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paraFoam crash(es)

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Old   December 13, 2020, 22:23
Default paraFoam crash(es)
J.D. Wilson
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Posts: 34
Rep Power: 6
JayDeeUU is on a distinguished road
I have run several of the standard OpenFoam tutorials, and in most cases (e.g. pitzDaily, buoyantCavity and hotRoomBoussinesq) I've been able to display the solution fields in paraFoam, as expected.

However an exception is the case "iglooWithFridges". Without altering any of the system files, I

1) copy the case folder from tutorials
2) cp -r 0
3) run blockMesh
4) run snappyHexMesh
5) run buoyantSimpleFoam (to time 4000)
6) paraFoam. Select time 3800, check "T" and Apply:
7) crash:
size 4000 is not equal to the given value of 11274

I have had this outcome repeatedly, without fail, over a couple of weeks. A crash with similar messaging occurs when I run my own case, also using buoyantSimpleFoam. In my case I start off with a blockMesh that is 50 x 50 x 50 (=125000) but snappyHexMesh builds a refined mesh (lying entirely within the original blockMesh; see my post at Mesh embraces only one of four specified domain sub-volumes). The solver proceeds to a normal stop. I can take a look at the ascii file (say "T" ,at the end of the run)... it looks like (showing a few key lines, with the line numbers shown at left):

20 internalField   nonuniform List<scalar> 
21 125000
22 (
23 290.2886
24 290.29108

124021 289.94858
When I attempt to look at the T data in paraFoam, so soon as I load T and "Apply" I get a crash:

size 125000 is not equal to the given value of 369502

I don't know where the "given" size comes from... the size 125000 concurs with the number of temperature lines in the data file. I wonder whether perhaps openFoam has taken the flow domain to be that defined by the original blockMesh instead of the inner, refined grid that snappyHexMesh set up.

I would anticipate these crashes only reflect my own inexperience, however, the fact that it happens for a tutorial case causes me to wonder. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks. John.

Resolution of the problem: It turns out that the problem was to have (re-) built the mesh without using the overwrite flag, i.e. I ought to have been issuing "snappyHexMesh -overwrite"

See related forum discussions:

Size *** is not equal to the given value of ***
[FATAL ERROR] patchSummary : size *** is not equal to the given value of ***

Last edited by JayDeeUU; December 14, 2020 at 16:44. Reason: Further information (that resolves the issue).
JayDeeUU is offline   Reply With Quote


crash, parafoam

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