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October 9, 2014, 11:51 |
crash sHM
#1 |
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Hi, I'm trying to mesh a car (porsche 911) with sHM but while it is meshing appears this foam warnings:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2.1.1 | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Build : 2.1.1-221db2718bbb Exec : snappyHexMesh -overwrite Date : Oct 08 2014 Time : 18:20:42 Host : "pc" PID : 5083 Case : /home/hector/Desktop/porsche nProcs : 1 sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE). fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster allowSystemOperations : Disallowing user-supplied system call operations // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Create time Create mesh for time = 0 Read mesh in = 1.92 s Overall mesh bounding box : (-1.5 -4 -0.605885) (1.5 2.4 1.2) Relative tolerance : 1e-06 Absolute matching distance : 7.29529e-06 Reading refinement surfaces. Read refinement surfaces in = 0.09 s Reading refinement shells. Refinement level 4 for all cells inside refinementBox Read refinement shells in = 0 s Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent with shells. Checked shell refinement in = 0 s Reading features. Read features in = 0 s Determining initial surface intersections ----------------------------------------- Edge intersection testing: Number of edges : 750976 Number of edges to retest : 750976 Number of intersected edges : 25255 Calculated surface intersections in = 2.05 s Initial mesh : cells:245760 faces:750976 points:259677 Cells per refinement level: 0 245760 Adding patches for surface regions ---------------------------------- Patch Type Region ----- ---- ------ PTri: 5 wall PTri_patch0 Added patches in = 0.03 s Selecting decompositionMethod hierarchical Refinement phase ---------------- --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 237020, 4(81587 81648 89517 89456), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 237021, 4(81647 89516 89517 81648), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 237022, 4(89455 89456 89517 89516), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 214170, 4(81586 81587 81648 81647), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 236842, 4(81586 89455 89456 81587), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 237017, 4(81586 81647 89516 89455), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 0, 4(1 62 7931 7870), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::List<Foam::tetIndices> Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::faceTetIndices(const polyMesh&, label, label) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/polyMeshTetDecomposition.C at line 565 No base point for face 1, 4(61 7930 7931 62), produces a valid tet decomposition. etc, etc, etc... Code:
Point is not inside the mesh or on a face or edge Could someone give me some help? Thanks PD: I give you here the block and snappyhexmesh dicts. Code:
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2.1.1 | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object blockMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // convertToMeters 1; //Bounding Box : (-0.98043 -2.2003 -0.605885) (0.980019 2.26228 0.665978) vertices ( (-1.5 2.4 -0.605885) (1.5 2.4 -0.605885) (1.5 -4 -0.605885) (-1.5 -4 -0.605885) (-1.5 2.4 1.2) (1.5 2.4 1.2) (1.5 -4 1.2) (-1.5 -4 1.2) ); blocks ( hex (0 3 7 4 1 2 6 5) (60 128 32) simpleGrading (1 1 1) ); edges ( ); boundary ( frontAndBack { type patch; faces ( (1 2 6 5) (0 4 7 3) ); } inlet { type patch; faces ( (2 3 7 6) ); } outlet { type patch; faces ( (0 1 5 4) ); } lowerWall { type wall; faces ( (0 1 2 3) ); } upperWall { type patch; faces ( (4 5 6 7) ); } ); // ************************************************************************* // Code:
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2.1.1 | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object snappyHexMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Which of the steps to run castellatedMesh true; snap true; addLayers true; // Geometry. Definition of all surfaces. All surfaces are of class // searchableSurface. // Surfaces are used // - to specify refinement for any mesh cell intersecting it // - to specify refinement for any mesh cell inside/outside/near // - to 'snap' the mesh boundary to the surface geometry { PTri.stl { type triSurfaceMesh; name PTri; } refinementBox { type searchableBox; min (-1.2 -3 -0.505885); max (1.2 2.25 0.9); } }; // Settings for the castellatedMesh generation. castellatedMeshControls { // Refinement parameters // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // If local number of cells is >= maxLocalCells on any processor // switches from from refinement followed by balancing // (current method) to (weighted) balancing before refinement. maxLocalCells 1000000; // Overall cell limit (approximately). Refinement will stop immediately // upon reaching this number so a refinement level might not complete. // Note that this is the number of cells before removing the part which // is not 'visible' from the keepPoint. The final number of cells might // actually be a lot less. maxGlobalCells 20000000; // The surface refinement loop might spend lots of iterations refining just a // few cells. This setting will cause refinement to stop if <= minimumRefine // are selected for refinement. Note: it will at least do one iteration // (unless the number of cells to refine is 0) minRefinementCells 10; // Allow a certain level of imbalance during refining // (since balancing is quite expensive) // Expressed as fraction of perfect balance (= overall number of cells / // nProcs). 0=balance always. maxLoadUnbalance 0.10; // Number of buffer layers between different levels. // 1 means normal 2:1 refinement restriction, larger means slower // refinement. nCellsBetweenLevels 3; // Explicit feature edge refinement // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Specifies a level for any cell intersected by its edges. // This is a featureEdgeMesh, read from constant/triSurface for now. features ( //{ // file "someLine.eMesh"; // level 2; //} ); // Surface based refinement // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Specifies two levels for every surface. The first is the minimum level, // every cell intersecting a surface gets refined up to the minimum level. // The second level is the maximum level. Cells that 'see' multiple // intersections where the intersections make an // angle > resolveFeatureAngle get refined up to the maximum level. refinementSurfaces { PTri { // Surface-wise min and max refinement level level (5 6); } } // Resolve sharp angles resolveFeatureAngle 30; // Region-wise refinement // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Specifies refinement level for cells in relation to a surface. One of // three modes // - distance. 'levels' specifies per distance to the surface the // wanted refinement level. The distances need to be specified in // descending order. // - inside. 'levels' is only one entry and only the level is used. All // cells inside the surface get refined up to the level. The surface // needs to be closed for this to be possible. // - outside. Same but cells outside. refinementRegions { refinementBox { mode inside; levels ((1E15 4)); } } // Mesh selection // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // After refinement patches get added for all refinementSurfaces and // all cells intersecting the surfaces get put into these patches. The // section reachable from the locationInMesh is kept. // NOTE: This point should never be on a face, always inside a cell, even // after refinement. locationInMesh (0.01000012312 0.910283903124 0.89749817401238); // Whether any faceZones (as specified in the refinementSurfaces) // are only on the boundary of corresponding cellZones or also allow // free-standing zone faces. Not used if there are no faceZones. allowFreeStandingZoneFaces true; } // Settings for the snapping. snapControls { //- Number of patch smoothing iterations before finding correspondence // to surface nSmoothPatch 3; //- Relative distance for points to be attracted by surface feature point // or edge. True distance is this factor times local // maximum edge length. tolerance 4.0; //- Number of mesh displacement relaxation iterations. nSolveIter 0; //- Maximum number of snapping relaxation iterations. Should stop // before upon reaching a correct mesh. nRelaxIter 5; //- Highly experimental and wip: number of feature edge snapping // iterations. Leave out altogether to disable. // Do not use here since mesh resolution too low and baffles present //nFeatureSnapIter 10; } // Settings for the layer addition. addLayersControls { // Are the thickness parameters below relative to the undistorted // size of the refined cell outside layer (true) or absolute sizes (false). relativeSizes true; // Per final patch (so not geometry!) the layer information layers { "(lowerWall|PTri).*" { nSurfaceLayers 1; } } // Expansion factor for layer mesh expansionRatio 1.0; //- Wanted thickness of final added cell layer. If multiple layers // is the // thickness of the layer furthest away from the wall. // Relative to undistorted size of cell outside layer. // is the thickness of the layer furthest away from the wall. // See relativeSizes parameter. finalLayerThickness 0.3; //- Minimum thickness of cell layer. If for any reason layer // cannot be above minThickness do not add layer. // Relative to undistorted size of cell outside layer. minThickness 0.1; //- If points get not extruded do nGrow layers of connected faces that are // also not grown. This helps convergence of the layer addition process // close to features. // Note: changed(corrected) w.r.t 17x! (didn't do anything in 17x) nGrow 0; // Advanced settings //- When not to extrude surface. 0 is flat surface, 90 is when two faces // make straight angle. featureAngle 30; //- Maximum number of snapping relaxation iterations. Should stop // before upon reaching a correct mesh. nRelaxIter 3; // Number of smoothing iterations of surface normals nSmoothSurfaceNormals 1; // Number of smoothing iterations of interior mesh movement direction nSmoothNormals 3; // Smooth layer thickness over surface patches nSmoothThickness 10; // Stop layer growth on highly warped cells maxFaceThicknessRatio 0.5; // Reduce layer growth where ratio thickness to medial // distance is large maxThicknessToMedialRatio 0.3; // Angle used to pick up medial axis points // Note: changed(corrected) w.r.t 17x! 90 degrees corresponds to 130 in 17x. minMedianAxisAngle 90; // Create buffer region for new layer terminations nBufferCellsNoExtrude 0; // Overall max number of layer addition iterations. The mesher will exit // if it reaches this number of iterations; possibly with an illegal // mesh. nLayerIter 50; } // Generic mesh quality settings. At any undoable phase these determine // where to undo. meshQualityControls { //- Maximum non-orthogonality allowed. Set to 180 to disable. maxNonOrtho 65; //- Max skewness allowed. Set to <0 to disable. maxBoundarySkewness 20; maxInternalSkewness 4; //- Max concaveness allowed. Is angle (in degrees) below which concavity // is allowed. 0 is straight face, <0 would be convex face. // Set to 180 to disable. maxConcave 80; //- Minimum pyramid volume. Is absolute volume of cell pyramid. // Set to a sensible fraction of the smallest cell volume expected. // Set to very negative number (e.g. -1E30) to disable. minVol 1e-13; //- Minimum quality of the tet formed by the face-centre // and variable base point minimum decomposition triangles and // the cell centre. This has to be a positive number for tracking // to work. Set to very negative number (e.g. -1E30) to // disable. // <0 = inside out tet, // 0 = flat tet // 1 = regular tet minTetQuality 1e-30; //- Minimum face area. Set to <0 to disable. minArea -1; //- Minimum face twist. Set to <-1 to disable. dot product of face normal //- and face centre triangles normal minTwist 0.02; //- minimum normalised cell determinant //- 1 = hex, <= 0 = folded or flattened illegal cell minDeterminant 0.001; //- minFaceWeight (0 -> 0.5) minFaceWeight 0.02; //- minVolRatio (0 -> 1) minVolRatio 0.01; //must be >0 for Fluent compatibility minTriangleTwist -1; // Advanced //- Number of error distribution iterations nSmoothScale 4; //- amount to scale back displacement at error points errorReduction 0.75; } // Advanced // Flags for optional output // 0 : only write final meshes // 1 : write intermediate meshes // 2 : write volScalarField with cellLevel for postprocessing // 4 : write current intersections as .obj files debug 0; // Merge tolerance. Is fraction of overall bounding box of initial mesh. // Note: the write tolerance needs to be higher than this. mergeTolerance 1e-6; // ************************************************************************* // |
October 11, 2014, 13:44 |
#2 |
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
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Greetings H25E,
Run the following commands, after you've ran blockMesh: Code:
checkMesh -allTopology -allGeometry -constant surfaceCheck constant/triSurface/PTri.stl Best regards, Bruno
October 11, 2014, 16:38 |
#3 |
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 27
Rep Power: 12 |
Thanks for your answer, I'm really stuck here. I generate a coarse mesh with blockMesh to accelerate the process (8000 cells) and then I executed sHM again but it returns the same error without writing any mesh.
I launched checkMesh and here we have the result: Code:
hector@pc:~/Desktop/porsche$ checkMesh -allTopology -allGeometry -constant /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2.1.1 | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Build : 2.1.1-221db2718bbb Exec : checkMesh -allTopology -allGeometry -constant Date : Oct 11 2014 Time : 21:23:53 Host : "pc" PID : 2854 Case : /home/hector/Desktop/porsche nProcs : 1 sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE). fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster allowSystemOperations : Disallowing user-supplied system call operations // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Create time Create polyMesh for time = constant Time = constant Mesh stats points: 9471 faces: 25400 internal faces: 22600 cells: 8000 boundary patches: 5 point zones: 0 face zones: 0 cell zones: 0 Overall number of cells of each type: hexahedra: 8000 prisms: 0 wedges: 0 pyramids: 0 tet wedges: 0 tetrahedra: 0 polyhedra: 0 Checking topology... Boundary definition OK. Cell to face addressing OK. Point usage OK. Upper triangular ordering OK. Face vertices OK. Topological cell zip-up check OK. Face-face connectivity OK. Number of regions: 1 (OK). Checking patch topology for multiply connected surfaces ... Patch Faces Points Surface topology Bounding box frontAndBack 1600 1722 ok (non-closed singly connected) (-1.5 -4 -0.605885) (1.5 2.4 1.2) inlet 400 451 ok (non-closed singly connected) (-1.5 -4 -0.605885) (1.5 -4 1.2) outlet 400 451 ok (non-closed singly connected) (-1.5 2.4 -0.605885) (1.5 2.4 1.2) lowerWall 200 231 ok (non-closed singly connected) (-1.5 -4 -0.605885) (1.5 2.4 -0.605885) upperWall 200 231 ok (non-closed singly connected) (-1.5 -4 1.2) (1.5 2.4 1.2) Checking geometry... Overall domain bounding box (-1.5 -4 -0.605885) (1.5 2.4 1.2) Mesh (non-empty, non-wedge) directions (1 1 1) Mesh (non-empty) directions (1 1 1) Boundary openness (-4.72339e-18 1.3379e-17 -2.9731e-17) OK. ***High aspect ratio cells found, Max aspect ratio: 2.60365e+198, number of cells 8000 <<Writing 8000 cells with high aspect ratio to set highAspectRatioCells Minumum face area = 0.0135441. Maximum face area = 0.096. Face area magnitudes OK. Min volume = 2e-300. Max volume = 2e-300. Total volume = 1.6e-296. Cell volumes OK. Mesh non-orthogonality Max: 180 average: 180 ***Number of non-orthogonality errors: 22600. <<Writing 22600 non-orthogonal faces to set nonOrthoFaces ***Error in face pyramids: 48000 faces are incorrectly oriented. <<Writing 25400 faces with incorrect orientation to set wrongOrientedFaces Max skewness = 5.78066e-13 OK. Coupled point location match (average 0) OK. ***Error in face tets: 73400 faces with low quality or negative volume decomposition tets. <<Writing 25400 faces with low quality or negative volume decomposition tets to set lowQualityTetFaces Min/max edge length = 0.0451471 0.32 OK. All angles in faces OK. Face flatness (1 = flat, 0 = butterfly) : average = 1 min = 1 All face flatness OK. Cell determinant (wellposedness) : minimum: 0.0255014 average: 0.491182 Cell determinant check OK. ***Concave cells (using face planes) found, number of cells: 8000 <<Writing 8000 concave cells to set concaveCells Failed 5 mesh checks. End |
October 11, 2014, 16:39 |
#4 |
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 27
Rep Power: 12 |
And with surfaceCheck:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2.1.1 | | \\ / A nd | Web: www.OpenFOAM.org | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Build : 2.1.1-221db2718bbb Exec : surfaceCheck constant/triSurface/PTri.obj Date : Oct 11 2014 Time : 21:35:15 Host : "pc" PID : 2868 Case : /home/hector/Desktop/porsche nProcs : 1 sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE). fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster allowSystemOperations : Disallowing user-supplied system call operations // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Reading surface from "constant/triSurface/PTri.obj" ... Statistics: Triangles : 21855 Vertices : 13022 Bounding Box : (-0.98043 -0.605885 -2.26228) (0.980019 0.665978 2.2003) Region Size ------ ---- part 21855 Surface has no illegal triangles. Triangle quality (equilateral=1, collapsed=0): 0 .. 0.05 : 0.0946237 0.05 .. 0.1 : 0.101304 0.1 .. 0.15 : 0.0812171 0.15 .. 0.2 : 0.0583391 0.2 .. 0.25 : 0.0551361 0.25 .. 0.3 : 0.0472203 0.3 .. 0.35 : 0.0565088 0.35 .. 0.4 : 0.0479524 0.4 .. 0.45 : 0.0419584 0.45 .. 0.5 : 0.0580645 0.5 .. 0.55 : 0.0582933 0.55 .. 0.6 : 0.0677191 0.6 .. 0.65 : 0.0447952 0.65 .. 0.7 : 0.0424159 0.7 .. 0.75 : 0.0244795 0.75 .. 0.8 : 0.0344086 0.8 .. 0.85 : 0.0275452 0.85 .. 0.9 : 0.0186685 0.9 .. 0.95 : 0.0209105 0.95 .. 1 : 0.0184397 min 3.02579e-07 for triangle 798 max 0.999996 for triangle 21569 Edges: min 0.00125755 for edge 1576 points (-0.699321 0.281457 1.68512)(-0.699931 0.282372 1.68573) max 1.57158 for edge 20330 points (0.137944 -0.460121 0.746644)(-0.000632 -0.454017 -0.818798) Checking for points less than 1E-6 of bounding box ((1.96045 1.27186 4.46258) meter) apart. close unconnected points 4182 (0.673681 -0.310279 0.171876) and 11936 (0.67368 -0.310279 0.171876) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3844 (-0.584833 0.536278 -0.170445) and 1223 (-0.584833 0.536278 -0.170444) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3867 (-0.755935 -0.307533 -0.042439) and 4634 (-0.755934 -0.307533 -0.042439) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3842 (-0.640512 0.425194 -0.342825) and 1228 (-0.640512 0.425194 -0.342824) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3703 (0.733105 -0.008766 0.447708) and 12072 (0.733105 -0.008766 0.447707) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 1535 (-0.702406 0.244835 0.494323) and 9526 (-0.702406 0.244835 0.494322) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 9711 (-0.643773 0.387963 0.54402) and 1534 (-0.643773 0.387963 0.544019) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 4185 (0.67794 -0.304786 -0.610599) and 11930 (0.67794 -0.304786 -0.610598) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2819 (-0.736875 0.214623 -0.633886) and 7972 (-0.736874 0.214623 -0.633885) distance:1.41421e-06 close unconnected points 3172 (-0.718001 0.222558 -0.693105) and 8323 (-0.718001 0.222558 -0.693104) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3726 (-0.784802 -0.348732 -0.652158) and 4620 (-0.784801 -0.348732 -0.652158) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2904 (-0.847406 -0.025855 -0.70643) and 4638 (-0.847406 -0.025855 -0.706429) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2478 (0.84632 -0.025855 -0.707779) and 3766 (0.84632 -0.025855 -0.707778) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2905 (-0.846187 -0.086891 -0.708262) and 4639 (-0.846187 -0.086891 -0.708261) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2476 (0.845097 -0.086891 -0.709609) and 3764 (0.845097 -0.086891 -0.709608) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2471 (0.828628 -0.295021 -0.697084) and 3763 (0.828628 -0.295021 -0.697083) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3806 (-0.433543 0.543297 0.881377) and 1488 (-0.433543 0.543297 0.881376) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 28 (-0.821758 -0.359107 -0.690581) and 3729 (-0.821758 -0.359107 -0.69058) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 1517 (0.663591 0.272301 0.914988) and 3828 (0.663591 0.272301 0.914987) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2469 (0.829195 -0.359413 -0.751406) and 184 (0.829195 -0.359413 -0.751405) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3821 (0.602429 0.352257 1.13751) and 1507 (0.602428 0.352257 1.13751) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 4170 (0.001613 0.324792 1.61589) and 1497 (0.001612 0.324792 1.61589) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2757 (-0.550327 0.123986 -1.6759) and 9331 (-0.550326 0.123986 -1.6759) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2652 (0.70244 0.127038 -1.65279) and 1415 (0.702439 0.127038 -1.65279) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 2697 (0.542037 -0.029823 -1.88552) and 5711 (0.542036 -0.029823 -1.88552) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3257 (-0.677451 -0.062171 -1.89034) and 7399 (-0.67745 -0.062171 -1.89034) distance:1e-06 close unconnected points 3258 (-0.648165 -0.066749 -1.9041) and 7401 (-0.648164 -0.066749 -1.9041) distance:1e-06 Found 27 nearby points. Surface is not closed since not all edges connected to two faces: connected to one face : 4550 connected to >2 faces : 381 Conflicting face labels:5841 Dumping conflicting face labels to "problemFaces" Paste this into the input for surfaceSubset Number of unconnected parts : 295 Splitting surface into parts ... writing part 0 size 12340 to "PTri_0.obj" writing part 1 size 4 to "PTri_1.obj" writing part 2 size 434 to "PTri_2.obj" writing part 3 size 38 to "PTri_3.obj" writing part 4 size 553 to "PTri_4.obj" writing part 5 size 25 to "PTri_5.obj" writing part 6 size 315 to "PTri_6.obj" writing part 7 size 13 to "PTri_7.obj" writing part 8 size 16 to "PTri_8.obj" writing part 9 size 16 to "PTri_9.obj" writing part 10 size 36 to "PTri_10.obj" writing part 11 size 40 to "PTri_11.obj" writing part 12 size 75 to "PTri_12.obj" writing part 13 size 4 to "PTri_13.obj" writing part 14 size 4 to "PTri_14.obj" writing part 15 size 4 to "PTri_15.obj" writing part 16 size 4 to "PTri_16.obj" writing part 17 size 4 to "PTri_17.obj" writing part 18 size 5 to "PTri_18.obj" writing part 19 size 225 to "PTri_19.obj" writing part 20 size 10 to "PTri_20.obj" writing part 21 size 10 to "PTri_21.obj" writing part 22 size 10 to "PTri_22.obj" writing part 23 size 72 to "PTri_23.obj" writing part 24 size 6 to "PTri_24.obj" writing part 25 size 6 to "PTri_25.obj" writing part 26 size 8 to "PTri_26.obj" writing part 27 size 72 to "PTri_27.obj" writing part 28 size 8 to "PTri_28.obj" writing part 29 size 16 to "PTri_29.obj" writing part 30 size 8 to "PTri_30.obj" writing part 31 size 6 to "PTri_31.obj" writing part 32 size 16 to "PTri_32.obj" writing part 33 size 10 to "PTri_33.obj" writing part 34 size 6 to "PTri_34.obj" writing part 35 size 2 to "PTri_35.obj" writing part 36 size 339 to "PTri_36.obj" writing part 37 size 132 to "PTri_37.obj" writing part 38 size 2 to "PTri_38.obj" writing part 39 size 2 to "PTri_39.obj" writing part 40 size 132 to "PTri_40.obj" writing part 41 size 32 to "PTri_41.obj" writing part 42 size 30 to "PTri_42.obj" writing part 43 size 20 to "PTri_43.obj" writing part 44 size 152 to "PTri_44.obj" writing part 45 size 112 to "PTri_45.obj" writing part 46 size 12 to "PTri_46.obj" writing part 47 size 24 to "PTri_47.obj" writing part 48 size 26 to "PTri_48.obj" writing part 49 size 14 to "PTri_49.obj" writing part 50 size 34 to "PTri_50.obj" writing part 51 size 8 to "PTri_51.obj" writing part 52 size 19 to "PTri_52.obj" writing part 53 size 2 to "PTri_53.obj" writing part 54 size 2 to "PTri_54.obj" writing part 55 size 25 to "PTri_55.obj" writing part 56 size 6 to "PTri_56.obj" writing part 57 size 4 to "PTri_57.obj" writing part 58 size 4 to "PTri_58.obj" writing part 59 size 20 to "PTri_59.obj" writing part 60 size 15 to "PTri_60.obj" writing part 61 size 2 to "PTri_61.obj" writing part 62 size 4 to "PTri_62.obj" writing part 63 size 65 to "PTri_63.obj" writing part 64 size 22 to "PTri_64.obj" writing part 65 size 32 to "PTri_65.obj" writing part 66 size 6 to "PTri_66.obj" writing part 67 size 12 to "PTri_67.obj" writing part 68 size 90 to "PTri_68.obj" writing part 69 size 24 to "PTri_69.obj" writing part 70 size 90 to "PTri_70.obj" writing part 71 size 30 to "PTri_71.obj" writing part 72 size 2 to "PTri_72.obj" writing part 73 size 4 to "PTri_73.obj" writing part 74 size 8 to "PTri_74.obj" writing part 75 size 4 to "PTri_75.obj" writing part 76 size 2 to "PTri_76.obj" writing part 77 size 48 to "PTri_77.obj" writing part 78 size 2 to "PTri_78.obj" writing part 79 size 2 to "PTri_79.obj" writing part 80 size 52 to "PTri_80.obj" writing part 81 size 5 to "PTri_81.obj" writing part 82 size 4 to "PTri_82.obj" writing part 83 size 30 to "PTri_83.obj" writing part 84 size 4 to "PTri_84.obj" writing part 85 size 6 to "PTri_85.obj" writing part 86 size 6 to "PTri_86.obj" writing part 87 size 6 to "PTri_87.obj" writing part 88 size 16 to "PTri_88.obj" writing part 89 size 2 to "PTri_89.obj" writing part 90 size 2 to "PTri_90.obj" 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size 553 to "PTri_279.obj" writing part 280 size 25 to "PTri_280.obj" writing part 281 size 315 to "PTri_281.obj" writing part 282 size 13 to "PTri_282.obj" writing part 283 size 16 to "PTri_283.obj" writing part 284 size 16 to "PTri_284.obj" writing part 285 size 36 to "PTri_285.obj" writing part 286 size 40 to "PTri_286.obj" writing part 287 size 75 to "PTri_287.obj" writing part 288 size 4 to "PTri_288.obj" writing part 289 size 4 to "PTri_289.obj" writing part 290 size 4 to "PTri_290.obj" writing part 291 size 4 to "PTri_291.obj" writing part 292 size 4 to "PTri_292.obj" writing part 293 size 5 to "PTri_293.obj" writing part 294 size 225 to "PTri_294.obj" Thanks for your time PD: double post due to max length post limitation. |
October 11, 2014, 17:48 |
#5 |
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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Hi H25E,
Oh my! I wasn't expecting the base mesh to have so many errors!! I gave it a quick try myself and apparently you didn't notice these warning messages that blockMesh gives you: Code:
Creating block mesh topology --> FOAM Warning : From function cellModel::mag(const labelList&, const pointField&) in file meshes/meshShapes/cellModel/cellModel.C at line 128 zero or negative pyramid volume: -5.77883 for face 0 --> FOAM Warning : From function cellModel::mag(const labelList&, const pointField&) in file meshes/meshShapes/cellModel/cellModel.C at line 128 zero or negative pyramid volume: -5.77883 for face 1 --> FOAM Warning : From function cellModel::mag(const labelList&, const pointField&) in file meshes/meshShapes/cellModel/cellModel.C at line 128 zero or negative pyramid volume: -5.77883 for face 2 --> FOAM Warning : From function cellModel::mag(const labelList&, const pointField&) in file meshes/meshShapes/cellModel/cellModel.C at line 128 zero or negative pyramid volume: -5.77883 for face 3 --> FOAM Warning : From function cellModel::mag(const labelList&, const pointField&) in file meshes/meshShapes/cellModel/cellModel.C at line 128 zero or negative pyramid volume: -5.77883 for face 4 --> FOAM Warning : From function cellModel::mag(const labelList&, const pointField&) in file meshes/meshShapes/cellModel/cellModel.C at line 128 zero or negative pyramid volume: -5.77883 for face 5 --> FOAM Warning : From function blockMesh::createTopology(IOdictionary&) in file blockMesh/blockMeshTopology.C at line 255 negative volume block : 0, probably defined inside-out --> FOAM Warning : From function polyMesh::polyMesh(... construct from shapes...) in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshFromShapeMesh.C at line 888 From what I checked, the order of the vertices for the block are incorrect. This works properly: Code:
hex (1 2 6 5 0 3 7 4) (60 128 32) simpleGrading (1 1 1) There is no option for surfaceCheck to not give you all of those obj files. It's clearly trying to tell you that the surface mesh is reaaaaaaally bad and it's pointing out every single piece it was able to find, so that you can inspect yourself as to why that's different from all other pieces . As for repairing the STL file, there is already a lot of information here: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Sn...xing_STL_files Best regards, Bruno
October 12, 2014, 14:02 |
#6 |
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Well, this is being a bit demotivating...
About the first part, I thought my blocmeshdict was correct. You took my last 4 points and put them at the beginning, what's the difference? Anyway I achieve to install PyFoam but when I launched it there was an error that googling I found that i had to install VTK python. I had some problems to install it and I belive that is not correctly installed. I followed this steps: HTML Code:
http://kazenotaiyo.blogspot.com.es/2010/06/installing-vtk-in-ubuntu-and-making.html Code:
Using system-VTK PyFoam WARNING on line 282 of file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/DisplayBlockMeshQt.py : While reading Desktop/porsche/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict this happened: 'patches' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/pyFoamDisplayBlockMesh.py", line 11, in <module> DisplayBlockMesh() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/DisplayBlockMeshQt.py", line 744, in __init__ nr=1) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/PyFoamApplicationQt4.py", line 37, in __init__ exactNr=exactNr) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/PyFoamApplication.py", line 155, in __init__ result=self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/PyFoamApplicationQt4.py", line 59, in run self.setupGUI() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/DisplayBlockMeshQt.py", line 751, in setupGUI self.dialog=DisplayBlockMeshDialog(bmFile) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyFoam/Applications/DisplayBlockMeshQt.py", line 283, in __init__ raise e KeyError: 'patches' I believe that i have 4 problems. The first the nearby points, that i found the solution. The second is the edges connected only to one point, here I found one solution using admesh but it changes the original gemotry generating for example massif rims. There are two more problems, edges connected to >2 faces and the unnconected parts, that I hadn't found the solution. I have to solve all this 4 problems to achieve sHM the models? Again, thanks for your time. It's my first time with linux and openFoam and it's being harder than I expected. |
October 12, 2014, 14:30 |
#7 | |||
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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Whoever told you OpenFOAM is easy to use, lied Well, perhaps didn't lie, but omitted that OpenFOAM is reaaaaaaally very picky about every single detail, no matter how small. We could say it's relentlessly unforgiving, because it's trying to simulate the real life physics, which are also unforgiving
Remember, unless in certain special conditions, gravity will always work and is also unforgiving Quote:
I honestly don't use much PyFoam, so I'm not familiar with its limitations. Quote:
"Real life is hard. Properly simulating real life is harder." |
October 13, 2014, 08:28 |
#8 |
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Well, to create a positive volume I have to indicate to blockMesh to start in positive coordinates and go to negative ones? That way it worked and sHM could mesh but... It meshed the internal part of the car!! and nothing in the outside, how can modify this to mesh the car for external flow? Maybe I have to modify the stl and make it chunky?
And, the low quality of my 3D models will interference the simulation results? EDIT: I answer myself to the first question, putting the locationmesh point in the external part of the car, that way sHM meshed the external part but also the internal one, which is not the best solution... Last edited by H25E; October 17, 2014 at 14:55. |
October 18, 2014, 16:11 |
#9 | ||
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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Hi H25E,
It very likely has a hole in the chassis or tires somewhere, which lead the mesh to leak into the car model I strongly suggest that you start working with the simplest possible model first, so that you can gradually increase the level of complexity of your problem, without ending up in a situation where there are too many possible variables... for example, as the blog posts above indicate By the way, this blog post of mine and the links therein might also come in handy: OpenFOAM: Interesting cases of bad meshes and bad initial conditions - You should notice the protocol on how problems can be isolated on each issue . Best regards, Bruno
October 19, 2014, 07:16 |
#10 |
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Well, I have already assigned the engineering final project so now I have to continue althought the problems as I can.
The gaps that could be between faces due to the bad quality mesh also allows to sHM leak into the interior of the car? Or it's only a problem about the 3D model has a hole intentionally created by the author somewhere? Thanks for your time |
October 26, 2014, 11:07 |
#11 | ||
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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Hi H25E,
In theory, you would start training your body to be able to handle gradually 50, 70, 80, 90, 100kg and so on, all the way up to where your body could develop to lift those 500 kg. Lifting strategies would also come in handy. The same is applicable to this situation you're in... conceptually, that is . If you do not have enough training/experience to solve this issue directly, you will need to change your starting point and then gradually increase the difficulty/complexity of the problem until you reach your final objective. This is essentially what I wrote in the previous post. Quote:
I've remembered about a project I saw some years ago... one with a Vespa... on their website, they detailed some of the issues and solutions they went through. This post in particular should come in handy to you: http://www.vespalabs.org/Projects/Ve...Vespa_3D_Model Best regards, Bruno |
November 10, 2014, 12:27 |
#12 |
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Well, I was trainning all this time with blender and meshlab to close this gaps and well it worked, sometimes xD. The main problem is that designers build the cars in different layers and then when someone tries to package all in the same product, the vertexs that must concur don't concur. Thanks for the help, you can close the threat.
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