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[Gmsh] GMSH and OpenFOAM

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Old   April 29, 2006, 13:38
Default GMSH and OpenFOAM
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Giuseppe Noviello
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Hi to all I'm new user of GMSH and OpenFOAM and I've a problem.
I'm generated a simple cube with 3d mesh in GMSH this is:
1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0
3 1 1 0
4 0 1 0
5 1 0 1
6 1 1 1
10 0 1 1
14 0 0 1
15 0.1111111111111096 0 0
16 0.2222222222222192 0 0
1 1 32 1 2 1 15
2 1 32 1 2 15 16
108 1 32 22 2 110 14
109 3 31 6 4 2 23 111 22
but when I use gmshToFOAM for import it I've this
Read nVerts:488

Read nElems:1080

Mapping region 31 to Foam patch 0
Mapping region 33 to Foam patch 1
hex :0
pyr :0
tet :0

Patch Size
0 486
1 486

Zone Size
--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : faces deallocated
From function const faceList& polyMesh::allFaces() const
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMesh.C at line 655.

FOAM aborting

Foam::polyMesh::allFaces() const
Foam::polyPatch::polyPatch(Foam::word const&, int, int, int, Foam::polyBoundaryMesh const&)
Foam::polyPatch::addwordConstructorToTable<foam::p olypatch>::New(Foam::word const&, int, int, int, Foam::polyBoundaryMesh const&)
Foam::polyPatch::New(Foam::word const&, Foam::word const&, int, int, int, Foam::polyBoundaryMesh const&)
Foam::polyMesh::polyMesh(Foam::IOobject const&, Foam::Field<foam::vector<double> > const&, Foam::List<foam::cellshape> const&, Foam::List<foam::list<foam::face> > const&, Foam::List<foam::word> const&, Foam::List<foam::word> const&, Foam::word const&, Foam::List<foam::word> const&)
gmshToFoam [0x804ef2f]

Someone can help me?
thanks in advantage
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Old   May 1, 2006, 14:02
Default I guess you have to specify a
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Andrea Palazzi
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I guess you have to specify a physical volume, otherwise the cells aren't exported. If you have obtained the volume by, eg, extrusion, then you have to guess the volume number (the viewer tool helps you); in your case I bet it's volume #1, so add something like this to your .geo file:

Physical Volume{100} = {1};

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Old   May 1, 2006, 14:14
Default Thanks Andrea it works........
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Giuseppe Noviello
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derath is on a distinguished road
Thanks Andrea it works..............:-)
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Old   March 19, 2007, 09:47
Default Hi, I have just menaged to
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I have just menaged to install correctly OpenFoam.
(few dasy ago). And I read so many pasges of programmer's guide, and user's guide
Ans I have 2 questions:

1/ Ok, we can take the case of cavity:ok for the explanations about Condition Boundaries, Mesh, but :
HOW can we say to OpenFoam that we need it to solve for us a particular equation????
For example, if I want to solve the Navier-Stokes equation with the Mesh of the case "cavity" (or with any meshes), where do I have to precise it?
In wich files, or fields??

2/ I want to import a .msh (done by gmsh) into OpenFoam. But what's id the command precisely?

I hope that someone can help me.
thaks in advantage.

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Old   March 19, 2007, 10:03
Default 1/ icoFoam is in: OpenFOAM/Op
rafal zietara
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1/ icoFoam is in:

commands(for future reference):
$sol # takes you to solvers
than you think icoFoam is for incompressible fluids so:
$cd incompressible

cd icoFoam
and you have all files you need with all equations
2/ mshToFoam is your friend (i think ive never used)
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Old   March 19, 2007, 10:47
Default Hi Rafal, thanks to replyin
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Hi Rafal,

thanks to replying me so quickly.
But I think that I'm not sur to underdestand what you told me,

1/ You wanna say that I can NOT precise the equation I want to solve:but, with OpenFoam, I just can choice the solver (because icoFoam is a solver, isn't it?) in function of each problem.
Am I wrong?

2/ Ok, I will try, even if I don't know yet, what I have to fill in the fiel <root>, and <casename>

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Old   March 19, 2007, 11:21
Default hi Lam, 1/ i showed you where
rafal zietara
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hi Lam,
1/ i showed you where are equations
you want to solve.
you have two files
icoFoam.C - contains N-S eqns + with PISO
(why they are written in this way
you need to read programmers guide (i believe
several times to make everything clear about
fields handling and discretization)
and second fiele
createFields.H - (which is included in icoFoam.C)
contains all reading fields from files.

you may ask why to split this into two files.
thats true it could be in one BIG file
more difficult to read. by splitting this you
separate field initialization and manipulation.

2/ i have never used mshToFoam but i believe
it is like always
<root> /path/to/your/directory/containg/msh/
<case> mesh.msh
but i can be wrong.
search forum for it, read user&programers guides
maybe use in FoamX is easier(?)
hope that helps


in icoFoam.C you have N-S equations which you
can modify if you dont like them (dont have
important for you forces)
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Old   March 19, 2007, 11:47
Default Thanks, Rafal! Things you've
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Thanks, Rafal!
Things you've explained to me are pretty clear.
It's a good start for me. I will try now

Thanks again.

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Old   March 19, 2007, 12:26
Default Hey everybody, Impatiently,
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Hey everybody,

Impatiently, I take this file by the net: exemple.msh done by Gmsh.

And I used gmshToFoam:

-> mkdir totoCase
-> gmshToFoam /home/lam/OpenFOAM/lam-1.3/run/tutorials/icoFoam totoCase ~/Download/exemple.msh

But it doesn't work:

Exec : gmshToFoam /home/lam/OpenFOAM/lam-1.3/run/tutorials/icoFoam totoCase /home/pham/Download/exemple.msh
Date : Mar 19 2007
Time : 17:38:14
Host : linux
PID : 8735
Root : /home/pham/OpenFOAM/pham-1.3/run/tutorials/icoFoam
Case : totoCase
Nprocs : 1
Create time

--> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR : cannot open file

file: /home/lam/OpenFOAM/lam-1.3/run/tutorials/icoFoam/totoCase/system/controlDict at line 0.

From function regIOobject::readStream(const word&)
in file db/regIOobject/regIOobjectRead.C at line 68.

FOAM exiting


Everyone can help me?
What do I need to convert that ?

Thanks in advance.

(you can see the contain of exemple.msh at the end of this mail, but could you tell me how to join a file in a Message, instead of pasting a too long file like exemple.msh?)


1 0 0 0
2 12.04 0 0
3 12.04 6.02 0
4 0 6.02 0
5 0 5.016666666666677 0
6 0 4.013333333333356 0
7 0 3.010000000000034 0
8 0 2.006666666666712 0
9 0 1.003333333333367 0
10 0.9261538461538181 0 0
11 1.852307692307636 0 0
12 2.778461538461454 0 0
13 3.70461538461528 0 0
14 4.630769230769109 0 0
15 5.556923076922938 0 0
16 6.483076923076765 0 0
17 7.409230769230593 0 0
18 8.33538461538442 0 0
19 9.261538461538269 0 0
20 10.18769230769218 0 0
21 11.11384615384609 0 0
22 12.04 1.003333333333303 0
23 12.04 2.006666666666611 0
24 12.04 3.009999999999925 0
25 12.04 4.013333333333239 0
26 12.04 5.016666666666597 0
27 11.11384615384616 6.02 0
28 10.18769230769233 6.02 0
29 9.261538461538493 6.02 0
30 8.335384615384656 6.02 0
31 7.409230769230819 6.02 0
32 6.483076923076984 6.02 0
33 5.556923076923149 6.02 0
34 4.630769230769313 6.02 0
35 3.704615384615477 6.02 0
36 2.77846153846163 6.02 0
37 1.852307692307754 6.02 0
38 0.9261538461538763 6.02 0
39 3.20486607222271 3.023730835499769 0
40 8.785570456768582 2.942154494276568 0
41 5.890041415784452 2.827810245864558 0
42 7.068417843577777 4.051633752998181 0
43 4.666473936568431 4.113761583337503 0
44 1.746476358849613 2.045132506854817 0
45 1.66108512559058 4.477370673046563 0
46 10.28338612900738 2.019084725966363 0
47 10.36088453087697 4.460307277816611 0
48 4.684037946250176 1.959466419583135 0
49 7.477634950015693 1.780081064058617 0
50 3.181037626672769 4.704844932976531 0
51 8.806594356501666 4.678218704444161 0
52 3.228941676784689 1.385444759849426 0
53 8.813289134634145 1.333885457597928 0
54 6.068811485511314 1.351329606511205 0
55 6.119958776833551 4.584951327405134 0
56 10.82023736793175 2.932519116922403 0
57 1.20831028707753 2.951162166015311 0
58 4.336426226494211 3.031683611446948 0
59 7.594811452881604 2.844032294684988 0
60 0.9027185875055713 4.864641433806117 0
61 1.167074993726187 1.109406057389359 0
62 11.13066333240834 4.858142478076046 0
63 10.87019715868786 1.100212004031592 0
64 7.931649253103467 5.034343157988877 0
65 4.041448277347159 5.038595722989901 0
66 2.402296221770476 5.128245327117689 0
67 9.616388298066857 5.114087243375444 0
68 6.076371330006538 3.692624645591604 0
69 6.86858845040018 0.9838509349772783 0
70 5.235546174123916 0.9968162165791251 0
71 2.195885606045013 2.960270853063578 0
72 2.393316559273726 1.045759448255547 0
73 9.643815634141552 1.021957255083185 0
74 9.819399073138445 2.91953964860476 0
75 4.061081514575364 1.016547863270589 0
76 8.006022008097835 0.9635788579107692 0
77 8.268809506212312 3.917102388266152 0
78 3.667160279589416 3.983952162859802 0
79 2.572667986363931 3.991150403074476 0
80 9.425783210746278 3.952278848374944 0
81 5.218468734328887 5.045328093357131 0
82 6.842766041496826 5.180163765903639 0
83 5.265832690233351 3.413160798309983 0
84 3.710339718690302 2.084606017969892 0
85 8.325989356840356 1.983391547720674 0
86 0.7675896959037325 2.11342713315732 0
87 0.8435732789845334 3.918493431614463 0
88 11.18774424301501 3.908281659269329 0
89 11.26806540297308 2.103656527545175 0
90 6.592713404722349 2.125626119945127 0
91 5.604565216919084 1.984032746739841 0
92 2.746642647630272 2.090817695837377 0
93 9.278578264171982 2.036663541503021 0
94 6.644478613305885 3.108334651169195 0
95 3.221574072240596 5.382334282359857 0
96 8.790312575328381 5.373327339505198 0
97 5.469428136475575 4.169955607611608 0
98 3.233285644307176 0.6895474322852577 0
99 8.812011537947631 0.6638818229730552 0
100 10.3228119420657 3.634581536322643 0
101 1.696308104726134 3.659684929462258 0
102 6.042592032955783 0.6663953939109775 0
103 6.044241442119975 5.370084813209879 0
104 1.548913720976916 5.302049706366417 0
105 10.48189579297041 5.294505934720005 0
106 5.156189037461824 2.643219399606885 0
107 11.55456607384993 1.553466386396466 0
108 0.4836669143770546 1.558207376216017 0
109 0.4365737905728652 4.453282699385743 0
110 11.59960236831409 4.449105209542208 0
1 1 1 1 2 4 5
2 1 1 1 2 5 6
3 1 1 1 2 6 7
4 1 1 1 2 7 8
5 1 1 1 2 8 9
6 1 1 1 2 9 1
7 1 2 2 2 1 10
8 1 2 2 2 10 11
9 1 2 2 2 11 12
10 1 2 2 2 12 13
11 1 2 2 2 13 14
12 1 2 2 2 14 15
13 1 2 2 2 15 16
14 1 2 2 2 16 17
15 1 2 2 2 17 18
16 1 2 2 2 18 19
17 1 2 2 2 19 20
18 1 2 2 2 20 21
19 1 2 2 2 21 2
20 1 3 3 2 2 22
21 1 3 3 2 22 23
22 1 3 3 2 23 24
23 1 3 3 2 24 25
24 1 3 3 2 25 26
25 1 3 3 2 26 3
26 1 4 4 2 3 27
27 1 4 4 2 27 28
28 1 4 4 2 28 29
29 1 4 4 2 29 30
30 1 4 4 2 30 31
31 1 4 4 2 31 32
32 1 4 4 2 32 33
33 1 4 4 2 33 34
34 1 4 4 2 34 35
35 1 4 4 2 35 36
36 1 4 4 2 36 37
37 1 4 4 2 37 38
38 1 4 4 2 38 4
39 2 6 6 3 55 42 68
40 2 6 6 3 42 55 82
41 2 6 6 3 5 38 60
42 2 6 6 3 10 9 61
43 2 6 6 3 27 26 62
44 2 6 6 3 22 21 63
45 2 6 6 3 59 49 90
46 2 6 6 3 56 24 89
47 2 6 6 3 24 56 88
48 2 6 6 3 57 7 87
49 2 6 6 3 7 57 86
50 2 6 6 3 11 61 72
51 2 6 6 3 63 20 73
52 2 6 6 3 5 4 38
53 2 6 6 3 26 27 3
54 2 6 6 3 21 22 2
55 2 6 6 3 10 1 9
56 2 6 6 3 59 90 94
57 2 6 6 3 72 44 92
58 2 6 6 3 46 73 93
59 2 6 6 3 42 64 77
60 2 6 6 3 64 51 77
61 2 6 6 3 50 65 78
62 2 6 6 3 65 43 78
63 2 6 6 3 52 72 92
64 2 6 6 3 73 53 93
65 2 6 6 3 11 10 61
66 2 6 6 3 21 20 63
67 2 6 6 3 56 46 74
68 2 6 6 3 44 57 71
69 2 6 6 3 51 67 80
70 2 6 6 3 67 47 80
71 2 6 6 3 66 50 79
72 2 6 6 3 45 66 79
73 2 6 6 3 53 76 85
74 2 6 6 3 76 49 85
75 2 6 6 3 75 52 84
76 2 6 6 3 48 75 84
77 2 6 6 3 46 56 89
78 2 6 6 3 57 44 86
79 2 6 6 3 7 6 87
80 2 6 6 3 24 23 89
81 2 6 6 3 25 24 88
82 2 6 6 3 8 7 86
83 2 6 6 3 42 59 94
84 2 6 6 3 59 40 85
85 2 6 6 3 49 59 85
86 2 6 6 3 58 48 84
87 2 6 6 3 39 58 84
88 2 6 6 3 61 44 72
89 2 6 6 3 46 63 73
90 2 6 6 3 59 42 77
91 2 6 6 3 40 59 77
92 2 6 6 3 43 58 78
93 2 6 6 3 58 39 78
94 2 6 6 3 68 42 94
95 2 6 6 3 58 43 83
96 2 6 6 3 54 70 91
97 2 6 6 3 70 48 91
98 2 6 6 3 49 69 90
99 2 6 6 3 69 54 90
100 2 6 6 3 41 90 91
101 2 6 6 3 90 54 91
102 2 6 6 3 17 69 76
103 2 6 6 3 70 14 75
104 2 6 6 3 48 58 106
105 2 6 6 3 74 40 80
106 2 6 6 3 39 71 79
107 2 6 6 3 63 46 89
108 2 6 6 3 44 61 86
109 2 6 6 3 47 62 88
110 2 6 6 3 78 39 79
111 2 6 6 3 50 78 79
112 2 6 6 3 60 45 87
113 2 6 6 3 64 42 82
114 2 6 6 3 43 65 81
115 2 6 6 3 40 77 80
116 2 6 6 3 77 51 80
117 2 6 6 3 35 34 65
118 2 6 6 3 68 41 83
119 2 6 6 3 31 30 64
120 2 6 6 3 37 36 66
121 2 6 6 3 29 28 67
122 2 6 6 3 69 49 76
123 2 6 6 3 45 60 104
124 2 6 6 3 48 70 75
125 2 6 6 3 62 47 105
126 2 6 6 3 65 34 81
127 2 6 6 3 31 64 82
128 2 6 6 3 43 81 97
129 2 6 6 3 14 13 75
130 2 6 6 3 18 17 76
131 2 6 6 3 66 45 104
132 2 6 6 3 47 67 105
133 2 6 6 3 12 11 72
134 2 6 6 3 20 19 73
135 2 6 6 3 35 65 95
136 2 6 6 3 17 16 69
137 2 6 6 3 64 30 96
138 2 6 6 3 15 14 70
139 2 6 6 3 74 80 100
140 2 6 6 3 79 71 101
141 2 6 6 3 60 38 104
142 2 6 6 3 27 62 105
143 2 6 6 3 65 50 95
144 2 6 6 3 51 64 96
145 2 6 6 3 44 71 92
146 2 6 6 3 74 46 93
147 2 6 6 3 34 33 81
148 2 6 6 3 73 19 99
149 2 6 6 3 32 31 82
150 2 6 6 3 12 72 98
151 2 6 6 3 68 83 97
152 2 6 6 3 81 55 97
153 2 6 6 3 47 88 100
154 2 6 6 3 88 56 100
155 2 6 6 3 37 66 104
156 2 6 6 3 57 87 101
157 2 6 6 3 87 45 101
158 2 6 6 3 67 28 105
159 2 6 6 3 72 52 98
160 2 6 6 3 53 73 99
161 2 6 6 3 71 39 92
162 2 6 6 3 40 74 93
163 2 6 6 3 69 16 102
164 2 6 6 3 15 70 102
165 2 6 6 3 91 48 106
166 2 6 6 3 5 60 109
167 2 6 6 3 61 9 108
168 2 6 6 3 54 69 102
169 2 6 6 3 62 26 110
170 2 6 6 3 22 63 107
171 2 6 6 3 70 54 102
172 2 6 6 3 63 89 107
173 2 6 6 3 88 62 110
174 2 6 6 3 86 61 108
175 2 6 6 3 60 87 109
176 2 6 6 3 29 67 96
177 2 6 6 3 67 51 96
178 2 6 6 3 66 36 95
179 2 6 6 3 50 66 95
180 2 6 6 3 38 37 104
181 2 6 6 3 28 27 105
182 2 6 6 3 90 41 94
183 2 6 6 3 55 68 97
184 2 6 6 3 85 40 93
185 2 6 6 3 39 84 92
186 2 6 6 3 41 68 94
187 2 6 6 3 75 13 98
188 2 6 6 3 52 75 98
189 2 6 6 3 18 76 99
190 2 6 6 3 76 53 99
191 2 6 6 3 71 57 101
192 2 6 6 3 56 74 100
193 2 6 6 3 84 52 92
194 2 6 6 3 83 41 106
195 2 6 6 3 53 85 93
196 2 6 6 3 32 82 103
197 2 6 6 3 82 55 103
198 2 6 6 3 81 33 103
199 2 6 6 3 55 81 103
200 2 6 6 3 45 79 101
201 2 6 6 3 80 47 100
202 2 6 6 3 23 22 107
203 2 6 6 3 41 91 106
204 2 6 6 3 9 8 108
205 2 6 6 3 26 25 110
206 2 6 6 3 6 5 109
207 2 6 6 3 36 35 95
208 2 6 6 3 30 29 96
209 2 6 6 3 83 43 97
210 2 6 6 3 13 12 98
211 2 6 6 3 8 86 108
212 2 6 6 3 25 88 110
213 2 6 6 3 87 6 109
214 2 6 6 3 19 18 99
215 2 6 6 3 89 23 107
216 2 6 6 3 58 83 106
217 2 6 6 3 16 15 102
218 2 6 6 3 33 32 103

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Old   March 19, 2007, 12:58
Default browse wiki: http://openfoamw
rafal zietara
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browse wiki:
browse the forum to get more info about use
hope this helps
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Old   March 19, 2007, 14:18
Default Hi Hong-Lam! Your problem i
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Hi Hong-Lam!

Your problem is that creating a directory with mkdir is not sufficient to create a "virgin case". ANY OpenFOAM-Utility (including the mesh converters) expects at least a controlDict in it. The best solution would be to copy a tutorial case for the solver you want to use later with your mesh and use the mesh converter with that (everything will be kept in place except the constant/polyMesh-Directory). Afterwards you only have to adapt the boundary conditions and you are ready.

The other way is to take the fatal errors of OpenFOAM literally: if it wants a controlDict then give it a controlDict. Proceed until it stops complaining (that way you lean a lot about OpenFOAM-cases)
Note: I don't use "Friend"-feature on this forum out of principle. Ah. And by the way: I'm not on Facebook either. So don't be offended if I don't accept your invitation/friend request
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Old   March 20, 2007, 05:43
Default A new day, a new hope (lol) S
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A new day, a new hope (lol)
Sincerly, thanks to you Rafal, and Bernhard.

I will try at once what you adviced me to do.

Thanks a lot

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Old   March 20, 2007, 07:45
Default Hey, Thanks to BernHard, my
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Thanks to BernHard, my problem with the convert gmshToFoam has evoluted: now, I know that I have the same error like Guiseppe Noviello in April 2006 (lol, look at this page up). (thanks to you Rafal!)
Can somebody give me a .msh file done by gmsh with specifiying a physical volume in the .geo.
In fact, I follow exactly Andrea's advice (page up) given to Guiseppe, one year ago.

Thanks in advance!

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Old   March 20, 2007, 09:06
Default Hi, You could try this. It
Erik Arlemark
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You could try this. It worked for me.



//tjocklek av finare mesh

//distans mellan bränslestavar

//antal cellager för finmesh


//3/4 Pi båge (cellager)

//antal cellager för halvablock

//antal cellager för block

//cellager för krökt block

//för extrude
//längd av figuren

//antal cellager på längden

//cebtrym och referens för de elva volymblocken
p100 = newp; Point(p100) = {0, 0, 0, 0.1};

//volym 1
p1 = newp; Point(p1) = {-(r+d/2), -(r+d/2), 0, 0.1};
p2 = newp; Point(p2) = {-(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), -(r+d/2), 0, 0.1};
p3 = newp; Point(p3) = {-(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), -(r+f)*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
p4 = newp; Point(p4) = {-(r+d/2), -(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
c1 = newreg; Line(c1) = {p1,p2};
c2 = newreg; Line(c2) = {p2,p3};
c3 = newreg; Line(c3) = {p3,p4};
c4 = newreg; Line(c4) = {p4,p1};
s1 = newreg; Line Loop(s1) = {c1,c2,c3,c4};
rs1 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs1) = {s1};
Transfinite Line {c1,c2,c3,c4} = hbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs1} = {p1,p2,p3,p4};

//volym 2
p10 = newp; Point(p10) = {(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), -(r+d/2), 0, 0.1};
p11 = newp; Point(p11) = {(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), -(r+f)*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
c10 = newreg; Line(c10) = {p2,p10};
c11 = newreg; Line(c11) = {p10,p11};
c12 = newreg; Circle(c12) = {p11,p100,p3};
s2 = newreg; Line Loop(s2) = {c10,c11,c12,-c2};
rs2 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs2) = {s2};
Transfinite Line {c11} = hbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c10,c12} = kbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs2} = {p2,p10,p11,p3};

//volym 3
p20 = newp; Point(p20) = {r+d, -(r+d/2), 0, 0.1};
p21 = newp; Point(p21) = {r+d, -(r+f)*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
c20 = newreg; Line(c20) = {p10,p20};
c21 = newreg; Line(c21) = {p20,p21};
c22 = newreg; Line(c22) = {p21,p11};
s3 = newreg; Line Loop(s3) = {c20,c21,c22,-c11};
rs3 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs3) = {s3};
Transfinite Line {c20,c22} = bl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c21} = hbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs3} = {p10,p20,p21,p11};

//volym 4
p30 = newp; Point(p30) = {-(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), (r+f)*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
p31 = newp; Point(p31) = {-(r+d/2), (r+f)*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
c30 = newreg; Line(c30) = {p30,p31};
c31 = newreg; Line(c31) = {p31,p4};
c32 = newreg; Circle(c32) = {p3,p100,p30};
s4 = newreg; Line Loop(s4) = {c30,c32,c31,-c3};
rs4 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs4) = {s4};
Transfinite Line {c31,c32} = kbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c30} = hbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs4} = {p4,p3,p30,p31};

//volym 5

p40 = newp; Point(p40) = {r*Cos(Pi/4), -r*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
p41 = newp; Point(p41) = {-r*Cos(Pi/4), -r*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
c40 = newreg; Line(c40) = {p11,p40};
c41 = newreg; Line(c41) = {p41,p3};
c42 = newreg; Circle(c42) = {p40,p100,p41};
s5 =newreg; Line Loop(s5) = {-c12,c40,c42,c41};
rs5 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs5) = {s5};
Transfinite Line {c40,c41} = fl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c42} = kbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs5} = {p3,p11,p40,p41};

//volym 6
p50 = newp; Point(p50) = {r+f, 0, 0, 0.1};
p51 = newp; Point(p51) = {r, 0, 0, 0.1};
c50 = newreg; Line(c50) = {p50,p51};
c51 = newreg; Circle(c51) = {p11,p100,p50};
c52 = newreg; Circle(c52) = {p51,p100,p40};
s6 = newreg; Line Loop(s6) = {c51,c50,c52,-c40};
rs6 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs6) = {s6};
Transfinite Line {c50} = fl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c51,c52} = abl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs6} = {p11,p50,p51,p40};

//volym 7
p60 = newp; Point(p60) = {0, r+f, 0, 0.1};
p61 = newp; Point(p61) = {0, r, 0, 0.1};
c60 = newreg; Line(c60) = {p60,p61};
c61 = newreg; Circle(c61) = {p50,p100,p60};
c62 = newreg; Circle(c62) = {p61,p100,p51};
s7 = newreg; Line Loop(s7) = {c61,c60,c62,-c50};
rs7 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs7) = {s7};
Transfinite Line {c60} = fl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c61,c62} = kbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs7} = {p50,p60,p61,p51};

//volym 8
p70 = newp; Point(p70) = {-(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), (r+f)*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
p71 = newp; Point(p71) = {-r*Cos(Pi/4), r*Sin(Pi/4), 0, 0.1};
c70 = newreg; Line(c70) = {p70,p71};
c71 = newreg; Circle(c71) = {p60,p100,p70};
c72 = newreg; Circle(c72) = {p71,p100,p61};
s8 = newreg; Line Loop(s8) = {c71,c70,c72,-c60};
rs8 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs8) = {s8};
Transfinite Line {c70} = fl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c71,c72} = abl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs8} = {p60,p70,p71,p61};

//volym 9
c80 = newreg; Circle(c80) = {p41,p100,p71};
s9 = newreg; Line Loop(s9) = {-c32,-c41,c80,-c70};
rs9 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs9) = {s9};
Transfinite Line {c80} = kbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs9} = {p70,p3,p41,p71};

//volym 10
p105 = newp; Point(p105) = {r+d, 0, 0, 0.1};
c100 = newreg; Line(c100) = {p21,p105};
c101 = newreg; Line(c101) = {p105,p50};
s10 = newreg; Line Loop(s10) = {c100,c101,-c51,-c22};
rs10 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs10) = {s10};
Transfinite Line {c100} = abl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c101} = bl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs10} = {p21,p105,p50,p11};

//volym 11
p110 = newp; Point(p110) = {-(r+f)*Cos(Pi/4), r+d, 0, 0.1};
p111 = newp; Point(p111) = {-(r+d/2), r+d, 0, 0.1};
c110 = newreg; Line(c110) = {p70,p110};
c111 = newreg; Line(c111) = {p110,p111};
c112 = newreg; Line(c112) = {p111,p31};
s11 = newreg; Line Loop(s11) = {c110,c111,c112,-c30};
rs11 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs11) = {s11};
Transfinite Line {c110,c112} = bl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c111} = hbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs11} = {p70,p110,p111,p31};

//volym 12
p120 = newp; Point(p120) = {0, r+d, 0, 0.1};
c120 = newreg; Line(c120) = {p60,p120};
c121 = newreg; Line(c121) = {p120,p110};
s12 = newreg; Line Loop(s12) = {c120,c121,-c110,-c71};
rs12 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs12) = {s12};
Transfinite Line {c120} = bl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {c121} = abl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs12} = {p60,p120,p110,p70};

//volym 13
c130 = newreg; Circle(c130) = {p105,p100,p120};
s13 = newreg; Line Loop(s13) = {c130,-c120,-c61,-c101};
rs13 = newreg; Plane Surface(rs13) = {s13};
Transfinite Line {c130} = kbl Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Surface {rs13} = {p50,p105,p120,p60};

Recombine Surface {rs1,rs2,rs3,rs4,rs5,rs6,rs7,rs8,rs9,rs10,rs11,rs1 2,rs13};

Extrude {0,0,L} {
Surface{rs1,rs2,rs3,rs4,rs5,rs6,rs7,rs8,rs9,rs10,r s11,rs12,rs13}; Layers{ {cl}, {1}, {1} }; Recombine;

Physical Surface(1000) = {6,21,53,11,44,41,57,36,31,26,16,48,60};

Physical Surface(2000) = {82,104,126,148,170,192,214,236,258,302,324,346,28 0};

Physical Volume(4000) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13};
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Old   March 20, 2007, 09:07
Default have to mesh the geo file firs
Erik Arlemark
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
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have to mesh the geo file first though.
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Old   March 20, 2007, 09:14
Default Hi Erik, Thanks to try to h
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
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lam is on a distinguished road
Hi Erik,

Thanks to try to help me.
But what is the file you wrote here? Is it a .geo file? Because I do not have gmsh to put it on .msh file.
Sorry to ask you that but have you got a .msh which does what you have written?

Thanks in advance, Erik.

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Old   March 20, 2007, 11:07
Default Ok, sorry I thought you had gm
Erik Arlemark
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
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Ok, sorry I thought you had gmsh. I dont have gmsh either anymory to mesh with.
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Old   March 20, 2007, 11:37
Default No problem Erik. But nobody
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lam is on a distinguished road
No problem Erik.

But nobody else can provide me a .msh done by a gmsh?
I can't help trying the convert "gmshToFoam", jsut see if it works!

Thanks in advance.

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Old   March 20, 2007, 15:46
Default There is a CubeVer1.msh in
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Mattijs Janssens
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There is a CubeVer1.msh in

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Old   March 21, 2007, 05:38
Default Hi Mattijs, THanks a lot fO
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
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lam is on a distinguished road
Hi Mattijs,

THanks a lot fOr your help!
I try this, and I can see the mesh thanks to paraFoam. It seems to work.
But I've read the description written in

it is said:

"Note: There is something seriously wrong with the ordering written in the
.msh file. Normal operation is to use the ordering as described
in the manual. Use the -autoInvert to invert based on the geometry.
Not very well tested."

1/ What does it mean?
How can I use this otpion "-autoInvert"? Do I need this?

2/ And how can I use the function "checkMesh" to check a mesh, in general?

Thanks in advance,

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