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Old   February 23, 2022, 08:30
Merlin Williams
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Yes, of course the dimensions show what pressure it is. That was silly.

Ohh I see. Is there functionality in cfMesh or snappyHexMesh to be able to specify the surface level mesh on the fluid interface to triangular whilst keeping the main internal fluid domain hexahedral? Or would it involve changing the whole fluid domain mesh to tetrahedral and then extruding the solid domain to create the triangular prism elements?


Last edited by MFWilliams; February 23, 2022 at 11:01.
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Old   February 23, 2022, 13:06
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Originally Posted by MFWilliams View Post
Yes, of course the dimensions show what pressure it is. That was silly.
No problem

Originally Posted by MFWilliams View Post
Ohh I see. Is there functionality in cfMesh or snappyHexMesh to be able to specify the surface level mesh on the fluid interface to triangular whilst keeping the main internal fluid domain hexahedral? Or would it involve changing the whole fluid domain mesh to tetrahedral and then extruding the solid domain to create the triangular prism elements?
For snappyHexMesh, no.

For cfMesh, you can use tetMesh or pMesh instead of cartesianMesh, but as you noted, this will change the internal fluid mesh too. It is possible to create a utility to split all surface faces into triangles but I don't think this exists and some non-trivial coding would be involved. So your options would be to use a set mesh for the fluid and then extrude the solid as triangular prisms. Or use this same triangular prism solid mesh with the original Cartesian fluid domain (non-conformal interface).
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Old   February 24, 2022, 07:15
Merlin Williams
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Brilliant thank you very much for clarifying that.

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Old   February 25, 2022, 07:14
Merlin Williams
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For my FSI simulation, I am getting the warning "Max iterations reached within momentum loop". Is there a way to increase the number of iterations it can complete or do you know why this might be happening?

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Old   February 25, 2022, 07:45
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Originally Posted by MFWilliams View Post
For my FSI simulation, I am getting the warning "Max iterations reached within momentum loop". Is there a way to increase the number of iterations it can complete or do you know why this might be happening?

Set nCorrectors in constant/solid/solidProperties (or constant/solidProperties in a solid only case) to be a larger number, e.g. 1000, or 5000 or 10000.
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Old   February 25, 2022, 09:56
Merlin Williams
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Originally Posted by bigphil View Post
Set nCorrectors in constant/solid/solidProperties (or constant/solidProperties in a solid only case) to be a larger number, e.g. 1000, or 5000 or 10000.

Thank you very much.
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Old   February 27, 2022, 11:15
Merlin Williams
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If anyone is interested, I have greatly improved the oscillations in my FSI simulation by changing the BC for the pressure of the fluid on the fluid solid interface patch from a zeroGradient to extrapolatedPressure BC.

I am also having trouble with setting the coupling time to start later in the simulation and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about it.

I have a working FSI sim and I have tried changing the coupling start time to 0.01 seconds. But when I run it, it now breaks before it even gets to the coupling and the fluid velocities are much higher than they are when I have coupling from the start. I also have a working CFD sim which is exactly the same as the fluid for my FSI simulation and that has no problems.

The log file of the broken FSI sim is here

Does anyone know why specifying the coupling start time might cause problems?

Thank you in advance for your help.
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Old   March 1, 2022, 09:49
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Iago Lessa de Oliveira
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That meshing workflow is what I am currently using but is it possible to specify the element types using extrudeMesh? As I wanted to try create the solid domain using tetrahedral elements because of what Iago said that it can help pressure oscillations.
As Philip pointed out, yes I meant to use triangular prisms and not tetrahedral cells. Sorry the confusion. What I do is to create the fluid and solid meshes separately. For the fluid I use cfMesh. But for the solid I extrude a better-quality STL of the wall surface, since you normally get these aneurysms geometries as STL from the original images. The extrusion can be made with OpenFOAM's extrudeMesh, but I use VMTK in general to manipulate these surfaces and perform the extrusion.

This procedures leads to non-conformal meshes at the FSI interface, so you have to be carefull with using a sufficiently refined mesh, otherwise it may not even pass the GGI test at the beginning of the FSI simulation that checks the FSI interpolation errors.
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Old   March 1, 2022, 10:33
Merlin Williams
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Originally Posted by ilhado View Post
As Philip pointed out, yes I meant to use triangular prisms and not tetrahedral cells. Sorry the confusion. What I do is to create the fluid and solid meshes separately. For the fluid I use cfMesh. But for the solid I extrude a better-quality STL of the wall surface, since you normally get these aneurysms geometries as STL from the original images. The extrusion can be made with OpenFOAM's extrudeMesh, but I use VMTK in general to manipulate these surfaces and perform the extrusion.

This procedures leads to non-conformal meshes at the FSI interface, so you have to be carefull with using a sufficiently refined mesh, otherwise it may not even pass the GGI test at the beginning of the FSI simulation that checks the FSI interpolation errors.

That was my bad misinterpreting what you saying about triangular prisms for meaning tetrahedral elements.

Ok have you found there to be any sort of minimal functional ratio between the number of nodes on the fluid interface to nodes on the solid interface?

Thank you for the help
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Old   March 1, 2022, 11:02
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Iago Lessa de Oliveira
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Ok have you found there to be any sort of minimal functional ratio between the number of nodes on the fluid interface to nodes on the solid interface?
No, the number of cells in each mesh was solely a result of mesh independence studies. In any case, I am no real expert on GGI, so I am not sure whether a relation like this exists and may influence the simulation.

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Old   May 7, 2022, 15:53
Default Problems with multi-domain multi-material simulation (elasticSolidFoam)
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Dear foamers,

Hope I am on the right place to get some tips about my simulation. I have been dealing with it for a long time and can't find the way to make it work. I am not a newcomer to OpenFOAM but never used it for solid mechanics problems and I would like to start doing it.

I have a block and some teeth. I created my stls and divided them into load, support, lower_teeth and block. The idea would be to impose a load (solidTraction for example) once the geometry is clamped by the support (I would say fixedDisplacement equal to 0).

Two different domains will be present (one for the block=bone, another one for the Lower_teeth=teeth), together with 2 different materials (bone and teeth).

I used snappy for meshing. After enclosing my geometry in a block using blockMesh and meshing with snappy, I got 3 domains meshed. I needed to remove the one corresponding to the background, so I used setSet, subSetMesh and splitMeshRegions). Seems that it works (checkMesh is OK). New contacts (interfaces) between regions have been created.

I define my material properties regions using materials file and cellstoRegion (renamed to have 0 and 1 indexes only). I remove everything related to the background mesh (like ffminx, boundary file, cellRegions...). I checked in Paraview and materials assignement has been carried out succesfully.

I share here the case in One Drive (it is heavy, just in case you want to give a try to it):!AjenQBoiljuzgoQs...rRL4Q?e=fe5Pjf

BCs are supposed to be a load on the load boundary and clamped support. I would like to know stress and deformations produced due to this load.

When I run elasticSolidFOam, the simulations explodes after a few iterations (static analysis), with too high values of stress and strain. I tried many things (remesh, play with Bcs and numerical schemes, material properties or use only one material...) but nothing seems to work.

Any hints on my set up? Mesh? BCs? Contacts?

Also another remark is that I am unable to see the different mesh regions created in the former step (they can be imported in Paraview, but they do not contain U, V, sigma, epsilon...fields...). Why not? Only the whole internal mesh is populated with such values.

@bigphil or any other guru here...could you please give me a hand on this?

I apologise in advance if this is not the best place to open my thread...

Thanks to all solid mechanics foam extend community!
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Old   May 12, 2022, 16:28
Default solids4foam error building on fe35 aarch64
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Sultan Islam
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So im buiding solids4foam on fe35 for aarch64 using foam extend 4.1. I get an error when replacing solutions.c

 fe-aarch64OS  localhost  ../solids4foam-release  cp filesToReplaceInOF/solution.C /home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/foam/matrices/solution/

 fe-aarch64OS  localhost  ../solids4foam-release  wmake libso /home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/foam

Making dependency list for source file matrices/solution/solution.C
SOURCE=matrices/solution/solution.C ;  g++ -std=c++11 -DlinuxARM8 -DWM_ARCH_OPTION=64 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast -O3 -floop-optimize -falign-loops -falign-labels -falign-functions -falign-jumps -fprefetch-loop-arrays -march=native -mtune=native  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth=100 -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX -I/usr/local/OpenMPI-4.0.3/gcc-7/openmpi/include -fexceptions     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/ThirdParty/zlib-1.2.3 -IlnInclude -I. -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/foam/lnInclude -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC -c $SOURCE -o Make/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/solution.o
SOURCE=global/global.Cver ; sed -e 's/VERSION_STRING/4.1/' -e 's/BUILD_STRING/4.1-70b064d0f326/' $SOURCE > Make/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/global.C; g++ -std=c++11 -DlinuxARM8 -DWM_ARCH_OPTION=64 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast -O3 -floop-optimize -falign-loops -falign-labels -falign-functions -falign-jumps -fprefetch-loop-arrays -march=native -mtune=native  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth=100 -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX -I/usr/local/OpenMPI-4.0.3/gcc-7/openmpi/include -fexceptions     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/ThirdParty/zlib-1.2.3 -IlnInclude -I. -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/foam/lnInclude -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC -c Make/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/global.C -o Make/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/global.o
matrices/solution/solution.C:426:6: error: prototype for 'void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance(const Foam::word&, const lduSolverPerformance&) const' does not match any in class 'Foam::solution'
 void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance
In file included from matrices/solution/solution.C:26:0:
matrices/solution/solution.H:174:18: error: candidates are: template<class Type> void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance(const Foam::BlockSolverPerformance<Type>&) const
             void setSolverPerformance
matrices/solution/solution.H:166:18: error:                 template<class Type> void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance(const Foam::word&, const Foam::BlockSolverPerformance<Type>&) const
             void setSolverPerformance
matrices/solution/solution.C:462:6: error: prototype for 'void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance(const lduSolverPerformance&) const' does not match any in class 'Foam::solution'
 void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance
In file included from matrices/solution/solution.C:26:0:
matrices/solution/solution.H:174:18: error: candidates are: template<class Type> void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance(const Foam::BlockSolverPerformance<Type>&) const
             void setSolverPerformance
matrices/solution/solution.H:166:18: error:                 template<class Type> void Foam::solution::setSolverPerformance(const Foam::word&, const Foam::BlockSolverPerformance<Type>&) const
             void setSolverPerformance
make: *** [matrices/solution/solution.dep:322: Make/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/solution.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
I'm using gcc-7.5 and OpenMPI 4.0.3. Weirdly enough if I replace the original solution.c back, foam extend compiles correctly. Should I be replacing certain. C files In a certain order for it to recognize certain libraries?

Edit 2: it seems that whatever changes the replaced solution.c does, is not valid for FE41, I don't know why the allcheck is even running them when its building from FE4.1

Edit 3: After install bg, solids4foam check script detected foam version correctly, howver now in the compilation, I have this errror:

    -L/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt     -lincompressibleTurbulenceModel -lincompressibleRASModels         -lincompressibleLESModels -llduSolvers -linterfaceProperties         -lfiniteArea -loversetMesh -loversetDynamicFvMesh     -lblockCoupledSolids4FoamTools     -lsolids4FoamModels     -lfiniteVolume     -lincompressibleTransportModels     -ldynamicFvMesh     -ldynamicMesh     -lmeshTools     -ltopoChangerFvMesh      -lfoam -ldl   -lm -o /home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/mergeSubMeshesNew
/usr/bin/ld: /home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/ undefined reference to `__aarch64_ldadd4_acq_rel'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/wmake/Makefile:160: /home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/mergeSubMeshesNew] Error 1
make: *** [/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/wmake/MakefileApps:39: mergeSubMeshesNew] Error 2

Last edited by EternalSeekerX; May 13, 2022 at 13:04.
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Old   May 13, 2022, 09:32
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Hi ,
have you solved your problem?
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Old   May 13, 2022, 12:15
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Originally Posted by EternalSeekerX View Post
Edit 2: it seems that whatever changes the replaced solution.c does, is not valid for FE41, I don't know why the allcheck is even running them when its building from FE4.1
No file replacements are required for FE41. The Allwmake script should automatically skip these replacements.

Originally Posted by EternalSeekerX View Post
Edit 3: After install bg, solids4foam check script detected foam version correctly, howver now in the compilation, I have this errror:
undefined reference to `__aarch64_ldadd4_acq_rel'
Can you give the full error? i.e. the log file from "Allwmake &> log.Allwmake"
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Old   May 17, 2022, 00:51
Question Issue solved?
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Sultan Islam
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Originally Posted by Neb View Post
Hi ,
have you solved your problem?
Originally Posted by bigphil View Post
No file replacements are required for FE41. The Allwmake script should automatically skip these replacements.

Can you give the full error? i.e. the log file from "Allwmake &> log.Allwmake"
So something odd is happening, I basically deleted fe41 and rebuild from scratch.

Here is both fef41 log and solids4foam attached!

I find it odd that it works now, i think. Only issue I see is the missing S4F for abaqus thingy
Attached Files
File Type: zip FE41+Solids4Foam (132.9 KB, 0 views)

Last edited by EternalSeekerX; May 17, 2022 at 05:58.
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Old   May 18, 2022, 08:27
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Originally Posted by EternalSeekerX View Post
So something odd is happening, I basically deleted fe41 and rebuild from scratch.

Here is both fef41 log and solids4foam attached!

I find it odd that it works now, i think. Only issue I see is the missing S4F for abaqus thingy
OK, glad it works. No need to worry about the abaqus UMATs unless you actually plan to use them.
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Old   May 18, 2022, 22:57
Thumbs up abaqus UMAT compiled fine
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Originally Posted by bigphil View Post
OK, glad it works. No need to worry about the abaqus UMATs unless you actually plan to use them.
I see, well I did it just to see if it compiles, it worked nice

fe-aarch64OS  localhost  ../Solids4Foam  ./Allwmake -j4


No checks for versions of foam-extend greater than 4.0
eigen3 found.
Updating Make/files link
Using Make/files.foamextend
'/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/' is up to date.
Updating Make/files link
Using Make/files.foamextend
'/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/' is up to date.
wmakeLnInclude: linking include files to ./lnInclude
Making dependency list for source file abaqusUmatLinearElastic/abaqusUmatLinearElastic.C
SOURCE=abaqusUmatLinearElastic/abaqusUmatLinearElastic.C ;  g++ -std=c++11 -DlinuxARM8 -DWM_ARCH_OPTION=64 -DWM_DP -DWM_LABEL_SIZE=32 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wold-style-cast -O3 -floop-optimize -falign-loops -falign-labels -falign-functions -falign-jumps -fprefetch-loop-arrays -march=native -mtune=native  -DNoRepository -ftemplate-depth=100 -std=c++11     -Wno-old-style-cast -Wno-deprecated-declarations     -DFOAMEXTEND=41     -I../solids4FoamModels/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/meshTools/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/finiteArea/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/lagrangian/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/dynamicMesh/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/dynamicMesh/dynamicMesh/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/dynamicMesh/dynamicFvMesh/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/dynamicMesh/topoChangerFvMesh/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/sampling/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/surfMesh/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/postProcessing/foamCalcFunctions/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/errorEstimation/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/ThirdParty/packages/metis-5.1.0/platforms/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/include     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/decompositionMethods/decompositionMethods/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/decompositionMethods/metisDecomp/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/decompositionMethods/scotchDecomp/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/mesh/extrudeModel/lnInclude     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrudeMesh     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrudeMesh/extrudedMesh     -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/applications/utilities/preProcessing/mapFields -IlnInclude -I. -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/foam/lnInclude -I/home/fe-aarch64OS/.root/opt/OpenFOAM/foam/foam-extend-4.1/src/OSspecific/POSIX/lnInclude   -fPIC -c $SOURCE -o Make/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/abaqusUmatLinearElastic.o
'/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/' is up to date.
Compiling abaqusUmatLinearElastic.f and placing object in /home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt
Updating Make/files link
Using Make/files.foamextend
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/solids4Foam' is up to date.

Copying to /home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt

make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/abaqusMeshToFoam' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/addPatch' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/addTinyPatch' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/flattenPatch' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/decomposeParNew' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/projectPatchToSphere' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/mergeSubMeshesNew' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/set2dMeshThickness' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/setInitialTemperature' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/splitPatch' is up to date.
'/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/lib/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/surfaceTractions' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/volPointInterpolate' is up to date.
make[1]: '/home/fe-aarch64OS/foam/fe-aarch64OS-4.1/applications/bin/linuxARM8GccDPInt32Opt/simpleSmoothMesh' is up to date.

solids4foam compilation complete; check for errors above

 fe-aarch64OS  localhost  ../Solids4Foam
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Old   May 19, 2022, 15:31
Talking Flexible Dam Break worked on aarch64 container
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So, I tested the flexible dam break tutorial on my fedora 35 aarch64 container and it worked haha.

Here is a gif:
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Old   August 5, 2022, 10:33
Default Impact test simulation using solids4Foam
Ashish Magar
Join Date: Jul 2016
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Hello Philip,

I am doing a simplistic impact test simulation, where an object will be falling due to gravity on a fixed object. I took help from this post Bouncing ball to get started.

However, the 'res' residuals are always 1 and only 'relRes' are converged. After a few time steps the simulation crashes with diverging relative residuals. Also I would like to mention, as per your suggestion I have only DD relaxation but cant see any rigid body motion.

Is there any thing I am missing or doing wrong?
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Old   August 5, 2022, 11:02
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Philip Cardiff
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Originally Posted by ashishmagar600 View Post
Hello Philip,

I am doing a simplistic impact test simulation, where an object will be falling due to gravity on a fixed object. I took help from this post Bouncing ball to get started.

However, the 'res' residuals are always 1 and only 'relRes' are converged. After a few time steps the simulation crashes with diverging relative residuals. Also I would like to mention, as per your suggestion I have only DD relaxation but cant see any rigid body motion.

Is there any thing I am missing or doing wrong?
Did you also try the ./tutorials/solids/elastoplasticity/impactBar tutorial case? It might be helpful.
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