November 5, 2010, 15:57
Using pressure outlet BC
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Hi all,
I am using VOF model in fluent 2d and am studying the flow from a jet at different angles on a surface. The surface is in the form of wall (single line) BC. I give pressure inlet for jet inlet and the surrounding domain boundaries are pressure outlet BC set at atmospheric pressure. Now,the jet after it flows over the wall surface leaves the domain ie. crosses the pressure outlet Boundary at a pressure above atmospheric. From the different fluent runs i have realized that fluent tends to give pressure value between the atmospheric pressure and the actual pressure for the flow.
To fix this problem and to obtain the actual pressure in the flow, I teid to mix pressure outlet BC with outlet and Fluent does not allow to do it. So please suggest some other way to get the actual flow pressure for the flow aver the wall surface, without changing the ambient pressure as atmospheric.