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[waves2Foam] Overtopping functionUtility in waves2Foam

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Old   April 3, 2019, 10:55
Default Overtopping functionUtility in waves2Foam
Akshay Patil
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Pune, India
Posts: 35
Rep Power: 10
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Hello everyone,

I have compiled waves2Foam with OpenFOAM-v1806. The problem that I am facing right now is as follows

In the /applications/utilities/waves2Foam/src/waves2FoamSampling I force it to compile since that is not the default library which will compile. However, it fails to compile. I think I have isolated which part of the code fails to compile, however, I am not sure how to rectify the code so that it would compile.

Problem areas:

I realised that following OpenFOAM-3.0 and so on, there were major changes made to the source code.

For OpenFOAM-v1806 In


there exist

functionObject functionObjectList logFiles regionFunctionObject stateFunctionObject timeControl writeFile

these functionObjects which can be used

While in OpenFOAM-3.0 these are the function objects available in the same location

functionObject functionObjectList OutputFilterFunctionObject
functionObjectFile IOOutputFilter outputFilterOutputControl

In the source code which contains the overtopping functionObject, it calls to include the following files which are a part of the older OpenFOAM-v2.? and 3.0 series.

File - > overtoppingFunctionObject.H

#include "OutputFilterFunctionObject.H"

This functionObject does not exist in OpenFOAM-v1806.

I compared a few files and noticed that, the older files have been redefined and merged into new files.

outputFilterOutputContol.H -> timeControl.H

functionObjectFiles.H -> logFiles.H
outputFilterFunction.H -> stateFunctionObject.H + regionFunctionObject.H

I tried to tweak and accommodate for these changes in the new OpenFOAM installation however it does not work. I also tried to copy the old header files and .C files and that did not work either.

Can someone provide some insight into how to rectify this missing library to compile waves2Foam overtoppingFunctionObject?

Looking forward to your response. Thank You!
Akshay_11235 is offline   Reply With Quote


openfoam-v1806, overtopping, waves2foam

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