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Parallel fluent not using all processors specified

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Old   March 31, 2008, 14:18
Default Parallel fluent not using all processors specified
Posts: n/a
I'm running an 8-xeon processor workstation on xp-64. I have two instances of fluent running right now, each are -t3. Why is it that if I go to the windows tast manager and look at the CPU usage history it appears that only 6 of the processors are being used? The CPU usage for the computer overall is at 75%, but shouldn't it be 100% since each instance is using four processors?

I'd be rather annoyed if all these processors and licensing fees are not being put to their full use.

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Old   March 31, 2008, 14:48
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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It looks that you asked each Fluent instance to run on 3 processors according to -t3 option. That gives a total of 6 out of 8 processors which is 75% overall. I don't see any error.

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Old   March 31, 2008, 15:21
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I'm pretty sure that -t3 means three additional processors to the first one, so four total for each.
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Old   March 31, 2008, 15:29
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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Not in my case. That is the total number of CPUs requested (at least for Linux). Remus
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Old   March 31, 2008, 15:29
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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Thats what I though, or at least thats what my boss told me. Something is definitely odd about it though. The license should be for eight processors on this machine.
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Old   March 31, 2008, 15:43
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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Okay when I load up fluent 3d -t4 the console gives me this:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID Comm. Hostname O.S. PID Mach ID HW ID Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ host net Sys156 Windows-x64 2060 0 1780 Fluent Host n3 mpich2 Sys156 Windows-x64 2708 0 3 Fluent Node n2 mpich2 Sys156 Windows-x64 3068 0 2 Fluent Node n1 mpich2 Sys156 Windows-x64 1272 0 1 Fluent Node n0* mpich2 Sys156 Windows-x64 3608 0 0 Fluent Node


It says it is using four nodes and one host. Is this normal? It seems to be taking the four processors, and then processor #5 is running as the host.

As an aside, I cannot load any higher than -t2 at this point because fluent won't let me (again the license is only for eight total processors).
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Old   March 31, 2008, 16:04
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I've looked into it some more and it appears that the first processor is designated "the host", and does not assist in the solving of the simulation.

I don't suppose theres any way to make it act as a node is there?
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Old   March 31, 2008, 16:15
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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When I type fluent 3d -t4 what I get is a host process and 4 nodes (processors) allocated. So, if I want, I can start another instance of parallel Fluent with the same command line (fluent 3d -t4) and it's going to work fine since I'll be using 8 processors. As a test, what happens if you try to start fluent on 8 processors (fluent 3d -t8)?

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Old   March 31, 2008, 16:18
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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-t8 gives me errors telling me that all possible instances of fluent are in use. The host process appears to make use of its own processor, and that processor is not part of the grid. I checked the auto-partitioning and it is indeed only partitioning for 3 nodes because that is all it reads.

Remus, are you saying that you have a similar eight processor system, but are still able to run two processes with four nodes each (and two hosts)? Is your license supposed to be maxed out at eight processors?
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Old   March 31, 2008, 16:56
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I have a 12 processor license and I can run any combination of two instances with -tx and -ty as long as x+y=12. How is your license structured, i.e., how many serial and how many additional parallel licenses?
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Old   March 31, 2008, 17:05
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I believe its 2 serial (meaning I can run two instances total of fluent and/or gambit but no more), and then six parallel processors on top of that (at least it should be).

I'll submit a support ticket to fluent and see what they say.
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Old   March 31, 2008, 17:20
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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Correction: x+y <= 12
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Old   April 2, 2008, 13:22
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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Got a response:

"The host process takes up one of the processes in your parallel license. I guess if you had 9 processes in your license you could have had 8 computing nodes and one of the nodes would have been shared with the host."

What a load of shit.
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Old   April 2, 2008, 15:45
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I also have an 8 core server. I have 8 active and 10 parallel lics

When I run fluent (linux environment) as 'fluent -t8', 8 nodes are spawned to compute the solution along with one host, and one active lic and 7 parallel lics are checked out.

fluent -r6.3.26 3d -node -alnx86 -t8 -pethernet -mpi=hp Starting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID Comm. Hostname O.S. PID Mach ID HW ID Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ host net shelob Linux-64 20436 0 3 Fluent Host n7 hp shelob Linux-64 20534 0 7 Fluent Node n6 hp shelob Linux-64 20533 0 6 Fluent Node n5 hp shelob Linux-64 20532 0 5 Fluent Node n4 hp shelob Linux-64 20531 0 4 Fluent Node n3 hp shelob Linux-64 20530 0 3 Fluent Node n2 hp shelob Linux-64 20529 0 2 Fluent Node n1 hp shelob Linux-64 20528 0 1 Fluent Node n0* hp shelob Linux-64 20527 0 0 Fluent Node

Selected interconnect: ethernet (intra-machine comm. may use shared memory) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Heres something you may find useful:

Product Fluent6 Version No. 6.3.26


A 4-process parallel FLUENT session runs on a machine equipped with 4 dual-core opteron processors. A second session of the same kind is launched: It uses the same 4 processor cores, leaving the other 4 processor cores unused (idle). (This does not necessarily happen on all 8-cpu/core machines, but it has been observed on some.)


In one of the session, type the following into the FLUENT text console window: (set-affinity "0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7") This will move the node processes 0--3 to the processor cores 3--7. The strings contains a sequence of pairs of numbers, each pair consisting of a process id and a cpu/core id. Process ids are 0, 1, 2,... for the node processes and 999999 for the host process.

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Old   April 3, 2008, 08:16
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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Yeah I've seen that support case, but its really not applicable to me.
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Old   April 3, 2008, 14:10
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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This seems strange response. FLUENT can use either FLUENT licenses or ANSYS licenses.

1. If use FLUENT licenses, the used license number should be equal to the number of node processes, while the host process will not occupy any license. You should be able to run -t8 if you have 8 licenses.

1. If use ANSYS licenses, the used license number should be equal the number of nodes plus 1, i.e., the host process will occupy a license. You should be able to run -t7 if you have 8 licenses.

Hope this helps to explain.
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Old   April 7, 2008, 08:19
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I have fluent licence for two processings and 8 parallel.

I can run fluent -t8. One host-8 nodes. All 8 cores of my system work. I can also run 2 cases with -t4. Because i have licence for two processings.

In your case i believe you can run 1 case with -t6. Or two cases with -t3. In any case you cannot use the 2 out of 8 cores you have. You should upgrade your license.

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Old   April 7, 2008, 13:18
Default Re: Parallel fluent not using all processors speci
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I can one one case with -t7, or two with -t3 each.

And upgrading the license isn't an option right now. This shit costs enough as it is.
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Old   October 26, 2023, 03:54
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 63
Rep Power: 3
@Arash is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by R.
I also have an 8 core server. I have 8 active and 10 parallel lics

When I run fluent (linux environment) as 'fluent -t8', 8 nodes are spawned to compute the solution along with one host, and one active lic and 7 parallel lics are checked out.

fluent -r6.3.26 3d -node -alnx86 -t8 -pethernet -mpi=hp Starting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID Comm. Hostname O.S. PID Mach ID HW ID Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ host net shelob Linux-64 20436 0 3 Fluent Host n7 hp shelob Linux-64 20534 0 7 Fluent Node n6 hp shelob Linux-64 20533 0 6 Fluent Node n5 hp shelob Linux-64 20532 0 5 Fluent Node n4 hp shelob Linux-64 20531 0 4 Fluent Node n3 hp shelob Linux-64 20530 0 3 Fluent Node n2 hp shelob Linux-64 20529 0 2 Fluent Node n1 hp shelob Linux-64 20528 0 1 Fluent Node n0* hp shelob Linux-64 20527 0 0 Fluent Node

Selected interconnect: ethernet (intra-machine comm. may use shared memory) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Heres something you may find useful:

Product Fluent6 Version No. 6.3.26


A 4-process parallel FLUENT session runs on a machine equipped with 4 dual-core opteron processors. A second session of the same kind is launched: It uses the same 4 processor cores, leaving the other 4 processor cores unused (idle). (This does not necessarily happen on all 8-cpu/core machines, but it has been observed on some.)


In one of the session, type the following into the FLUENT text console window: (set-affinity "0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7") This will move the node processes 0--3 to the processor cores 3--7. The strings contains a sequence of pairs of numbers, each pair consisting of a process id and a cpu/core id. Process ids are 0, 1, 2,... for the node processes and 999999 for the host process.

Hi Dear friend,

I use an Intel core i9-13900k processor that has 24 physical cores. When I use the number of cores for example 14 or 16 or... in order to parallelize and reduce the solution time, my solution goes slowly. What should I do ?
I selected 16 cores in the Fluent window and then imported the mesh file into Fluent. As soon as Fluent opens in the console, I receive the following message:

Note: Rank = 0: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 1: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 2: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 3: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 4: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 5: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 6: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 7: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 8: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 9: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 10: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 11: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 12: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 13: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 14: Process affinity not being set (6).
Note: Rank = 15: Process affinity not being set (6).

When using the number of cores, for example 14 or 16 or... my solution is slow and very annoying.
Please help me what to do?

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