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vortex induced vibration

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Old   May 9, 2011, 11:47
Default vortex induced vibration
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Wang Xiaosong
Join Date: May 2011
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Simon Wang is on a distinguished road
Hi, everybody
I'am do a numerical simulation of vortex induced vibration use fluent 6.3.But I met some very stange problems, if I use boundary layer in mesh, the cylinder amplitude is much too high and fore exerted on cylinder is also larger than normal level. If I don't use boundary layer in my mesh, the mesh near to the cylinder became very bad in simulation.
So is there anybody can help me, I have been stuck by this problem for months.

Here is the full text of my UDF.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "udf.h"
# define UDF_FILENAME "udf_loc_velo_acc"
# define Temp_File "mytemp"

/* read current location,velocity and accelerator from file */
static void
read_loc_vel_acc_file (real *loc1, real *vel1,real *acc1)
FILE *fp = fopen(Temp_File, "r");
if (fp != NULL)
float read_loc1, read_vel1, read_acc1;
fscanf (fp, "%e %e %e", &read_loc1, &read_vel1, &read_acc1);
fclose (fp);
*loc1 = (real) read_loc1;
*vel1 = (real) read_vel1;
*acc1=(real) read_acc1;
Message ("\nUDF read viv: y_vel = %f, acc = %f, loc(m)= %f\n",
*vel1, *acc1, *loc1);
*loc1 = 0.0;
*vel1 = 0.0;
*acc1 = 0.0;
Message("\nThe first reading of udf_loc_vel_acc_file\n");
/* write current location, velocity and acceleration into file */
static void
write_loc_vel_acc_file (real loc, real vel, real acc)
FILE *fp = fopen(UDF_FILENAME, "a");
if (fp != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%e %e %e\n", loc, vel, acc);
fclose (fp);
Message ("\nWarning: cannot write %s file", UDF_FILENAME);
/* write current location,velocity and acceleration into temp_file */
static void
write_loc_vel_acc_file2 (real loc, real vel, real acc)
FILE *fp = fopen(Temp_File, "w");
if (fp != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%e %e %e\n", loc, vel, acc);
fclose (fp);
Message ("\nWarning: cannot write %s file", Temp_File);
DEFINE_CG_MOTION(viv, dt, cg_vel, cg_omega, time, dtime)
#define DELTA 0.5
#define BETA 0.25
#define K_SPRING 22.406
#define MASS 4.864
#define xi 0.0054
real wn=sqrt(K_SPRING/MASS);
real CC=2*xi*wn*MASS;
/*mass ratio equaul 2.4*/
real loc,vel,acc,loc1,vel1,acc1;
real a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,keff,reff;
static int id1=5; /* Face ID of the cylinder */
static real f_glob[3]; /* Total forces (global) */
static real m_glob[3]; /* Moment (global) */
static real x_cg[3]; /* CG location */
static real force[3];
int i=0;
Thread *tf1;
Domain *domain = Get_Domain(1);
tf1 = Lookup_Thread(domain, id1);
/* reset velocities */
NV_S (cg_vel, =, 0.0);
NV_S (cg_omega, =, 0.0);
if (!Data_Valid_P ())

/* Get CG position */
for (i=0; i<ND_ND; i++) x_cg[i] = DT_CG(dt)[i];
/* compute force on cylinder */
force[1] = 0.0;
Compute_Force_And_Moment(domain, tf1, x_cg, f_glob, m_glob, TRUE);
for (i=0; i<ND_ND; i++)
force[i] = f_glob[i];

/*read data calculated in the former step*/
read_loc_vel_acc_file (&loc1, &vel1, &acc1);
/* compute response of cylinder by newmark method*/

reff=force[1]+MASS*(a0*loc1+a2*vel1+a3*acc1)+CC*(a1*loc1+a4*vel 1+a5*acc1);

Message ("\nUDF of viv: time = %f, y_vel = %f, acc = %f, loc(m)= %f\n",
time, vel, acc, loc);
write_loc_vel_acc_file (loc, vel, acc);
write_loc_vel_acc_file2 (loc, vel, acc);
cg_vel[1] = vel;
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Old   May 31, 2011, 03:18
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sham83 is on a distinguished road
Could you describe your error in more detail. What do you actually mena by BL here? Also how do you assign the UDF to your dynamic mesh?
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Old   October 11, 2011, 04:17
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 70
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colopolo is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Simon Wang View Post
Hi, everybody
I'am do a numerical simulation of vortex induced vibration use fluent 6.3.But I met some very stange problems, if I use boundary layer in mesh, the cylinder amplitude is much too high and fore exerted on cylinder is also larger than normal level. If I don't use boundary layer in my mesh, the mesh near to the cylinder became very bad in simulation.
So is there anybody can help me, I have been stuck by this problem for months.

Here is the full text of my UDF.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "udf.h"
# define UDF_FILENAME "udf_loc_velo_acc"
# define Temp_File "mytemp"

/* read current location,velocity and accelerator from file */
static void
read_loc_vel_acc_file (real *loc1, real *vel1,real *acc1)
FILE *fp = fopen(Temp_File, "r");
if (fp != NULL)
float read_loc1, read_vel1, read_acc1;
fscanf (fp, "%e %e %e", &read_loc1, &read_vel1, &read_acc1);
fclose (fp);
*loc1 = (real) read_loc1;
*vel1 = (real) read_vel1;
*acc1=(real) read_acc1;
Message ("\nUDF read viv: y_vel = %f, acc = %f, loc(m)= %f\n",
*vel1, *acc1, *loc1);
*loc1 = 0.0;
*vel1 = 0.0;
*acc1 = 0.0;
Message("\nThe first reading of udf_loc_vel_acc_file\n");
/* write current location, velocity and acceleration into file */
static void
write_loc_vel_acc_file (real loc, real vel, real acc)
FILE *fp = fopen(UDF_FILENAME, "a");
if (fp != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%e %e %e\n", loc, vel, acc);
fclose (fp);
Message ("\nWarning: cannot write %s file", UDF_FILENAME);
/* write current location,velocity and acceleration into temp_file */
static void
write_loc_vel_acc_file2 (real loc, real vel, real acc)
FILE *fp = fopen(Temp_File, "w");
if (fp != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%e %e %e\n", loc, vel, acc);
fclose (fp);
Message ("\nWarning: cannot write %s file", Temp_File);
DEFINE_CG_MOTION(viv, dt, cg_vel, cg_omega, time, dtime)
#define DELTA 0.5
#define BETA 0.25
#define K_SPRING 22.406
#define MASS 4.864
#define xi 0.0054
real wn=sqrt(K_SPRING/MASS);
real CC=2*xi*wn*MASS;
/*mass ratio equaul 2.4*/
real loc,vel,acc,loc1,vel1,acc1;
real a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,keff,reff;
static int id1=5; /* Face ID of the cylinder */
static real f_glob[3]; /* Total forces (global) */
static real m_glob[3]; /* Moment (global) */
static real x_cg[3]; /* CG location */
static real force[3];
int i=0;
Thread *tf1;
Domain *domain = Get_Domain(1);
tf1 = Lookup_Thread(domain, id1);
/* reset velocities */
NV_S (cg_vel, =, 0.0);
NV_S (cg_omega, =, 0.0);
if (!Data_Valid_P ())

/* Get CG position */
for (i=0; i<ND_ND; i++) x_cg[i] = DT_CG(dt)[i];
/* compute force on cylinder */
force[1] = 0.0;
Compute_Force_And_Moment(domain, tf1, x_cg, f_glob, m_glob, TRUE);
for (i=0; i<ND_ND; i++)
force[i] = f_glob[i];

/*read data calculated in the former step*/
read_loc_vel_acc_file (&loc1, &vel1, &acc1);
/* compute response of cylinder by newmark method*/

reff=force[1]+MASS*(a0*loc1+a2*vel1+a3*acc1)+CC*(a1*loc1+a4*vel 1+a5*acc1);

Message ("\nUDF of viv: time = %f, y_vel = %f, acc = %f, loc(m)= %f\n",
time, vel, acc, loc);
write_loc_vel_acc_file (loc, vel, acc);
write_loc_vel_acc_file2 (loc, vel, acc);
cg_vel[1] = vel;
Did you solve your problems of udf file?
Please let me know the solution of your problem.

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Old   June 17, 2012, 06:22
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zhang guoqing
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qing123 is on a distinguished road
Hi Simon Wang:
Have you already solved your problem, I am currently doing some simulation like yours. Could you exchange with me through email? My email address is
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Old   December 25, 2017, 04:23
Default why am i getting this error?
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Arun raj.S
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Hello everyone,

I am trying to load the UDF Newmann method vortex induced vibration which you have posted in CFD online forum. But I am getting error like this.. could you help me

..\..\src\main.c(107) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'constant'
..\..\src\main.c(107) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
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