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How to generate a Cartesian 2D Mesh using MATLAB?

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Old   March 9, 2014, 15:46
Default How to generate a Cartesian 2D Mesh using MATLAB?
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Sujith Rajagopal
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Hi everyone,

I am working on a Final Year Project, where I am asked to develop a 2D Cartesian Mesh with a Moving boundary and validate the mesh using a number of simple flow geometries. I am a complete beginner to the CFD techniques, so please ignore my lack of knowledge over the topic.

I have decided to use MATLAB to generate the mesh, but all I can do is to generate the mesh using the "meshgrid' function. I could not figure out a way to proceed further in creating a Cartesian Mesh with a moving boundary.
I understand the Cartesian Mesh is completely efficient compared with the Body-fitted meshes as the re-meshing is limited only to the small number of cells adjacent to the boundary.

Can anyone help me on how to create a simple Cartesian mesh or guide me with any relevant resources that can be of some help ,please?

Any reply on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Awaiting your assistance,
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2d mesh, cartesian mesh, matlab, moving boundary

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