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Large Eddy simulation

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Old   May 18, 2000, 10:35
Default Large Eddy simulation
Andreas Hauser
Posts: n/a

I am about to model viscous, incompressible turbulent flow with the Large Eddy Simulation. Who can give me some literature recommendations ?

Thank You

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Old   May 20, 2000, 20:33
Default Re: Large Eddy simulation
Luca Liberti
Posts: n/a
Here is a section of my thesis bibliografy, hope it can help:

J. SMAGORINSKY (1963), "General circulation experiments with the primitive equations. 1. The basic experiment." Mon. Weather Rev. 91, 99-164. J. W. DEARDOFF (1970), "A numerical study of three-dimensional channel flow at large Reynolds numbers. J. Fluid Mech. 41, 453-480. K. TENNEKES, J.L. LUMLEY (1972), "A first course in turbulence". MIT-Press, Cambridge, Mass. A. LEONARD (1974), "On the energy cascade in large-eddy simulation of turbulent fluid flows". Adv. Geophys. 18A, 237-248. A.S. MONIN, A.M. YAGLOM (1975), "Statistical Fluid Mechanics". Cambridge. MIT Press. W. C. REYNOLDS (1976), "Computation of turbulent flows". Ann. Rev. Fluid. Mech. 8. 183-208. J.H. FERZIGER (1977), "Large eddy simulation of turbulent flows". J. AIAA 15. 1261-1267. R.A. CLARK, J.H. FERZIGER, W. C. REYNOLDS (1979), "Evaluation of sub-grid scale model using an accurately simulated turbulent flow". J. Fluid Mech. 91. 1-16. P. MOIN, J. KIM (1982), "Numerical investigation of turbulent channel flow". J. Fluid Mech. 118, 341-377. J. BARDINA, J. H. FERZIGER, W. C. REYNOLDS, (1983) – "Improved turbulence models based on large-eddy simulation of homogeneous, incompressible, turbulent, flows". Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University. R.S. ROGALLO, P. MOIN (1984), "Numerical simulation of turbulent flows". Ann. Rev. Fluid. Mech. 16. 99-137. W. RODI (1984), "Turbulence models and their application in hydraulics – A state of art review". Inter. Assoc. for Hydraulic Research. Delft. C. SPEZIALE (1985), "Galilean invariance of subgrid-scale stress models in the large-eddy simulation of turbulence". J. Fluid Mech. 156, 55-62. M. GERMANO (1986), "A proposal for a redefinition of the turbulent stresses in the filtered Navier-Stokes equations". Phys. Fluids 29, 2323-2324. J. KIM, P. MOIN, R. MOSER (1987), "Turbulence statistics in fully developed channel flow at low Reynolds number". J. Fluid Mech. 177, 133-166. U. PIOMELLI, P. MOIN, J.H. FERZIGER (1988), "Model consistency in large eddy simulation of simulation of turbulent flows". Phys. Fluids. 31. 1884. M. LESIEUR, R. ROGALLO (1989), "Large-eddy simulation of passive scalar diffusion in isotropic turbulence". Phys. Fluids. A1, 718-722. M. GERMANO, U. PIOMELLI, P. MOIN, W.H. CABOT (1991), "A dynamic sub-grid scale eddy viscosity model". Phys. Fluids. A3, 1760-1765. U. PIOMELLI, W.H. CABOT, P. MOIN, S. LEE (1991), "Sub-grid scale backscatter in turbulent and transitional flows". Phys. Fluids. A3. 1766-1771. D.K. Lilly (1992), "A proposed modification of the Germano sub-grid scale closure method". Phys. Fluyds. A4, 633-636. M. GERMANO (1992), "Turbulence: the filtering approach". J. Fluid Mech. 238, 325-336. U. PIOMELLI (1993), "High Reynolds number calculations using the dynamic sub-grid scale stress model". Phys. Fluids. A5. 1484-1490. Y. ZANG, R.L. STREET, J.R. KOSEFF (1993), "A dynamic mixed subgrid-scale model and its application to turbulent recirculating flows". Phys. Fluids A5, 3186-3196. Y. ZANG, R.L. STREET, J.R. KOSEFF (1994), "A non-staggered grid, fractional step method for time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in general curvilinear co-ordinate systems". J. Comput. Phys. 114, 18-33.

S. GHOSAL, T.S. LUND, P. MOIN, K. AKSELVOLL, (1995), "A dynamic localization model for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows". J. Fluid Mech. 286, 229-255.

M. GERMANO (1996), "A statistical formulation of the dynamic model". Phys. Fluids. A8. 565-570. O. METAIS, J.H. FERZIGER (1996), "New tools in turbulence modelling". Springer-Verlag. A. SADIKI, K. HUTTER (1996), "On the frame dependence and form invariance of the transport equations for the Reynolds stress tensor and the turbulent heat flux vector: its consequences on closure models in turbulence modelling". Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 8, 341-349. U. PIOMELLI, Y. YU, R.J. ADRIAN (1996), "Sub-grid scale energy transfer and near-wall turbulent structure". Phys. Fluids. A8. 215-224. U. PIOMELLI (1997), "On the effects of nonequilibrium on the subgrid-scale stresses". Phys. Fluids. 9, (9), 2740-2748.
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