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'functionObjects' or 'sample' on a mesh pointSet

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Old   January 15, 2016, 10:28
Default 'functionObjects' or 'sample' on a mesh pointSet
New Member
Lukáš Hurda
Join Date: Oct 2015
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Hello FOAMers!

Does anyone know if there is a possibility to sample data with controlDict.functionObjects or the sample utility USING THE pointSet CREATED WITH topoSet OR setSet?

I am doing an LES on a turbine blade cascade (spanwise and transverse periodic domain with one blade and two halves of interblade channel). I wonder if I can make my sampling better. I want to evaluate wallShearStress acting on the blade in the spanwise midplane only, because for proper LES, the domain is large in terms of spanwise points, so the runtime sampling of whole patch is consuming too much storage. I am using an unstructured mesh fully made of wedges - extruded from 2D triangle mesh. That means the mesh is uniform in z-spanwise direction and I can be sure, that when I have even number of cell layers spanwise, I have mesh points right on the midplane.

Now I'm probing with

    type                sets;
    functionObjectLibs  ("");
    enabled             true;
    outputControl       timeStep;
    outputInterval      10;
    interpolationScheme cellPoint;
    setFormat           raw;
    fields              (  U p grad(U) magGrad_U wallShearStress );
        type    cloud;
        axis    xyz;
          ( 0.0011459 0.0038368 1 )
with 128 points offset by distance smaller than first layer cell height generated by Octave. This is not very accurate nor convenient. I can put more points, but the best way I can imagine is to use a pointSet generated using topoSetDict:

    name wallCenterPts;
    type pointSet;
    action new;
    source boxToPoint;
      box (-0.1 -1 0.995) (1 1 1.015);

    name wallFaces;
    type faceSet;
    action new;
    source patchToFace;
      name "WALL_BL";

    name wallCenterPts;
    type pointSet;
    action subset;
    source faceToPoint;
      set wallFaces;
      option all;

    name wallFaces;
    type faceSet;
    action delete;
    source faceToFace;
      set wallFaces;
      option all;
Is it somehow possible? Till now I have few experience with functionObjects and can't find a way to set this in controlDict. Is there a library from $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-3.0.1/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/ that can help do this?

Thank you very much in advance!
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functionobjects, sample, setset, toposet

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