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OpenFoam Installation in Redhat Enterprise linux 5

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Old   October 7, 2010, 10:09
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Mark Suhovecky
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Thanks for the reply.

I would dearlly love to install the binary, but am not permitted. Since we support many versions of many different software packages, and most users only use a few, everything
is built & installed under /opt, and the modules package is used to configure each package's environment settings.

Having read couple of your installation threads, let me ask you a couple of questions:

1) I'm not proficient with wmake- since there aren't Makefiles as I understand them, where are the compilation/ linking flags set? Can OpenFOAM be configured to build using only static libraries?

2) There was a thread where you talked about changing "settings" so that OpenFOAM used the 3rd party compiler instead of the system's I'm wondering if I might use that to my advantage, as my compiler is installed in a non-standard place.


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Old   October 7, 2010, 19:38
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Hi Mark,

Originally Posted by msuho View Post
I would dearlly love to install the binary, but am not permitted. Since we support many versions of many different software packages, and most users only use a few, everything is built & installed under /opt, and the modules package is used to configure each package's environment settings.
I've never used CentFOAM, but I have investigated a bit how it's inner workings are. It requires some system packages and it's only for 64bit architectures (x86_64 if I'm not mistaken), but the remainder of the installation of OpenFOAM+ThirdParty is put in the /opt folder! If I'm not mistaken, that's mentioned in the manual installation part of CentFOAM's wiki page. And it already comes with it's own pre-built gcc 4.4.4

Originally Posted by msuho View Post
1) I'm not proficient with wmake- since there aren't Makefiles as I understand them, where are the compilation/ linking flags set?
OK, wmake has a structured system to comply with the various architectures. In OpenFOAM's folder, you have the wmake folder. Inside that folder you have the main Makefile used for all architectures, but this shouldn't need any changes. Still inside that same folder, you have the rules folder, which in turn has various folders for each architecture.
The default rule folder is linux64Gcc and inside it you will find various files for configuring parts related to each binary used (gcc, g++, flex, bison, etc...).
In the rules folder you also have the General folder, which has the default definitions and will also gather the partial information from the defined target rule folder.
Now, all of these above relate to each other: Makefile<-General<-linux64Gcc
The rule folder is deduced by concatenating "$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER", which in turn is defined in "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/bashrc".

Now, if you are wondering "this is all nice, but where do I define where the folder of my shiny new gcc 4.4.4?" - Well, it's defined in the file "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/" There you can choose whether to use the system's gcc or your own custom version, as well as where it should be. If you study that file, you'll figure out that OpenFOAM already has in mind a place where to keep custom gcc's, namely: "$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER_ARCH/$gcc_version"
So, this also answers your number 2 question It's all intertwined

A little side note: If you feel this is too much hassle, you can try FreeFOAM, which is OpenFOAM based in CMake instead of wmake. And if you want the FreeFOAM version that is closest to the official 1.7.x version, you'll have to go to the git branch "pu", if I'm not mistaken.

Originally Posted by msuho View Post
Can OpenFOAM be configured to build using only static libraries?
Not without some tweaking I've talked about this before here, and if you search for Cray XT here in the forum, I believe those users also need a static build of OpenFOAM and that there is already a guide somewhere...
Wait... now that I think of it, probably it's pretty simple - in the rule file linux64Gcc/c++, there is this line:
LINKLIBSO   = $(CC) $(c++FLAGS) -shared
Switching from shared to static might do the trick! Arg... why didn't I think of this sooner Well, this solution might not work perfectly, but with some minor adjustments, it might work pretty well.

Ah, I almost forgot: in each source code folder for each OpenFOAM library and application, there is a folder named Make, that has two files: files and options. These two define the final/dedicated settings for each one of those libraries and applications. So on each one you might want to do some final adjustments... although it might be easier to fix upstream in the main Makefile or in the rules...

OK... after all of this writing, I think that all that is left is testing, tweaking and running

Best regards and good luck!
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Old   October 11, 2010, 10:35
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Mark Suhovecky
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Thank you for the most thorough crash course on the OpenFOAM wmake/configuration hierachy. I found it tremendously helpful.

I changed (in settings.csh) the gccDir, gmpDir, mpfrDir, and mpcDir to point to our versions, and changed the compiler option from system to OpenFOAM, and I was
able to build OpenFOAM 1.7.1 from source. The OpenFOAM executables resolve their
shared library dependecies, and I can run blockMesh & icoFoam. WooHoo!

Now On to the next problem- Paraview. We already have Paraview 3.8.0 built
in our environment in- you guessed it- /opt. And source builds of cmake and QT as well, since Paraview needs them. I need to build the OpenFOAM (ParaFoam) Paraview linkage software using our stuff. I see a thread about this- I guess I'll start there.

Thanks again for your help,

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Old   October 11, 2010, 10:43
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Hi Mark,

You're welcome Probably there is already somewhere written how it works, but it felt faster to simply write things down instead of searching

As for ParaView, since you already have 3.8.0 built:
Originally Posted by
  1. Now open the file "$HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.0/bin/paraFoam" in your favorite simple text editor and replace every entry ".OpenFOAM" with ".foam". Now save and close the file.
And voilá, you now should have a fully working paraFoam script at your disposal! Along with ParaView 3.8.0, with no further building required
Best regards,
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Old   October 11, 2010, 11:03
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Thanks Bruno-

So, what, if anything, do I need to build in the Third Party directory in I've got a working
Paraview installation already?


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Old   October 11, 2010, 11:27
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Hi Mark,

By what I understood of your other post and I quote:
Originally Posted by msuho View Post
Now On to the next problem- Paraview. We already have Paraview 3.8.0 built
in our environment in- you guessed it- /opt.
I interpreted from your post that you already had ParaView 3.8.0 built and ready to be used! So it would just be a matter of adapting the paraFoam script, so it would use the internal reader that comes since 3.8.0 (previous versions only worked with OpenFOAM 1.2 or 1.3).
I forgot to mention that in the quoted link in my previous post, there are more instructions on how to use an already built ParaView 3.8.0.

Eitherway, you can try to use the pre-built version from or build a local version. But if you build a local version, easily will you build OpenFOAM's original plugin for ParaView (the one that opens ".OpenFOAM" files). It's just that the internal version already comes ready to use... and has some advantages over the original version.

Best regards,
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Old   October 22, 2010, 12:02
Default OF 1.7.1 on Cluster Redhat v2.6.18-128.1.6.el5
Claus Schmitzer
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Hi everybody,

I am also trying to install Of on a cluster, no root rights.
I would like to install 1.7.1 becuase I've already modified some cody on my local machine for it.

I've followed the instruction on
The standard compiler on the cluster is gcc - version 4.1.3 but gcc44 (4.4.0) is also available.
So I've added
alias gcc="/usr/bin/gcc44"
alias cc="/usr/bin/gcc44"
to my .bash_profile and sourced it.

foamSystemCheck is OK.
.Allwmake runs for 1 hour returning errors :
/hpc_home/cschmitz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/dictionaryTemplates.C: In member function ‘T Foam::dictionary::lookupOrDefault(const Foam::word&, const T&, bool, bool) const [with T = Foam::Switch]’:
/hpc_home/cschmitz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.1/src/finiteVolume/lnInclude/readPISOControls.H:9:   instantiated from here
/hpc_home/cschmitz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/dictionaryTemplates.C:44: error: call of overloaded ‘Switch(Foam::pTraits<Foam::Switch>)’ is ambiguous
/hpc_home/cschmitz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/Switch.H:140: note: candidates are: Foam::Switch::Switch(int)
/hpc_home/cschmitz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/Switch.H:134: note:                 Foam::Switch::Switch(bool)
/hpc_home/cschmitz/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.1/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/Switch.H:62: note:                 Foam::Switch::Switch(const Foam::Switch&)
make[2]: *** [Make/linux64GccDPOpt/dieselFoam.o] Error 1
Afterwards when I run foamInstallationTest it tells me
CRITICAL ERROR: gcc version lower than required
                Supplied version: 4.1.2
                Minimum required: 4.3.1

gcc      4.1.2     /usr/bin/gcc                                             
gzip     1.3.5     /bin/gzip                                                
tar      1.15.1    /bin/tar
but when I check
gcc --version its 4.4 ???

does anyone have an idea ?

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Old   October 22, 2010, 12:08
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Hi Claus,

Don't use alias. See this explanation: OpenFOAM install on RHEL 5.5 post #2

Best regards,
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Old   October 27, 2010, 13:06
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Hello Bruno,
I've a similar problem as Andreas and have been following your suggestions.
I've tried unseccessfully with ./build-gcc44 command. Can you please help me on how I can proceed further....
It terminated with the following message

Configuring binutils
Building binutils
Installing binutils
Configuring gcc
Building gcc
make of gcc failed - log available: /work/OpenFOAM/buildLogs/gcc-Gcc_make.log

Please have a glance on to the attachment and help me.


Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Greetings Andreas,

EDIT: I've made a blog post with an update of this build-gcc44 script, as well with build-gcc45: Automated scripts for building gcc 4.4.x and 4.5.x for using with OpenFOAM 1.7 series

OK, I've created a modified version of the build-mingw44 script I made at blueCAPE for cross-compiling OpenFOAM 1.7.0 in Linux for Windows (see here if you're curious). The resulting script is named build-gcc44, which will take care of downloading and building binutils and gcc and some of it's direct dependencies (namely gmp and mpfr). Keep in mind that this script will not take care of all of the necessary steps to get your system ready for building OpenFOAM!

The following steps are needed for this to work (might not be complete, since I haven't tested this yet on a CentOS 4):
  1. Check and/or request your cluster/RHEL administrator to install these packages (the names are from Debian, so you'll need to find similar names in RHEL):
    • flex - it should include the binaries flex and flex++, as well as FlexLexer.h.
    • libreadline5-dev - this has the readline library and respective header files.
    • texinfo - this is required during building gcc for documentation... but I can't remember what were the needed files
    • byacc and bison - these are two applications, one needed for building gcc, the other for building OpenFOAM.
  2. Get OpenFOAM 1.7.0/1 or 1.7.x into your system, by following the instructions at
  3. After getting OpenFOAM's bashrc sourced (search for «source the etc/bashrc» in the project's installation page) into the working environment, edit the file "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/" and change the following lines:
    • change:
    • change:
      : ${compilerInstall:=system}
      : ${compilerInstall:=OpenFOAM}
  4. Source the bashrc file once more, or start a new terminal and source it again.
  5. Download the attached build-gcc44.tar.gz and unpack it in the "$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR".
  6. Now run:
    It will download the files mentioned before (binutils, gcc, gmp, mpfr) and build them in the proper order.
  7. Whenever there is an error, it will tell you in which log file the error is listed. Check it for the things it says it needs and try to get them. If you can't figure it out, compress and attach the relevant log file.
    If you can get them, then run build-gcc44 again.
  8. When you finally have gcc fully built, then you can move on to building OpenFOAM.

Now, keep in mind that these steps will only get as far as building OpenFOAM and OpenMPI. And this is assuming that you can get the remaining necessary packages that I'm not giving instructions about. If you need a software package that you can't request to be installed in the system, then you will have to download the source code and build it yourself... usually with a group of commands like this:
./config --prefix=/the/folder/where/to/install
make install
As for ParaView, it requires a larger heap load of packages to be installed and/or built (most likely all would have to be built in RHEL 4 ) which is too much work to even bother, or so I believe The best option would be to simply get the ready to use version from and follow the instructions I've already detailed here: Using the official pre-built ParaView 3.8.0 version with OpenFOAM...

Good luck!
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Old   October 27, 2010, 13:25
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Greetings Johny,

I wouldn't mind looking at the attachment, but there isn't one

Try attaching a compressed version:
tar -czf gcc_make_log.tar.gz /work/OpenFOAM/buildLogs/gcc-Gcc_make.log
Best regards,
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Old   October 27, 2010, 15:24
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Thanks Bruno for your instant reply....Sorry...I didn't notice that....Here I'm attaching once again...

Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Greetings Johny,

I wouldn't mind looking at the attachment, but there isn't one

Try attaching a compressed version:
tar -czf gcc_make_log.tar.gz /work/OpenFOAM/buildLogs/gcc-Gcc_make.log
Best regards,
Attached Files
File Type: gz gcc_make_log.tar.gz (65.3 KB, 2 views)
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Old   October 27, 2010, 17:30
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Originally Posted by johny View Post
Thanks Bruno for your instant reply....Sorry...I didn't notice that....Here I'm attaching once again...

Also I missed to mention that my current gcc is
gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-9)
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Old   October 27, 2010, 19:05
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Hi Johny,
Originally Posted by johny View Post
Also I missed to mention that my current gcc is
gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-9)
Wow, RedHat series 3 I believe the most recent version is already series 5.

OK, your system is missing "fenv.h" which apparently should be part of ""... which you probably don't have due to having an old system. But still, you can try installing the development files for libc (check in your package installer in RedHat, whose name I don't know ). You can also try finding it in your system:
find / -name "fenv.h"
Although this could take a while to find...

You can try the following change in the build-gcc44 script, but I haven't tested yet it's effect (if any):
  1. Find the function "configure_gcc()" which has this code:
      ${GCC_HOME}/configure -v \
        --prefix=${PREFIX} --disable-multilib \
        --with-pkgversion='OpenFOAM' --enable-languages=${GCC_LANGS} \
        --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-allocator=new \
        > ${LOG_FOLDER}/gcc-${WM_COMPILER}_configure.log 2>&1
  2. Make this change in bold:
      ${GCC_HOME}/configure -v --disable-decimal-float \
        --prefix=${PREFIX} --disable-multilib \
        --with-pkgversion='OpenFOAM' --enable-languages=${GCC_LANGS} \
        --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-allocator=new \
        > ${LOG_FOLDER}/gcc-${WM_COMPILER}_configure.log 2>&1
My theory is that this change should remove the need for fenv.h, but I don't know exactly what are the repercussions

Best regards,
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Old   October 28, 2010, 05:24
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Thanks Bruno,

I'd already looked for this fenv.h file but it seemed to be from a different library....I just copy it....I just copied one of these files to directory where it was searching for it and of no use

But I looked for the library which I couldn't find....Do you think installing this library could help---If so please let me know where I can get those from

Anyway I'll make the changes you suggested in the script and let you know the repercussions...


Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Hi Johny,

Wow, RedHat series 3 I believe the most recent version is already series 5.

OK, your system is missing "fenv.h" which apparently should be part of ""... which you probably don't have due to having an old system. But still, you can try installing the development files for libc (check in your package installer in RedHat, whose name I don't know ). You can also try finding it in your system:
find / -name "fenv.h"
Although this could take a while to find...

You can try the following change in the build-gcc44 script, but I haven't tested yet it's effect (if any):
  1. Find the function "configure_gcc()" which has this code:
      ${GCC_HOME}/configure -v \
        --prefix=${PREFIX} --disable-multilib \
        --with-pkgversion='OpenFOAM' --enable-languages=${GCC_LANGS} \
        --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-allocator=new \
        > ${LOG_FOLDER}/gcc-${WM_COMPILER}_configure.log 2>&1
  2. Make this change in bold:
      ${GCC_HOME}/configure -v --disable-decimal-float \
        --prefix=${PREFIX} --disable-multilib \
        --with-pkgversion='OpenFOAM' --enable-languages=${GCC_LANGS} \
        --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-allocator=new \
        > ${LOG_FOLDER}/gcc-${WM_COMPILER}_configure.log 2>&1
My theory is that this change should remove the need for fenv.h, but I don't know exactly what are the repercussions

Best regards,
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Old   October 28, 2010, 07:48
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Hi Bruno....
Altering your script didn't help either...

Originally Posted by johny View Post
Thanks Bruno,

I'd already looked for this fenv.h file but it seemed to be from a different library....I just copy it....I just copied one of these files to directory where it was searching for it and of no use

But I looked for the library which I couldn't find....Do you think installing this library could help---If so please let me know where I can get those from

Anyway I'll make the changes you suggested in the script and let you know the repercussions...

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Old   October 28, 2010, 10:25
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Hi Jonhy,

Well, I did say:
My theory is that this change should remove the need for fenv.h, but I don't know exactly what are the repercussions
After some online searching, it seems that fenv.h is part of more recent versions of (this is the proper name for it, not libc6 like I said before ), but I didn't find from since when.

If you still have access to the RedHat service (or if your system's administrator still has access), you should be entitled to at least ask them for support about this issue. And my guess is that you better act quickly, because of this: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 & CentOS 3 end-of-life announced

From my part, the only I could try to do is to install CentOS 3.9 in a Virtual Machine, try to use my build scripts there and try to solve it. But I don't know when I could get around to try that And other than that, there is little left I can do.

The best solution for you, if possible, would be to upgrade your system up to RHEL or CentOS 5.x or 6.x.

Best regards,
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Old   October 28, 2010, 11:06
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Thanks Bruno for the support....I think I got to ask the administrator for an urgent update !!!

Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Hi Jonhy,

Well, I did say:After some online searching, it seems that fenv.h is part of more recent versions of (this is the proper name for it, not libc6 like I said before ), but I didn't find from since when.

If you still have access to the RedHat service (or if your system's administrator still has access), you should be entitled to at least ask them for support about this issue. And my guess is that you better act quickly, because of this: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 & CentOS 3 end-of-life announced

From my part, the only I could try to do is to install CentOS 3.9 in a Virtual Machine, try to use my build scripts there and try to solve it. But I don't know when I could get around to try that And other than that, there is little left I can do.

The best solution for you, if possible, would be to upgrade your system up to RHEL or CentOS 5.x or 6.x.

Best regards,
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Old   October 29, 2010, 10:49
Default OpenFOAM1.7.x installation on RHEL 4.0 cluster
Maruthamuthu Venkatraman
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I understand from the forum and from others that installing OF1.7.x is not a trivial task in RHEL 4.0. However its not impossible. So I need some of your suggestion to get it done.

gcc in the system is quite old version i.e. gcc 3.4.6. It need to be updated, but when I run the foamSystemCheck it says system pass and asked me to do OF installation. I hope its not working .

Anyhow the recent version of gcc4.4. cannot be compiled in RHEL ?? If so is it possible to get a compiled gcc4.4. and its dependencies from some where and shall use it for compiling the sources.

Thanks in advance
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Old   October 30, 2010, 08:53
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Greetings Venkatraman,

Like I told Jonhy, the only way for me to build gcc 4.4.x in an old RHEL like system, would be for me to install CentOS 3.9, or in your case, CentOS 4.

You can try using the ThirdParty package from CentFOAM, that already comes with gcc 4.4.4 pre-built, but it's only for x86_64 and it's not guaranteed that it will work in older RHEL, since that version was built for RHEL series 5.

Last week I posted about my findings on attempts for building gcc 4.4.4 with the latest glibc: Trying to include glibc in my build-gcc scripts...
It describes that I wasn't successful, but it felt that I was pretty close to being successful. But in the near future, I won't be able to investigate it any further So, if you have time to continue my investigation, feel free to do so

By the way, a final note: I know that the latest git FreeFOAM (a variant/fork based on OpenFOAM that builds with CMake instead of wmake) is able to build with gcc 4.1.2. So, if you guys can at least build a version of gcc >= 4.1.2, then you can try FreeFOAM.

Best regards and good luck!
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Old   October 30, 2010, 09:50
Maruthamuthu Venkatraman
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Dear Bruno,
Thanks for your replies. There are no plans to update the RHEL version in near future . So I need to live with this system for the time being .

Some told me that there is a possibility to copy the compiled gcc, gmp and mpfr ? and paste it on ThirdPaty-1.7.x/platforms/LinuxGcc location to solve this issue.

If you are aware about such thing, could you shed some light upon it?

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Problem installing OpenFOAM 1.5 installation on RHEL 4. vwsj84 OpenFOAM Installation 4 April 23, 2009 05:48
64bitrhel5 OF installation instructions mirko OpenFOAM Installation 2 August 12, 2008 19:07
Adventure of fisrst openfoam installation on Ubuntu 710 jussi OpenFOAM Installation 0 April 24, 2008 15:25
Installation of OpenFOAM14 on Redhat Enterprise 14 gtg627e OpenFOAM Installation 2 July 23, 2007 11:37
OpenFOAM installation problem on Linux 32bit kumar OpenFOAM Installation 0 April 27, 2007 06:41

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