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Self-built InfiniteBand cluster?

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Old   July 28, 2023, 06:28
Question Self-built InfiniBand cluster?
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Hi all,

We have five workstations at hand, each with
1. 1×32-core AMD EPYC 7532 CPU
2. 8×16GB DDR4 3200 RAM
3. 1×1TB Samsung 980 Pro SSD for storage

Each of them tried hard to make the most use of the 8-ch RAM support of the AMD EPYC CPU by having a relatively low core count and filling eight RAM slots. Not very outdated so far?

Now, we need to setup a small-scale cluster to make parellall solving of our own CFD code based on
1. a finite-volume discratization of the Navier-Sokes equations with a SIMPLE-like algorithm on a structured mesh.
2. a distribution parallel strategy with a message passing interface (MPI) to enable exchange of the halo region of the FV mesh after domain decomposition. Each decomposed domain solves the equations independently with one CPU core or more.

So far, all the programming and testing of the MPI parallelism of the code have been confined to one machine mentioned above to minic a cluster with intra-node data exchange only.

We intend to break through this hardware limitation in the near future and expect a good (near-linear) core number-speedup scaling up to ~100 CPU cores.

To achieve this goal, I know that the inter-node rate of the data exchange would be the bottleneck (similar to that caused by the inter-node RAM bandwidth), so the InfiniBand (IB) network should be as fast as possible (i.e., as low latancy/high bandwidth as possible).

Therefore, a cluster consisting of the machines above (each would serves as a node in the cluster) and a small IB network would be what we want.

The budget shouldn't be too high (<$800 for each node)

A 100 or 200Gbps IB network is perhaps the good choice.

Theoretically, there may be serveral ways of easy setup of the network:
Case-1: a three-node cluster with ring topology,
Case-2: a three-node cluster with a star topology,
Case-3: a five-node cluster with ring topology,
Case-4: a five-node cluster with a star topology.

See the my illustrative image here for clearity:

Note that
Cases 1,3 with a ring topology avoid the use of a expensive 100/200G IB switch,
Case 1 features direct node-to-node connection,
Cases 2,5 with a star topology require the use of the IB switch and can thus be ruled out

I have no idea about how the IB network work and how to build a efficent one with limit budget.

Here are my questions:
1. Can the way of Cases 1 and 3 works without a IB switch, which is too expensive?

2. Can the 100 or 200Gbps IB network, regardless the use of a switch, achieve the goal of ~100-core near-linear scaling (suppose the parallel algrithm of code is efficent enough)?

3. If the inter-node latency is more important than the bandwidth, is the older low-latency 40 or the 56Gbps network competent?

Here are some Ansys demonstrations using the AMD EPYC CPUs and a 100 or 200Gbps IB network, which show good scaling:


Prices of IB hardware for reference (US$, from eBay)

40G QDR:
Switch: Mellanox IS5023 18-port, US$100
NIC: Mellanox ConnectX-3 dual port, US$25

56G FDR:
Switch: Mellanox SX6036 36-port: US$100
NIC: Mellanox Connect-IB dual port: US$50

100G EDR, PCIe 4.0x16/3.0x16:
Switch: Mellanox SB7800 36-port: US$1,700
NIC: Mellanox ConnectX-5 dual port: US$300

200G HDR, PCIe 4.0x16/3.0x16:
Switch: NVidia Mellanox QM8700, US$5,000 each
NIC: NVidia Mellanox ConnectX-6 dual port, US$600

400G NDR, PCIe 5.0x16/4.0x16:
Switch: NVidia Mellanox QM9700, US$19,000
NIC: NVidia Mellanox ConnectX-7 dual port, US$800

*NIC: the Network Interface Card
Attached Images
File Type: png Benchmark Eypc7001.png (81.6 KB, 24 views)
File Type: jpg IB network.jpg (103.8 KB, 31 views)
File Type: png Benchmark Eypc7002.png (95.3 KB, 24 views)

Last edited by Freewill1; July 30, 2023 at 10:23. Reason: fix typo
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Old   July 28, 2023, 14:10
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Will Kernkamp
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by Freewill1 View Post
Hi, all,

We have five workstations at hand, each with
1. 1×32-core AMD EPYC 7532 CPU
2. 8×16GB DDR4 3200 RAM
3. 1×1TB Samsung 980 Pro SSD for storage

Here are my questions:
1. Can the way of Cases 1 and 3 works without a IB switch, which is too expensive?

2. Can the 100 or 200Gbps IB network, regardless the use of a switch, achieve the goal of ~100-core near-linear scaling (suppose the parallel algrithm of code is efficent enough)?

3. If the inter-node latency is more important than the bandwidth, is the older low-latency 40 or the 56Gbps network competent?

Q1: Yes an infiniband ring config works. I have done it.
Q2: Yes, the 100 or 200Gbps IB network can achieve linear scaling because your cluster is very small.
Q3: Yes, the older 40 or the 56Gbps network will be fine. In fact, you probably will approach your performance goal with 1Gbps ethernet. This is so, because normally, the network has to share only the boundary vectors between nodes. So the network bandwidth requirement is much less than the local core to dram bandwidth for a solution iteration.

If you misconfigure the cluster and each node has to reread grid info from a single node at every iteration the traffic would be larger. Normally, repeated reads of the same info from a disk or shared volume ends up cached in core memory so it has to be read only once and not every iteration.
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cfd, cluster, infiniteband, scaling, self-built

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