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Is there a bug when running createBaffles in parallel???

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Old   May 12, 2015, 12:57
Exclamation Is there a bug when running createBaffles in parallel???
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
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zfaraday will become famous soon enough
Dear foamers,

I'm in the need of some urgent help but I don't know if someone have the knowledge to help me. My problem is related to the createBaffles utility, more exactly when using it in parallel in a multi region case. I used to use it some months ago in order to create thermal baffles in a case that I finally refused because finally I created the baffles as a solid region instead. In that case I used to obtain some physical values for the thermal distribution in the baffles.

Now, after some work with the solid baffles, I tried to go back to the same case with thermal baffles created as a surface instead of as a solid. My surprise was that in the last iteration the temperature in the whole baffle remains constant with the same value as in the initial conditions.

Here comes the specification I use in my baffle's creation process:
        //- Use predefined faceZone to select faces and orientation.
        type        faceZone;//
        zoneName    shield_1_up;

            type            wall;
                #include "./"
                #include "./"
and here are the include files:

    type            compressible::alphatWallFunction;
    value           uniform 0;

    type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
    value           uniform 0.01;

    type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
    value           uniform 0.01;

    type            mutkWallFunction;
    value           uniform 0;

    type            calculated;
    value           uniform 1e-2;

    type            fixedFluxPressure;

    type            fixedValue;
    value           uniform (0 0 0);
    type            MarshakRadiation;
    T               T;
    emissivityMode  lookup;
    emissivity      uniform 0.08;
    value           uniform 0;
    type            greyDiffusiveRadiation;
    T               T;
    emissivityMode  lookup;
    emissivity      uniform 0.08;
    value           uniform 0;

    type   compressible::thermalBaffle1D<hConstSolidThermoPhysics>;

    thickness       uniform 0.002;  // thickness [m]
    Qr              Qr;
    relaxation      0;
    Qs              uniform 0;    // heat flux [W/m2]

    # include "1DbaffleSolidThermo_shield"

    value               uniform 500;

    nMoles          1;
    molWeight       20;
    kappa           21;//400ºC
    Hf              0;
    Cp              460;
    rho             7930;
The specification I used in my old case was exactly the same as I used in the new one (it is exactly the same case, but some parts of the geometry have been slightly changed). The only thing I did in a different way is that in the current case I ran createBaffles utility in parallel whereas in the past I didn't. The only difference I noticed after the baffle creation process is in the "0/air/T" field (or "processor*/0/air/T" in the case of running the application in parallel), both files look a little different but they were supposed to be the same. Here you can see the boundary condition created by the utility looks slightly different in both cases...
Old case ---> "0/air/T"

        type            compressible::thermalBaffle1D<hConstSolidThermoPhysics>;
        thickness       uniform 0.002;
        Qr              Qr;
        relaxation      0;
        Qs              uniform 0;
            nMoles          1;
            molWeight       20;
            kappa           21;
            Hf              0;
            Cp              460;
            rho             7930;
        coupleGroup     shieldBaffle1D_1_up;
        value           uniform 600;
        type            compressible::thermalBaffle1D<hConstSolidThermoPhysics>;
        thickness       uniform 0.002;
        Qr              Qr;
        relaxation      0;
        Qs              uniform 0;
            nMoles          1;
            molWeight       20;
            kappa           21;
            Hf              0;
            Cp              460;
            rho             7930;
        coupleGroup     shieldBaffle1D_1_up;
        value           uniform 600;
Current case ---> "processor*/0/air/T"

        type            compressible::thermalBaffle1D<hConstSolidThermoPhysics>;
        refValue        uniform 500;
        refGradient     uniform 0;
        valueFraction   uniform 0;
        value           uniform 500;
        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
        sampleRegion    air;
        samplePatch     shieldBaffle1D_1_up_slave;
        coupleGroup     shieldBaffle1D_1_up;
        thickness       uniform 0.002;
        Qs              uniform 0;
            nMoles          1;
            molWeight       20;
            rho             7930;
            Cp              460;
            Hf              0;
            kappa           21;
        QrPrevious      uniform 0;
        Qr              Qr;
        QrRelaxation    0;
        type            compressible::thermalBaffle1D<hConstSolidThermoPhysics>;
        refValue        uniform 500;
        refGradient     uniform 0;
        valueFraction   uniform 0;
        value           uniform 500;
        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
        sampleRegion    air;
        samplePatch     shieldBaffle1D_1_up_master;
        coupleGroup     shieldBaffle1D_1_up;
        QrPrevious      uniform 0;
        Qr              Qr;
        QrRelaxation    0;
At this stage I wonder if there is a known bug or something related to the parallel usage of the createBaffles utility in parallel or I am doing something wrong...

I will really appreciate any hint given in order to solve my little problem... Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Web site where I present my Master's Thesis:

The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!

Last edited by zfaraday; May 12, 2015 at 12:59. Reason: style
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Old   May 12, 2015, 14:32
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 337
Rep Power: 22
zfaraday will become famous soon enough
Well... after another attempt I can state that it's not an issue about using the utility in parallel or not, because I have now run it normally and I still have the same problem... Any hint on what should I do so as to solve my problem?

For more information, I'm using chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver with frozenFlow option so that only enthalpy equation is solved. Furthermore, convection can be neglected (vaccum conditions, I set up a cp for the air of 10e-5) and only radiation and conduction must be taken into account in this case.

Hope someone can help me to set up properly the thermalBaffle1D BC.

Many thanks in advance.

Web site where I present my Master's Thesis:

The case I talk about in this site was solved with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver and involves radiation. Some basic tutorials are also resolved step by step in the web. If you are interested in these matters, you are invited to come in!
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createbaffles, multi region, parallel, thermal baffles

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