expecting shocks to form at the inlets.
Here I am using a 2D dynamic meshing following the instructions of the fluent tutorial describing 2d engine simulation. I followed it step by step except for the fact that I am having trouble in the selection of the solver. Though it is advised in the tutorial to use the segregated solver, I am having difficulty in getiing the flow to run directly. So I start with coupled explicit -explicit and step up through iterations and finally reach segregated implicit. But after a certain stage the solution diverges. I tried lowering courant number and all those things but to no avail.