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compiling udf at window Nt(64BIT)

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Old   February 3, 2011, 08:42
Default compiling udf at window Nt(64BIT)
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 50
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noa is on a distinguished road
I am working on windows NT 6.1 (64bit) at Ansys 13. I can't compile my udf

1. I followed the following instructions:

How can I manage to compile my UDF with Windows 7 64bit?

How can I manage to compile my UDF with Windows 7 64bit?
  • Install Visual Studio. Most of the time the Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition [3] is recommended. On my system it even works with the new Visual Studio 2010 Professional Release Candidate [4].
  • Set the correct environment variables. Browse your way through the Windows system control to 'System'. There you will find a section 'Advanced system settings'. In the following dialog go to the 'Advanced' tabulator and click on 'Environment variables' (lower right corner). Go through the 'System variables' list and search for the 'Path' entry. Add the following to the variable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin;C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v120\fluent\ntbin\win64. Adjust this entry to your system concerning the installation directories! The Visual Studio entry should point to the location where 'nmake' is located.
  • Install a Software Development Kit (SKD) for 64bit systems. This may be the difference between 32bit and 64bit systems. I have used the .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) (x64) from 2006 [5] because it is explicitly for 64bit systems and I was not sure if more recent versions are for 64bit systems as well.
  • Start FLUENT from the SDK command prompt. Do not use the Visual Studio command prompt, use the SDK command prompt! Go to the directory your case is in and type 'fluent'.

2. I verified the path is right and changed it to:
Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 and to v 130.

3. I could start Fluent from the SDK prompt.

4. When I compiled the c file, there were no errors.

5. When I loaded the file I got the following message

> 1 file(s) copied.
(system "copy "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v130\fluent"\fluent13.0. 0\sr c\makefile_nt.udf "libudf\win64\2d\makefile" ")
1 file(s) copied.
(chdir "libudf")()
(chdir "win64\2d")()
# Generating ud_io1.h
Opening library "D:\sarit\tut6_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\libudf"...
Error: The UDF library you are trying to load (libudf) is not compiled for 2d on the curent platform (win64).
The system cannot find the file specified.
D:\sarit ut6_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\libudf\win64\2d\libudf.dl l
Error Object: #f

What to do?
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Old   July 15, 2011, 04:45
Red face solution found??
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student-1 is on a distinguished road
Hello noa,

I am having exactly the same problem. Have you found a solution?

I would really appreciate it, if you can give me tips how you solved your problem.

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Old   July 19, 2011, 13:14
Default Hi
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carteblanche is on a distinguished road
I am facing the same problem too, any updates on the situation?
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Old   July 29, 2014, 23:01
Join Date: Oct 2012
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jthiakz is on a distinguished road
If it is windows-7 and 64 bit system, then enable "virtualization" option
restart the system, Press del or F10 --> BIOS -->options or advanced option -->
Hope this may work..

then compile and check
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