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[Gmsh] Import problem

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Old   February 27, 2010, 11:56
Default Import problem
New Member
Andrew Carmichael
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 16
ARC is on a distinguished road
Hi there,

I'm currently trying to import a model I created in Gmsh into OpenFoam using the gmshToFoam function. The models seems to work perfectly in Gsmh, meaning I dont get any errors. However, when I import it to Open Foam, I get the following error:
(my gmsh code is just after it)

| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: 1.6 |
| \\ / A nd | Web: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
Build : 1.6-53b7f692aa41
Exec : gmshToFoam Batmodel.msh
Date : Feb 27 2010
Time : 15:53:40
Host : aeflight12
PID : 8996
Case : /projects/arc06/simplemodel
nProcs : 1
SigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Found $MeshFormat tag; assuming version 2 file format.
Starting to read physical names at line 5
Physical names:9
1 WingSurface
2 Symmetryplane
3 UpperBound
4 Outlet
5 Inlet
6 Floor
7 Wall
8 Wing
9 ControlVolumeBox

Starting to read points at line 17
Vertices to be read:40
Vertices read:40

Starting to read cells at line 60
Cells to be read:223

Mapping region 1 to Foam patch 0
Mapping region 2 to Foam patch 1
Mapping region 3 to Foam patch 2
Mapping region 4 to Foam patch 3
Mapping region 5 to Foam patch 4
Mapping region 6 to Foam patch 5
Mapping region 7 to Foam patch 6
Mapping region 8 to Foam cellZone 0
Mapping region 9 to Foam cellZone 1
hex :0
pyr :0
tet :179

Zone Size
0 21
1 158

Skipping tag at line 286
Patch 0 gets name WingSurface
Patch 1 gets name Symmetryplane
Patch 2 gets name UpperBound
Patch 3 gets name Outlet
Patch 4 gets name Inlet
Patch 5 gets name Floor
Patch 6 gets name Wall

--> FOAM Warning :
From function polyMesh:olyMesh(... construct from shapes...)
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshFromShapeMesh.C at line 577
Found 12 undefined faces in mesh; adding to default patch.
Finding faces of patch 0
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(0 1 3) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(1 2 3) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(2 4 3) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(5 3 4) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(6 5 4) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(7 5 6) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(5 7 8) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(18 3 0) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(17 3 18) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(1 18 0) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(19 18 1) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(17 18 19) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(19 1 20) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(1 2 20) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(19 20 17) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(4 20 2) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(21 20 4) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(20 21 17) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(22 3 17) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(22 5 3) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(22 17 21) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(21 4 23) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(4 6 23) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(23 22 21) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(6 7 23) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(23 7 24) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(24 22 23) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(24 7 25) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(7 8 25) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(5 25 8) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(22 25 5) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
--> FOAM Warning : Not using gmsh face 3(22 24 25) since zero vertex is not on boundary of polyMesh
Finding faces of patch 1
Finding faces of patch 2
Finding faces of patch 3
Finding faces of patch 4
Finding faces of patch 5
Finding faces of patch 6

Zone Size
0 32

Writing zone 0 to cellZone Wing and cellSet
Writing zone 1 to cellZone ControlVolumeBox and cellSet
Writing zone 0 to faceZone Wing and faceSet


/*Wing points*/
Point(1) = { 0, 0, 0, 0.05} ;
Point(2) = { 0, 0, 0.09, 0.05} ;
Point(3) = { 0.0151, -0.00294, 0.125, 0.05} ;
Point(4) = { 0.037, 0.00576, 0.0089, 0.05} ;
Point(5) = { 0.0956, 0.00248, 0.0796, 0.05} ;
Point(6) = { 0.159, -0.0138, -0.0217, 0.05} ;
Point(7) = { 0.174, 0.00236, 0.0817, 0.05} ;
Point(8) = { 0.232, 0.01840, 0.05490, 0.05} ;
Point(9) = { 0.271, -0.0347, 0.011, 0.05} ;

size = 0.5;

/*Coordinates of the box around the wing*/
Point (10) = {-0.01, 0.3, -0.25, size} ;
Point (11) = {-0.01, 0.3, 0.4, size} ;
Point (12) = {-0.01, -0.3, 0.4, size} ;
Point (13) = {-0.01, -0.3, -0.25, size} ;
Point (14) = {0.5, 0.3, -0.25, size} ;
Point (15) = {0.5, 0.3, 0.4, size} ;
Point (16) = {0.5, -0.3, 0.4, size} ;
Point (17) = {0.5, -0.3, -0.25, size} ;

/*Wing Lines*/
Line(1) = {1, 2} ;
Line(2) = {2, 3} ;
Line(3) = {3, 4} ;
Line(4) = {4, 1} ;
Line(5) = {2, 4} ;
Line(6) = {3, 5} ;
Line(7) = {5, 4} ;
Line(8) = {6, 4} ;
Line(9) = {5, 6} ;
Line(10) = {5, 7} ;
Line(11) = {7, 6} ;
Line(12) = {7, 8} ;
Line(13) = {8, 6} ;
Line(14) = {8, 9} ;
Line(15) = {9, 6} ;

/*Box Lines*/
Line(40) = {10, 11} ;
Line(41) = {11, 12} ;
Line(42) = {12, 13} ;
Line(43) = {13, 10} ;
Line(44) = {10, 14} ;
Line(45) = {13, 17} ;
Line(46) = {12, 16} ;
Line(47) = {11, 15} ;
Line(48) = {14, 15} ;
Line(49) = {15, 16} ;
Line(50) = {16, 17} ;
Line(51) = {17, 14} ;

/*Wing Surfaces*/
Line Loop(16) = {4, 1, 5} ; Plane Surface(17) = {16} ;
Line Loop(18) = {-5, 2, 3} ; Plane Surface(19) = {18} ;
Line Loop(20) = {-3, 6, 7} ; Plane Surface(21) = {20} ;
Line Loop(22) = {-7, 9, 8} ; Plane Surface(23) = {22} ;
Line Loop(24) = {-9, 10, 11} ; Plane Surface(25) = {24} ;
Line Loop(26) = {-11, 12, 13} ; Plane Surface(27) = {26} ;
Line Loop(28) = {-13, 14, 15} ; Plane Surface(29) = {28} ;

Extrude {0,0.001,0} {

/*Box surfaces*/
Line Loop(352) = {40, 41, 42, 43} ; Plane Surface(353) = {352} ;
Line Loop(354) = {40, 47, -48, -44} ; Plane Surface(355) = {354} ;
Line Loop(356) = {41, 46, -49, -47} ; Plane Surface(357) = {356} ;
Line Loop(358) = {-43, 45, 51, -44} ; Plane Surface(359) = {358} ;
Line Loop(360) = {-42, 46, 50, -45} ; Plane Surface(361) = {360} ;
Line Loop(362) = {48, 49, 50, 51} ; Plane Surface(363) = {362} ;

/*Box Volume*/
Surface Loop(100) = {355, 357, 363, 359, 353, 361} ;

/*Wing Volume*/
Surface Loop(222) = {17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 169, 118, 59, 63, 80, 97, 131, 148, 165, 170, 153, 136, 119, 102, 85, 68} ;

Physical Surface("WingSurface") = {17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 169, 118, 59, 63, 80, 97, 131, 148, 165, 170, 153, 136, 119, 102, 85, 68} ;
/*Physical Surface ("Upper wing surface") = {17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29} ;*/
/*Physical Surface ("Lower Wing Surface") = {170, 153, 136, 119, 102, 85, 68} ;*/
/*Physical Surface ("Wing edge") = {169, 118, 59, 63, 80, 97, 131, 148, 165} ;*/

Physical Surface ("Symmetry plane") = {353} ;
Physical Surface ("Upper Bound") = {355} ;
Physical Surface ("Outlet") = {357} ;
Physical Surface ("Inlet") = {359} ;
Physical Surface ("Floor") = {361} ;
Physical Surface ("Wall") = {363} ;

Physical Volume("Wing") = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} ;

Volume(10) = {100, 222} ;

Physical Volume("Control Volume Box") = {10} ;

does anyone have any ideas?? thanks!
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