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[Other] Basic questions about OpenFOAM cluster running and installing

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Old   May 25, 2018, 16:00
Default Basic questions about OpenFOAM cluster running and installing
Paul Palladium
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 94
Rep Power: 10
Fauster is on a distinguished road
Dear Foam users,

I am kind of lost with OpenFOAM and clusters . This is mainly due to my poor knowledge of cluster behavior. I have read some previous posts and they not provide me the solutions to my questions.

OpenFOAM Cluster Setup for Beginners
openfoam on 2 machines with passwordless ssh

  1. Assuming that I would like to install OpenFOAM on a cluster composed with 4 nodes what would be the best OS ? I would like also to install also ANSYS so I guess a red hat based distribution would be the best one...I have read that Rocks ( is well suited for science HPC. But I am not able to find out if it will be problematic to install OpenFOAM or ANSYS on this distribution.
  2. I have understood that some company advice to use Bright for cluster administration (or other non free tools). What does exactly do Bright ? Is Rocks doing the same things as Bright ? Should I go Open source for the cluster administration ?
  3. Is there any guides line or tutorials for OpenFOAM cluster installation ? I guess I need to install it on each nodes...Is there any difference on the installation for the front node ?
  4. I would like to run OpenFOAM from my desktop computer. How I can send the job to the cluster ? I guess I need to connect to the cluster (maybe using ip adress) from a terminal and then type something like :
    mpirun -np 168 –hostfile ~/hostfile.14 interFoam -paralle
    ( Is this command still ok ?
  5. Usually the case will be located on my desktop computer. Do I need to copy it to all the cluster nodes before running the case on parallel ? Where OpenFOAM will write the results files ? On the cluster or my desktop computer ? (this for disk space)
  6. If I have 64=4(node numbers)*16 processor directories on my cluster how I can postprocess the results ? If the results size is very large I guess I can't reconstruct it to my desktop computer. Can I use paraview to visualize the results located on my cluster directly to my desktop computer screen ?
I know it's a lot of questions but it would help me a lot ! If someone using OpenFOAM on a cluster can help me to understand the whole process it will be fantastic !

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