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[mesh manipulation] Creating porous baffle

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Old   August 10, 2023, 09:28
Question Creating correct patchField entries for porous baffle
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Wilhelm Furian
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Berlin
Posts: 16
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Florian Mlehliw is on a distinguished road
Dear all!

I'm slowly getting to know a little more of OpenFOAM, but there is just SO much^^

I'm still trying to understand how to best simulate a dam break at a lake, a bit similar to this question (Dam-break with a vertical-lifting gate (without dynamic mesh technique?)). There, I got the idea of creating the dam as a baffle which then gets more and more porous until it is completely "gone" (I hope something like that's possible). Or can I create a baffle which does dome kind of solidMotion into the ground?

I want to show you what I've done so far and I would then like for someone to tell me if I'm on the right track at all.

The OpenFoam user guide says that a searchablePlate can be used to create a baffle. I've created the plate using snappyHexMeshDict:
        type            searchablePlate;
        origin          (4000 3463 4582);
        span            (300 0 90);

            level (6 6);
            type searchablePlate;
and it looks promising:

To create a faceZone, I then used topoSetDict like this:
        name    dam;
        type      faceZoneSet;
        action    new;
        origin    (4000 3463 4582);
        span      (300 0 90);

        source    searchableSurfaceToFaceZone;
        surfaceType    searchablePlate;
        surfaceName    dam;
In an older Youtube tutorial, the createBafflesDict looked like this:
        type    faceZone;
        zoneName    dam;
        flip    false;
                name    dam;
                type    wall;
            slave { ${..master} }
But when I run createBaffles, it gives me an error because I didn't include patchField entries for dam in the files in 0 (like U, alpha.water etc.). What would be the correct way to include my dam baffle there?

Can any of this lead to me simulating a dam breach?^^

Thank you all!

Last edited by Florian Mlehliw; August 11, 2023 at 05:42. Reason: better title
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Old   August 10, 2023, 12:35
New Member
Wilhelm Furian
Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Berlin
Posts: 16
Rep Power: 3
Florian Mlehliw is on a distinguished road
I've looked a lot at activeBaffleVelocity, because that seems to be a good way to "move" my dam baffle.
According to the OpenFOAM guide, I should define a velocity boundary condition for my baffle. It could look something like this:
         type            activeBaffleVelocity;
         p               p;
         cyclicPatch     cyclic1;
         orientation     1;
         openFraction    1;
         openingTime     10.0;
         maxOpenFractionDelta 0.1;
I have a few (very beginner) questions:
In what Dict does this belong? The other boundary conditions are in all the files in the 0 directory, would that be the right place?
Under cyclicPatch, I should put the name of the cyclic patch - would that be "dam" in this case, so it recognizes my baffle?
Florian Mlehliw is offline   Reply With Quote


baffles, dam break, porous baffle, snappy hex mesh

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