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#1 |
New Member
Felix Apel
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 15
Rep Power: 17 ![]() |
I'm working on the lid driven cavity problem and found a matlab code in the forum which works. My aim is to implement this code in java (allredy done without SIP solver) and use BiCGStab/CG to solve the matrix systems. The main interesting point is, that I have ported both mentioned solvers to run on the GPU. Speedup so far is around 5 (compared to one CPU core). My problem now is, that I have to transfer the coeffs in the program to a matrix to solve the equation system. For the impuls equation it works fine but the pressure equation is not solved as it should. Has somebody an idea how to solve my problem? Thinks in advance Felix Here is the code: Code:
%%% pcolm - a simplified version of pcol.f code (Peric, 1997) %%% %%% This version is writen for matlab. %%% %%% Gabriel Usera - Feb/2007 %%% %%% This version is setup for Lid-Driven Cavity flow. %%% %%% To set up other flows B.C. require modification. %%% %%% Typical user input is covered in lines 43 to 90, %%% including all numerical parameters, fluid properties %%% and grid specification (lines 89 and 90). %%% %%% Boundary Conditions are specified in lines : %%% 126 - Initial B.C. setup for Velocity %%% 288-332 - Complete B.C. for Velocity %%% 431-435 - B.C. for mass balance/pressure equation %%% %%% Please keep this version 'as it is' and rename %%% the versions that you modify ('poclm9538.m' or %%% something like that). %%% %%% To run : %%% >> [X,Y,XC,YC,FX,FY,U,V,P,F1,F2]=pcolm; %%% %%% To plot : %%% >> plotm; %%% %%% function [X,Y,XC,YC,FX,FY,U,V,P,F1,F2]=pcolm; global LTIME LTEST % Logic variables, Steady/Transient and Testing global IPR JPR IU IV IP % (IPR,JPR) Pressure reference. IU,IV,IP Equation tags. global NI NJ NIM NJM NIJ LI % Domain dimensions and indexing vector LI=(I-1)*NJ global X Y XC YC FX FY % Domain coordinates and interpolation factors global DENSIT VISC GDS DT DTR SMALL ALFA ULID % Fluid properties, Blending factor, Time step,... global U V P PP F1 F2 DPX DPY U0 V0 % Variables: velocities, pressure, mass flux, pressure gradient... global AE AW AS AN AP APR SU SV % Coefficient matrices global SOR URF NSW RESOR % Iteration control parameters %%% INPUT DATA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% ITIM=0; % Set iteration counter to 0 TIME=0.; % Set initial time to 0. % LTEST=0; % Logic Flag : Testing ? LTEST=1, otherwise LTEST=0. LTIME=0; % Logic Flag : Stationary (0) or Transient (1) ? % MAXIT=10; % Maximum number of outer iterations in each time step IMON=2; % Index (I) for monitoring location JMON=2; % Index (J) for monitoring location IPR=2; % Index (I) for pressure reference point JPR=2; % Index (J) for pressure reference point SORMAX=1e-4; % Residual level for stopping outer iterations SLARGE=1e+3; % Residual level for divergence ALFA=0.92; % Parameter for linear solver SIPSOL % DENSIT=1.0; % Fluid density VISC= 1.e-2; % Fluid viscosity ULID= 1.; % Lid velcity for lid driven cavity % UIN=0.; % Initial value for U velocity (usually 0.) VIN=0.; % Initial value for V velocity (usually 0.) PIN=0.; % Initial valur for Pressure (usually 0.) % ITST=10; % Number of time steps (1 for steady flow, LTIME=0) DT=0.1; % Time step in seconds (meaningless for steady flow) % IU=1; % Tag for U equation IV=2; % Tag for V equation IP=3; % Tag for P equation % URF(IU)=0.8; % Under relaxation parameter for U URF(IV)=0.8; % Under relaxation parameter for V URF(IP)=0.2; % Under relaxation parameter for P % SOR(IU)=0.2; % Ratio of residual reduction for linear solver : U SOR(IV)=0.2; % Ratio of residual reduction for linear solver : V SOR(IP)=0.2; % Ratio of residual reduction for linear solver : P % NSW(IU)=1; % Maximum number of linear solver iterations : U NSW(IV)=1; % Maximum number of linear solver iterations : V NSW(IP)=6; % Maximum number of linear solver iterations : P % GDS=1.0; % UDS - CDS Blending for U,V % %%% GRID DATA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% X=[0:.5:1,1]'; % X - cell volume coordinates (only tested uniform spacing) Y=[0:.5:1,1]'; % Y - cell volume coordinates (only tested uniform spacing) % NI=length(X); % Number of points in X ( + 1 ) NJ=length(Y); % Number of points in Y ( + 1 ) NIM=NI-1; % NI - 1 NJM=NJ-1; % NJ - 1 NIJ=NI*NJ; % Total number of points %%% Indexing vector for k=(i-1)*NJ+j indexing style LI=([1:NI]-1)*NJ; % %%% X cell center coordinate XC=X; XC(2:NIM)=0.5*(X(1:NIM-1)+X(2:NIM)); %%% Y cell center coordinate YC=Y; YC(2:NJM)=0.5*(Y(1:NJM-1)+Y(2:NJM)); %%% Interpolation factors (in uniform grid FX=FY=0.5 except at boundaries) FX(1:NIM)=(X(1:NIM)-XC(1:NIM))./(XC(2:NI)-XC(1:NIM)); FX(NI)=0.; FY(1:NJM)=(Y(1:NJM)-YC(1:NJM))./(YC(2:NJ)-YC(1:NJM)); FY(NJ)=0.; %%% SET SOME CONTROL VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SMALL=1.e-15; % Small number GREAT=1.e+15; % Big number DTR=1./DT; % Reciprocal of time step RESOR=zeros(3,1); % Initialize array to store residuals A=zeros(NIJ,NIJ); %%% Monitoring location IJMON=LI(IMON)+JMON; %%% INITIALIZE FIELDS and ARRAYS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [U,V,P,PP,U0,V0,F1,F2,DPX,DPY]=deal(zeros(NIJ,1)); [AP,AE,AW,AN,AS,APR,SU,SV]=deal(zeros(NIJ,1)); %%% FIXED BOUNDARY AND INITIAL CONDITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% North wall velocity for I=2:NIM, U(LI(I)+NJ)=ULID; end; %%% Intial conditions for I=2:NIM, for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, U(IJ)=UIN; V(IJ)=VIN; P(IJ)=PIN; U0(IJ)=UIN; V0(IJ)=VIN; end; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% TIME LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ITIMS=ITIM+1; % Update iteration counter to first iteration ITIME=ITIM+ITST; % Final number of iterations % for ITIM=ITIMS:ITIME, % Set time loop TIME=TIME+DT; % Update time % if LTIME, U0=U; V0=V; end; % Shift solutions in time % %%% HEADDING FOR THIS TIME STEP disp([' ']); disp(['************************************************* *************']); disp(['TIME=',num2str(TIME,'%0.2E%')]); disp([' ']); disp(['IT.--RES(U)----RES(V)----RES(P)-----UMON-----VMON-----PMON----']); % % %%% OUTER ITERATIONS LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for ITER=1:MAXIT CALCUV; % Call CALCUV routine to update U and V CALCP; % Call CALCP routine to update P,F1,F2 and U,V again % % Display information about residuals and monitor point values disp([num2str(ITER),' ',num2str(RESOR(IU),'%0.2E'),' ',num2str(RESOR(IV),'%0.2e'),... ' ',num2str(RESOR(IP),'%0.2e'),' ',num2str(U(IJMON) ,'%0.2e'),... ' ',num2str(V(IJMON) ,'%0.2e'),' ',num2str(P(IJMON) ,'%0.2e')]); % % Check convergence SOURCE=max(RESOR([IU,IV,IP])); if SOURCE>SLARGE, break; end; if SOURCE<SORMAX, break; end; end; % % Return/Break if DIVERGING if SOURCE>SLARGE, disp('DIVERGING'); return; end; end; % disp([' ']); disp(['CALCULATION FINISHED - SEE RESULTS IN [X,Y,XC,YC,FX,FY,U,V,P,F1,F2]']); % return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function CALCUV global LTIME LTEST global IPR JPR IU IV IP global NI NJ NIM NJM NIJ LI global X Y XC YC FX FY global DENSIT VISC GDS DT DTR SMALL ALFA ULID global U V P PP F1 F2 DPX DPY U0 V0 global AE AW AS AN AP APR SU SV global SOR URF NSW RESOR %%% INITIALIZE COEFFICIENTS AND SOURCE TERMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [AP,AE,AW,AN,AS,SU,SV,APR]=deal(zeros(NIJ,1)); A=zeros(NIJ,NIJ); %%% FLUXES THROUGH INTERNAL EAST CV FACES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM-1, FXE=FX(I); % Interpolation Factor FXP=1.-FXE; % DXPE=XC(I+1)-XC(I); % Distance P->E % for J=2:NJM, IJ=LI(I)+J; % Index IJ to P IJE=IJ+NJ; % Index IJE to E % S=Y(J)-Y(J-1); % Cell face 'area' D=VISC*S/DXPE; % Coefficient for diffusive flux % CE=min(F1(IJ),0.); % Mass fluxes, upwind from E CP=max(F1(IJ),0.); % Mass fluxes, upwind from P % FUUDS=CP*U(IJ)+CE*U(IJE); % Explicit convective fluxes UDS, U FVUDS=CP*V(IJ)+CE*V(IJE); % Explicit convective fluxes UDS, V FUCDS=F1(IJ)*(U(IJE)*FXE+U(IJ)*FXP); % Explicit convective fluxes CDS, U FVCDS=F1(IJ)*(V(IJE)*FXE+V(IJ)*FXP); % Explicit convective fluxes CDS, V % AE(IJ )=+CE-D; % Coefficient for E in P AW(IJE)=-CP-D; % Coefficient for W in E A(IJ,IJE)=AE(IJ); A(IJE,IJ)=AW(IJE); % SU(IJ )=SU(IJ )+GDS*(FUUDS-FUCDS); % Source term for P, U SU(IJE)=SU(IJE)-GDS*(FUUDS-FUCDS); % Source term for E, U SV(IJ )=SV(IJ )+GDS*(FVUDS-FVCDS); % Source term for P, V SV(IJE)=SV(IJE)-GDS*(FVUDS-FVCDS); % Source term for E, V end; end; %%% FLUXES THROUGH INTERNAL NORTH CV FACES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for J=2:NJM-1, FYN=FY(J); % Interpolation Factor FYP=1.-FYN; % DYPN=YC(J+1)-YC(J); % Distance P->N % for I=2:NIM, IJ=LI(I)+J; % Index IJ to P IJN=IJ+1; % Index IJN to N % S=X(I)-X(I-1); % Cell face 'area' D=VISC*S/DYPN; % Coefficient for diffusive flux % CN=min(F2(IJ),0.); % Mass fluxes, upwind from E CP=max(F2(IJ),0.); % Mass fluxes, upwind from P % FUUDS=CP*U(IJ)+CN*U(IJN); % Explicit convective fluxes UDS, U FVUDS=CP*V(IJ)+CN*V(IJN); % Explicit convective fluxes UDS, V FUCDS=F2(IJ)*(U(IJN)*FYN+U(IJ)*FYP); % Explicit convective fluxes CDS, U FVCDS=F2(IJ)*(V(IJN)*FYN+V(IJ)*FYP); % Explicit convective fluxes CDS, V % AN(IJ )=+CN-D; % Coefficient for E AS(IJN)=-CP-D; % Coefficient for W A(IJ,IJN)=AN(IJ); A(IJN,IJ)=AS(IJN); % SU(IJ )=SU(IJ )+GDS*(FUUDS-FUCDS); % Source term for P, U SU(IJN)=SU(IJN)-GDS*(FUUDS-FUCDS); % Source term for N, U SV(IJ )=SV(IJ )+GDS*(FVUDS-FVCDS); % Source term for P, V SV(IJN)=SV(IJN)-GDS*(FVUDS-FVCDS); % Source term for N, V end; end; %%% VOLUME INTEGRALS (SOURCE TERMS) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM, % Loop I direction DX=X(I)-X(I-1); % Cell length for J=2:NJM, % Loop J direction DY=Y(J)-Y(J-1); % Cell heigth VOL=DX*DY; % Cell Volume IJ=LI(I)+J; % IJ index to P % PE=P(IJ+NJ)*FX(I )+P(IJ )*(1.-FX(I )); % Pressure at 'e' PW=P(IJ )*FX(I-1)+P(IJ-NJ)*(1.-FX(I-1)); % Pressure at 'w' PN=P(IJ+ 1)*FY(J )+P(IJ )*(1.-FY(J )); % Pressure at 'n' PS=P(IJ )*FY(J-1)+P(IJ- 1)*(1.-FY(J-1)); % Pressure at 's' DPX(IJ)=(PE-PW)/DX; % Pressure X-gradient DPY(IJ)=(PN-PS)/DY; % Pressure Y-gradient SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)-DPX(IJ)*VOL; % Pressure term - U SV(IJ)=SV(IJ)-DPY(IJ)*VOL; % Pressure term - V % if LTIME, % Unsteady ? APT=DENSIT*VOL*DTR; % Coefficient SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)+APT*U0(IJ); % Source term - U SV(IJ)=SV(IJ)+APT*V0(IJ); % Source term - V AP(IJ)=AP(IJ)+APT; % AP Coef. end; end; end; %%% BOUNDARY CONDITIONS U,V %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% SOUTH BOUNDARY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% for I=2:NIM, % Loop I direction IJ=LI(I)+2; IJB=IJ-1; % IJ,IJB to South Boundary (J=2) U(IJB)=0.; % Set South wall U velocity V(IJB)=0.; % Set South wall V velocity D=VISC*(X(I)-X(I-1))/(YC(2)-YC(1)); % Diffusion coef. AP(IJ)=AP(IJ)+D; % Coef for P SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)+D*U(IJB); % Sourec term - U SV(IJ)=SV(IJ)+D*V(IJB); % Sourec term - V end; %%% NORTH BOUNDARY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% for I=2:NIM, IJ=LI(I)+NJM; IJB=IJ+1; U(IJB)=ULID; V(IJB)=0.; D=VISC*(X(I)-X(I-1))/(YC(NJ)-YC(NJM)); AP(IJ)=AP(IJ)+D; SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)+D*U(IJB); SV(IJ)=SV(IJ)+D*V(IJB); end; %%% WEST BOUNDARY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% for J=2:NJM, IJ=LI(2)+J; IJB=IJ-NJ; U(IJB)=0.; V(IJB)=0.; D=VISC*(Y(J)-Y(J-1))/(XC(2)-XC(1)); AP(IJ)=AP(IJ)+D; SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)+D*U(IJB); SV(IJ)=SV(IJ)+D*V(IJB); end; %%% EAST BOUNDARY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% for J=2:NJM, IJ=LI(NIM)+J; IJB=IJ+NJ; U(IJB)=0.; V(IJB)=0.; D=VISC*(Y(J)-Y(J-1))/(XC(NI)-XC(NIM)); AP(IJ)=AP(IJ)+D; SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)+D*U(IJB); SV(IJ)=SV(IJ)+D*V(IJB); end; %%% SOLVE EQUATIONS FOR U AND V %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%% UNDER RELAXATION, SOLVING FOR U-VELOCITY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM, for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, APR(IJ)=AP(IJ); AP(IJ)=(APR(IJ)-AE(IJ)-AW(IJ)-AN(IJ)-AS(IJ))/URF(IU); A(IJ,IJ)=AP(IJ); SU(IJ)=SU(IJ)+(1.-URF(IU))*AP(IJ)*U(IJ); end; end; %%% SOLVE for U U2=SIPSOL(U,IU); U=Bicgstab(A,SU,1e-4,1000,U); %%% UNDER RELAXATION, SOLVING FOR V-VELOCITY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM, for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, AP(IJ)=(APR(IJ)-AE(IJ)-AW(IJ)-AN(IJ)-AS(IJ))/URF(IV); SU(IJ)=SV(IJ)+(1.-URF(IV))*AP(IJ)*V(IJ); APR(IJ)=1./AP(IJ); end; end; %%% SOLVE for V V2=SIPSOL(V,IV); V=Bicgstab(A,SU,1e-4,1000,V); return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % function CALCP; global LTIME LTEST global IPR JPR IU IV IP global NI NJ NIM NJM NIJ LI global X Y XC YC FX FY global DENSIT VISC GDS DT DTR SMALL ALFA ULID global U V P PP F1 F2 DPX DPY U0 V0 global AE AW AS AN AP APR SU SV global SOR URF NSW RESOR %%% INITIALIZE COEFFICIENTS AND SOURCE TERMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [AP,AE,AW,AN,AS,SU]=deal(zeros(NIJ,1)); A=zeros(NIJ,NIJ); %%% EAST CV FACES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% for I=2:NIM-1, % Loop I direction DXPE=XC(I+1)-XC(I); % Distance P->E FXE=FX(I); % Interpolation factor FXP=1.-FXE; % Interpolation factor % for J=2:NJM, % Loop J direction IJ=LI(I)+J; % Index IJ to P IJE=IJ+NJ; % Index IJE to E S=Y(J)-Y(J-1); % Cell face 'area' VOLE=DXPE*S; % Volume between P and E D=DENSIT*S; % Coefficient % DPXEL=0.5*(DPX(IJE)+DPX(IJ)); % Interpolated gradient in 'e' UEL=U(IJE)*FXE+U(IJ)*FXP; % Interpolated U-velocity in 'e' APUE=APR(IJE)*FXE+APR(IJ)*FXP; % Interpolated 1/AP coeff. in 'e' % DPXE=(P(IJE)-P(IJ))/DXPE; % Gradient in 'e', compact aprox. UE=UEL-APUE*VOLE*(DPXE-DPXEL); % Corrected U velocity in 'e' F1(IJ)=D*UE; % Mass flux through 'e' face % AE(IJ)=-D*APUE*S; % Coefficient for E in P AW(IJE)=AE(IJ); % Coefficient for W in E A(IJ,IJE)=AE(IJ); A(IJE,IJ)=AW(IJE); end; end; %%% NORTH CV FACES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% for J=2:NJM-1, % Loop J direction DYPN=YC(J+1)-YC(J); % Distance P->N FYN=FY(J); % Interpolation factor FYP=1.-FYN; % Interpolation factor % for I=2:NIM, % Loop I direction IJ=LI(I)+J; % Index IJ to P IJN=IJ+1; % Index IJN to N S=X(I)-X(I-1); % Cell face 'area' VOLN=DYPN*S; % Volume between P and N D=DENSIT*S; % Coefficient % DPYNL=0.5*(DPY(IJN)+DPY(IJ)); % Interpolated gradient in 'n' VNL=V(IJN)*FYN+V(IJ)*FYP; % Interpolated V-velocity in 'n' APVN=APR(IJN)*FYN+APR(IJ)*FYP; % Interpolated 1/AP coeff. in 'n' % DPYN=(P(IJN)-P(IJ))/DYPN; % Gradient in 'n', compact aprox. VN=VNL-APVN*VOLN*(DPYN-DPYNL); % Corrected V velocity in 'n' F2(IJ)=D*VN; % Mass flux through 'n' face % AN(IJ)=-D*APVN*S; % Coefficient for N in P AS(IJN)=AN(IJ); % Coefficient for S in N A(IJ,IJN)=AN(IJ); A(IJN,IJ)=AS(IJN); end; end; %%% SINCE ALL BOUNDARIES ARE ZERO MASS FLUX BOUNDARIES (WALLS), %%%%% %%% WE HAVE NEWMANN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR PRESSURE CORRECTION %%%%% %%% (NULL GRADIENT). NO SPECIAL TREATMEN IS REQUIRED. %%%%% %%% FOR THE CASE OF INLETS AND OUTLETS, MASS FLUXES AT THE BOUNDARIES %%%%% %%% NEED TO BE COMPUTED HERE. %%%%% %%% SOURCE TERM AND COEFFICIENT FOR NODE P %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUM=0.; % Initialize SUM for I=2:NIM, % Loop I direction for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, % Loop J direction SU(IJ)=F1(IJ-NJ)-F1(IJ)+F2(IJ-1)-F2(IJ); % Flux imbalance AP(IJ)=-(AE(IJ)+AW(IJ)+AN(IJ)+AS(IJ)); % Coefficient for P A(IJ,IJ)=AP(IJ); SUM=SUM+SU(IJ); % Global flux imbalance PP(IJ)=0.; % Initialize PP end; end; if LTEST, disp(['SUM=',num2str(SUM)]); end; % If testing display SUM %%% solve for PP PP0=PP; PP=SIPSOL(PP,IP); PP2=Bicgstab(A,SU,1e-4,1000,PP0); %PP=KonjugGrad(A,SU,1e-4,1000,PP0); %%% EXTRAPOLATE BOUNDARY VALUES FOR PP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% SOUTH AND NORTH BOUNDARIES for I=2:NIM, IJ=LI(I)+1; PP(IJ)=PP(IJ+1)+(PP(IJ+1)-PP(IJ+2))*FY(2); IJ=LI(I)+NJ; PP(IJ)=PP(IJ-1)+(PP(IJ-1)-PP(IJ-2))*(1.-FY(NJM-1)); end; %%% WEST AND EAST BOUNDARIES NJ2=2*NJ; for J=2:NJM, IJ=LI(1)+J; PP(IJ)=PP(IJ+NJ)+(PP(IJ+NJ)-PP(IJ+NJ2))*FX(2); IJ=LI(NI)+J; PP(IJ)=PP(IJ-NJ)+(PP(IJ-NJ)-PP(IJ-NJ2))*(1.-FX(NIM-1)); end; %%% REFERENCE PRESSURE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% IJPREF=LI(IPR)+JPR; PP0=PP(IJPREF); %%% CORRECT EAST MASS FLUXES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM-1 for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, F1(IJ)=F1(IJ)+AE(IJ)*(PP(IJ+NJ)-PP(IJ)); end; end; %%% CORRECT NORTH MASS FLUXES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM-1, F2(IJ)=F2(IJ)+AN(IJ)*(PP(IJ+1)-PP(IJ)); end; end; %%% CORRECT PRESSURE AND VELOCITIES AT CELL CENTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM, DX=X(I)-X(I-1); % for J=2:NJM, IJ=LI(I)+J; DY=Y(J)-Y(J-1); % PPE=PP(IJ+NJ)*FX(I )+PP(IJ )*(1.-FX(I )); % Pressure at 'e' PPW=PP(IJ )*FX(I-1)+PP(IJ-NJ)*(1.-FX(I-1)); % Pressure at 'w' PPN=PP(IJ+1 )*FY(J )+PP(IJ )*(1.-FY(J )); % Pressure at 'n' PPS=PP(IJ )*FY(J-1)+PP(IJ-1 )*(1.-FY(J-1)); % Pressure at 's' % U(IJ)=U(IJ)-(PPE-PPW)*DY*APR(IJ); % U-velocity corrected V(IJ)=V(IJ)-(PPN-PPS)*DX*APR(IJ); % V-velocity corrected P(IJ)=P(IJ)+URF(IP)*(PP(IJ)-PP0); % Pressure corrected end; end; %%% EXTRAPOLATE BOUNDARY VALUES FOR P %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% SOUTH AND NORTH BOUNDARIES for I=2:NIM, IJ=LI(I)+1; P(IJ)=P(IJ+1)+(P(IJ+1)-P(IJ+2))*FY(2); IJ=LI(I)+NJ; P(IJ)=P(IJ-1)+(P(IJ-1)-P(IJ-2))*(1.-FY(NJM-1)); end; %%% WEST AND EAST BOUNDARIES NJ2=2*NJ; for J=2:NJM, IJ=LI(1)+J; P(IJ)=P(IJ+NJ)+(P(IJ+NJ)-P(IJ+NJ2))*FX(2); IJ=LI(NI)+J; P(IJ)=P(IJ-NJ)+(P(IJ-NJ)-P(IJ-NJ2))*(1.-FX(NIM-1)); end; return; |
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#2 |
New Member
Felix Apel
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 15
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function FI=SIPSOL(FI,IFI); global LTEST global NI NJ NIM NJM NIJ LI global SMALL ALFA global AE AW AS AN AP SU global SOR NSW RESOR %%% INITIALIZE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% [UE,UN,RES,LW,LS,LPR]=deal(zeros(NIJ,1)); %%% COEFFICIENTS OF UPPER AND LOWER TIRANGULAR MATRICES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM, for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, LW(IJ)=AW(IJ)/(1.+ALFA*UN(IJ-NJ)); LS(IJ)=AS(IJ)/(1.+ALFA*UE(IJ-1)); P1=ALFA*LW(IJ)*UN(IJ-NJ); P2=ALFA*LS(IJ)*UE(IJ-1); LPR(IJ)=1./(AP(IJ)+P1+P2-LW(IJ)*UE(IJ-NJ)-LS(IJ)*UN(IJ-1)); UN(IJ)=(AN(IJ)-P1)*LPR(IJ); UE(IJ)=(AE(IJ)-P2)*LPR(IJ); end; end; %%% INNER ITERATIONS LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for L=1:NSW(IFI), RESL=0.; % %%% CALCULATE RESIDUAL AND OVERWRITE IT BY INTERMEDIATE VECTOR%%%%%%%%% for I=2:NIM, for IJ=LI(I)+2:LI(I)+NJM, RES(IJ)=SU(IJ)-AN(IJ)*FI(IJ+1)-AS(IJ)*FI(IJ-1)-AE(IJ)*FI(IJ+NJ)... -AW(IJ)*FI(IJ-NJ)-AP(IJ)*FI(IJ); RESL=RESL+abs(RES(IJ)); RES(IJ)=(RES(IJ)-LS(IJ)*RES(IJ-1)-LW(IJ)*RES(IJ-NJ))*LPR(IJ); end; end; % %%% STORE INITIAL RESIDUAL SUM FOR CHECKING CONVERGENCE OF OUTER IT. %% if L==1, RESOR(IFI)=RESL; end; RSM=RESL/(RESOR(IFI)+SMALL); % %%% BACK SUBSTITUTION AND CORRECTION for I=NIM:-1:2, for IJ=LI(I)+NJM:-1:LI(I)+2, RES(IJ)=RES(IJ)-UN(IJ)*RES(IJ+1)-UE(IJ)*RES(IJ+NJ); FI(IJ)=FI(IJ)+RES(IJ); end; end; % %%% CHECK CONVERGENCE if LTEST, disp([num2str(L),' INNER ITER., RESL=',num2str(RESL)]); end; if RSM<SOR(IFI), return; end; end; % return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Bicgstab: Verfahren der bikonjugierten Gradienten STABilized % % Anwendungsbeispiele: Loese A*x=b; % % x = Bicgstab(A,b); % x = Bicgstab(A,b,tol); % x = Bicgstab(A,b,tol,maxit); % x = Bicgstab(A,b,tol,maxit,x0); % function x = Bicgstab(A,b,tol,maxit,x0) % % OUTPUT VARIABLEN: % ----------------- % x: Loesungsvector % % INPUT VARIABLEN: % ---------------- % A: quadratische n * n Matrix. % b: rechte Seite. % tol: [OPTIONAL] Toleranz. Default = 1e-6 % maxit: [OPTIONAL] Maximale Anzahl von Iterationen. Default = min(n,30) % x0: [OPTIONAL] Startvector fuer Iteration. Default = Nullvector % CHECK THE INPUT ARGUMENTS if (nargin < 2) error('Funktion braucht mehr Parameter.'); else [m,n] = size(A); if (m ~= n) error('Matrix ist nicht quadratisch.'); end if ~isequal(size(b),[m,1]) error('Rechte Seite hat nicht die richtige Dimension.'); end end if (nargin < 3) | isempty(tol) tol = 1.0e-6; end if (nargin < 4) | isempty(maxit) maxit = min(n,30); end if (nargin < 5) | isempty(x0) x = zeros(n,1); else if ~isequal(size(x0),[n,1]) error('Startvector x0 hat nicht die richtige Dimension.'); end x = x0; end % CHECK FOR TRIVIAL SOLUTION normb = norm(b); if (normb == 0) x = zeros(n,1); return end % % MAIN ALGORITHM % tolb = tol * normb; r0 = b - A * x; r = r0; rr0 = r'*r0; p = r; % iterate for i = 1:maxit normr = norm(r); if (normr <= tolb) % converged break end v = A*p; vr0 = v'*r0; if(vr0 ==0) error('Bicgstab break-down.'); end if(rr0 ==0) error('Bicgstab Loesung stagniert.'); end alpha = rr0/vr0; s = r - alpha * v; t = A * s; ts = s'*t; tt = t'*t; if((tt ==0)||(ts==0)) error('Bicgstab break-down.'); end omega = ts/tt; x = x + alpha * p + omega * s; r = s - omega * t; r1r0 = r'*r0; beta = (alpha*r1r0)/(omega*rr0); p = r + beta * (p - omega * v); rr0 = r1r0; end normr = norm(b-A*x); if (normr > tolb) warning('Verfahren hat nicht konvergiert') end return |
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