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to Identify unstructured grid and structrued grid

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Old   February 15, 2006, 04:05
Default to Identify unstructured grid and structrued grid
Posts: n/a
When a grid is showed, Is it possible from its topology stucture to discriminate structured between unstructured. the condition is that we don't know which grid generator it comes from. if can, a simple description of the method is appreciated. Any references or directions are also welcomed
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Old   February 15, 2006, 08:14
Default Re: to Identify unstructured grid and structrued g
Posts: n/a
Dear Harry,

One general rule is that if the topology is triangular(in 2D), then the mesh is unstructured. If the grid is made of quads, they may generally be called 'structured', but the distinction does not really come from the toplogy, but in data structure.

If for any cell in a given grid, its neighbours can be identified without any explicit information,(as you can with nice quadrilateral grids") it is structured, and if explicit information is required it is unstructured. This would directly substantiate the earlier rule, but note that even a quad grid can be "unstructured" according to this definition, though in most cases the general rule holds good.

Hope this helps



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Old   February 15, 2006, 08:25
Default Re: to Identify unstructured grid and structrued g
Posts: n/a
Thanks Ganesh. from your discription, I can conclude that I can't tell that whether a sketch of grid is structure or unstructured acoording to its toplogy. If want to identify this problem, I need check their data stucture. the last point should be the key factor.Is that right?
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Old   February 15, 2006, 20:25
Default Re: to Identify unstructured grid and structrued g
Posts: n/a
Dear all, When you read the Gambit Fluent User Guide, it is told that the Map meshing scheme is structured and the Pave meshing scheme is unstructured. How do they be discriminated in Fluent?

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Old   February 17, 2006, 03:10
Default Re: to Identify unstructured grid and structrued g
Posts: n/a
Dear Harry,

Yes you are right. The key factor has to be the data structure and not the toplogy, though in many cases it may fortunately turn out that quad grids are structured, via the data structure. The distinction that people make is governed by this issue, and they do so because they know the topology as well as the data structure.

Hope this helps


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