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Sliding Mesh: How important is the rotating region size?

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Old   September 13, 2022, 12:53
Lightbulb Sliding Mesh: How important is the rotating region size?
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drdr is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I have a question to ask which I don't believe has been answered before.

Consider a stirred tank system (a tank with a impeller located within for mixing). One might model its rotation by creating two regions, a rotating region surrounding the impeller and a stationary zone incorporating the rest of the tank. It is up to the user to decide where the interface for these two regions should lie.

Now, it has been stated in literature that the location of such an interface has a significant effect on the resulting flow fields when employing the moving reference frame (MRF) rotation model. In other words, the interface must be positioned in such a way as to make the region large enough to capture both the acceleration and deceleration of fluid after the impeller. This will result in the most accurate description of the flow.

My question to you is the following: Is this also the case for the sliding mesh (SM) method? Is it important to consider how large the region surround the impeller is and to what degree will it affect the resulting calculations?

TL;DR Should one consider the location of the interface between the rotating and stationary regions of a stirred tank mixer using the sliding mesh (SM) method?
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interface, rotating region, size, sliding mesh, stirred tank

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