November 2, 2005, 20:42
Fast Polygon Triangulation with source code.
Hi, eveyone,
Rencently, I implemented yet another fast and robust polygon triangulation code by Sweep Line Algorithm using standard C++. This code can handle polygon with/without holes and around two times faster than the code "triangulation" developed by Atul Narkhede and Dinesh Manocha by seidel's incremental randomized algorithm. All details can be found from Poly2Tri's website: <A HREF=""> </a>. Check it out and any comments are highly appreciated.
The source code will open to public soon. Howerver, Poly2Tri has a small bug when searching for all monotone loops, so the source code is not available now. it will be released as soon as this bugs is fixed. If you have any ideas or know an efficient way to find monotone loops, you are warmly welcome to drop email to me. Thanks for your contribution!