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Very urgent- FLUENT FATAL SIGNAL(Access Violation)

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Old   September 25, 2010, 02:43
Default Very urgent- FLUENT FATAL SIGNAL(Access Violation)
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S. Mano Theja
Join Date: Sep 2010
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hari10 is on a distinguished road
Hiii the following UDF gives access violation fatal error during execution in FLUENT while running in interpreted mode.

I'm trying to simulate a 2D fluidised bed and I have used this UDF to update mass fractions of two species(Oxygen and Ozone(Ozone decomposition)) ie. for the volumetric rate, in two phases according to an equation of mass balance using finite difference method. I have tried a lot and I'm running out of time. Kindly help me in this regard.

FLUENT received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
1. Note exact events leading to error.
2. Save case/data under new name.
3. Exit program and restart to continue.
4. Report error to your distributor.
Error Object: ()

#include "udf.h"
#include "threads.h"
#define C_NFACES(c,t)(cell_type_nfaces[(int)(C_TYPE((c),(t)))])
real deltaT = 0.0002;
real uX = 0.01;
real uY = 0.02;
int h = 200;
real dAM = 0.00001;
real epsilon = 0.95;
real kG = 1;
real epsilonS = 0.97;
real kR = 5.4;
real dCell = 0.01;
real dP = 1;
int l = 20;

DEFINE_EXECUTE_ON_LOADING(inst_cValues, libname)
Thread *t;
cell_t c;
Domain *d;
Thread **pt; /* initialize pt */

C_YI(c, pt[0], 0) = 0.2097;
C_YI(c, pt[1], 0) = 0;
C_YI(c, pt[0], 1) = 0.1;
C_YI(c, pt[1], 1) = 0;


DEFINE_ADJUST(adjustRate, d)
Thread* t;
cell_t c, c1, c2;
Thread *newT;
face_t f;
cell_t leftCell, rightCell, aboveCell, belowCell;
int count = 0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;

int n = 0;
int nz;
cell_t adjC;
real x1[ND_ND], x2[ND_ND];

Thread **pt;
Thread *ft;
int boundThread = 1;
int x_coord,y_coord, x;

d = Get_Domain(1);
thread_loop_c(t, d)
begin_c_loop(c, t)
count = 0;
C_CENTROID( x1, c, t);
x_coord = x1[0]/dCell;
y_coord = x1[1]/dCell;

c_face_loop( c, t, nz)
f = C_FACE(c, t, nz);
ft = C_FACE_THREAD(c,t,nz);

c1 = c;
c2 = c;
if(!(x_coord == 0 || x_coord == l-1 || y_coord == 0 || y_coord == h-1))
c1 = F_C0(f, t);
if(!(x_coord == 0 || x_coord == l-1 || y_coord == 0 || y_coord == h-1))
c2 = F_C1(f, t);

if(c1 == c)
C_CENTROID( x2, c2, t);
adjC = c2;
C_CENTROID(x2, c1, t);
adjC = c1;

if(x1[0] > x2[0])
leftCell = adjC;
else if(x1[0] < x2[0])
rightCell = adjC;
else if(x1[1] > x2[1])
belowCell = adjC;
else if(x1[1] < x2[1])
aboveCell = adjC;


if(count >= 4 && Data_Valid_P())
x = (int)x1[0]/dCell;

temp1 = dAM/x*( C_YI_M1(rightCell, pt[0], 0) - C_YI_M1(leftCell, pt[0], 0) )/2/h + dAM *( C_YI_M1(rightCell, pt[0], 0)-2*C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 0)+C_YI_M1(leftCell, pt[0], 0) )/h/h + dAM*( C_YI_M1(aboveCell, pt[0], 0)-2*C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 0)+C_YI_M1(belowCell, pt[0], 0) )/h/h + 6*(1-epsilon)/dP*kG*( C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 0)-C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 0) )// + (1-epsilon)*epsilonS*kR*C_YI_M1(c, t, 1)
+ C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 0)/deltaT - uX*( C_YI_M1(rightCell, pt[0], 0)-C_YI_M1(leftCell, pt[0], 0) )/2/h - uX*C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 0)/x - uY*( C_YI_M1(aboveCell, pt[0], 0)-C_YI_M1(belowCell, pt[0], 0) )/2/h;
temp1 *= deltaT;
if(temp1 > 0 && temp1 < 1)
C_YI(c, pt[0], 0) = temp1;
C_YI(c, pt[0], 0) = 0;

temp2 = 6/dP*kG*( C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 0)-C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 0) ) + epsilonS*kR*C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 0) + C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 0)/deltaT;
temp2 *= deltaT;
if(temp2 > 0 && temp2 < 1)
C_YI(c, pt[1], 0) = temp2;
C_YI(c, pt[1], 0) = 0;

temp3 = dAM/x*( C_YI_M1(rightCell, pt[0], 1) - C_YI_M1(leftCell, pt[0], 1) )/2/h + dAM *( C_YI_M1(rightCell, pt[0], 1)-2*C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 1)+C_YI_M1(leftCell, pt[0], 1) )/h/h + dAM*( C_YI_M1(aboveCell, pt[0], 1)-2*C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 1)+C_YI_M1(belowCell, pt[0], 1) )/h/h + 6*(1-epsilon)/dP*kG*( C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 1)-C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 1) )// + (1-epsilon)*epsilonS*kR*C_YI_M1(c, t, 1)
+ C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 1)/deltaT - uX*( C_YI_M1(rightCell, pt[0], 1)-C_YI_M1(leftCell, pt[0], 1) )/2/h - uX*C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 1)/x - uY*( C_YI_M1(aboveCell, pt[0], 1)-C_YI_M1(belowCell, pt[0], 1) )/2/h;
temp3 *= deltaT;
if(temp1 > 0 && temp1 < 1)
C_YI(c, pt[0], 1) = temp3;
C_YI(c, pt[0], 1) = 0;

temp4 = 6/dP*kG*( C_YI_M1(c, pt[0], 1)-C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 1) ) + epsilonS*kR*C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 1) + C_YI_M1(c, pt[1], 1)/deltaT;
temp3 *= deltaT;
if(temp1 > 0 && temp1 < 1)
C_YI(c, pt[1], 1) = temp4;
C_YI(c, pt[1], 1) = 0;


end_c_loop(c, t)

DEFINE_VR_RATE(user_rate, c, t, r, mole_weight, species_mf, rate, rr_t)
if(Data_Valid_P() )
Thread **pt = THREAD_SUB_THREADS(t);
*rate = kR * epsilonS * C_YI(c, pt[1], 1);

*rate = 0;
*rr_t = *rate;
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Old   September 25, 2010, 02:46
New Member
S. Mano Theja
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 4
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hari10 is on a distinguished road
Even if I remove all the functions and just keep the DEFINE_VR_RATE function, an error occured in 81st loop..
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Old   September 26, 2010, 07:51
New Member
S. Mano Theja
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 4
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hari10 is on a distinguished road
please reply asap...
I know today is Sunday but tomorrow is my submission date..!!!
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access violation error, rate of reaction, udf error

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