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DieselFoam problem with Brookbs cygwin port

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Old   August 10, 2006, 03:10
Default Hi, The Brook's ports is grea
Join Date: Mar 2009
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leosding is on a distinguished road
The Brook's ports is great! The application "icoFoam" can run smoothly.
but when I run dieselFoam, the problem is as following:

| ========= | |
| \ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \ / O peration | Version: 1.3 |
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| \/ M anipulation | |

Exec : dieselFoam /home/ronaldo/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.3/tutorials/dieselFoam aa
Date : Aug 10 2006
Time : 15:16:07
Host : fifa
PID : 2824
Root : /home/ronaldo/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.3/tutorials/dieselFoam
Case : aachenBomb
Nprocs : 1
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Reading thermophysicalProperties
Selecting thermodynamics package hMixtureThermo<reactingmixture>
Selecting chemistryReader chemkinReader

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : file "$FOAM_ROOT/$FOAM_CASE/chemkin/therm.dat" not found

From function chemkin::chemkin(const fileName& CHEMKINFileName, const fileN
me& thermoFileName)
in file chemistryReaders/chemkinReader/chemkinReader.C at line 812.

FOAM exiting

What's wrong?

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Old   August 10, 2006, 03:28
Default I have just checked it - works
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Hrvoje Jasak
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I have just checked it - works here.


wooster*108-> dieselFoam /home/hjasak/OpenFOAM/hjasak-1.3/run aachenBomb
| ========= | |
| \ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \ / O peration | Version: 1.3 |
| \ / A nd | Web: |
| \/ M anipulation | |

Exec : dieselFoam /home/hjasak/OpenFOAM/hjasak-1.3/run aachenBomb
Date : Aug 10 2006
Time : 08:19:31
Host : wooster
PID : 11643
Root : /home/hjasak/OpenFOAM/hjasak-1.3/run
Case : aachenBomb
Nprocs : 1
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Reading thermophysicalProperties
Selecting thermodynamics package hMixtureThermo<reactingmixture>
Selecting chemistryReader chemkinReader
Reading field U

Reading/calculating face flux field phi

Creating turbulence model.

Selecting turbulence model kEpsilon
Creating field DpDt

Constructing chemical mechanism
Selecting ODE solver SIBS
chemistryModel::chemistryModel: Number of species = 5 and reactions = 1

Reading environmentalProperties
Reading combustion properties

Constructing Spray
Selecting injectorType unitInjector
Selecting atomizationModel off
Selecting dragModel standardDragModel
Selecting evaporationModel standardEvaporationModel
Selecting heatTransferModel RanzMarshall
Selecting wallModel reflect
Selecting breakupModel ReitzKHRT
Selecting collisionModel off
Selecting dispersionModel off
Selecting injectorModel hollowConeInjector
Selecting pdfType RosinRammler
Average Velocity for injector 0: 283.853 m/s, injection pressure = 287.387 bar
Constructing three dimensional spray injection.
Courant Number mean: 0 max: 0

Starting time loop

Mean and max Courant Numbers = 0 0
deltaT = 2.94118e-06
Time = 2.94118e-06

Evolving Spray
Solving chemistry
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
Hrvoje Jasak
Providing commercial FOAM/OpenFOAM and CFD Consulting:
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Old   August 10, 2006, 14:45
Default I get the same error on my Cyg
Posts: n/a
I get the same error on my Cygwin installation. Hrv, were you testing on Cygwin, or on another OS?

The problem, I believe, is that in the aachenbomb/constant/thermophysicalProperties file, the CHEMKINThermoFile is specified as "$FOAM_ROOT/$FOAM_CASE/chemkin/therm.dat", and Cygwin does not appear to be handling the $FOAM_ROOT and $FOAM_CASE correctly.

Changing the two relevant lines in thermophysicalProperties to:

CHEMKINFile "$FOAM_TUTORIALS/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/chemkin/chem.inp";
CHEMKINThermoFile "$FOAM_TUTORIALS/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/chemkin/therm.dat";

seems to make things work correctly, and I then get the same results Hrv does.

Thus, I'm guessing that $FOAM_ROOT and $FOAM_CASE aren't getting set properly; Hrv, if you have any suggestions for how to track down where that should be happening and why it isn't, I'd appreciate it.

In the meantime, not using $FOAM_ROOT and $FOAM_CASE to specify the filename should work as a workaround, though it's a bit of a hassle if you copy the file into a new case or such.
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Old   August 10, 2006, 18:56
Default Update: It looks like the code
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Update: It looks like the code that sets the $FOAM_ROOT and $FOAM_CASE environment variables is in src/OpenFOAM/global/arglist/arglist.C. I'm guessing the problem is some sort of Cygwin weirdness with what scope they get set in, but it could be something in the port. Unfortunately I don't have much time to work on this right now.
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Old   August 12, 2006, 05:51
Default The trick of Brooks can make i
Join Date: Mar 2009
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leosding is on a distinguished road
The trick of Brooks can make it run, but foamToVTK didn't work for the case.
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