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Probes / faceSets on a patch

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Old   May 31, 2012, 06:48
Default Probes / faceSets on a patch
Ganesh Vijayakumar
Join Date: Jan 2010
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I'm interested in recording chord-wise pressure profiles at various locations on a rotor blade. I am unable to find a good way to record this data at run time. Here is what I have tried so far

patchProbes as a functionObject - I'm using the the airfoil geometry to create these probe locations on the patch. The problem is that this geometry has been transformed into a pointwise mesh and then an openfoam mesh before running the solver. Hence many of the points in the original geometry are no longer exactly on the "patch" I'm interested in.

I do not understand what is a "sampledPatch" at A grep for that term in the tutorials folder on 2.1.x yields nothing. "samplePatch" seems to be related to mapped patches for coupled solvers.

Other google searches and on this forum yield the same thing. They all talk about using sample/functionObject to write the patch data out. But I DO NOT want the entire patch. Also sample/paraview based solutions are no good for me as I want highly time resolved data in a very large mesh. Hence any solution based on functionObjects/swakFunctionObjects are the only thing useful.

I also do not understand what "surfaceSubSet" in $FOAM_APP/utilities/surface/ is. It seems to have a boxToFaceSet kind of behaviour, but for a surface. This would be very ideal if only it's ordered and I knew how to use it.

I would ideally like a "ordered faceZone" on the pressure and suction side of the blade. That way I can plot this data straightaway without having to mess with it later.
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Old   April 19, 2013, 11:37
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Teng Wu
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Originally Posted by ganeshv View Post
I'm interested in recording chord-wise pressure profiles at various locations on a rotor blade. I am unable to find a good way to record this data at run time. Here is what I have tried so far

patchProbes as a functionObject - I'm using the the airfoil geometry to create these probe locations on the patch. The problem is that this geometry has been transformed into a pointwise mesh and then an openfoam mesh before running the solver. Hence many of the points in the original geometry are no longer exactly on the "patch" I'm interested in.

I do not understand what is a "sampledPatch" at A grep for that term in the tutorials folder on 2.1.x yields nothing. "samplePatch" seems to be related to mapped patches for coupled solvers.

Other google searches and on this forum yield the same thing. They all talk about using sample/functionObject to write the patch data out. But I DO NOT want the entire patch. Also sample/paraview based solutions are no good for me as I want highly time resolved data in a very large mesh. Hence any solution based on functionObjects/swakFunctionObjects are the only thing useful.

I also do not understand what "surfaceSubSet" in $FOAM_APP/utilities/surface/ is. It seems to have a boxToFaceSet kind of behaviour, but for a surface. This would be very ideal if only it's ordered and I knew how to use it.

I would ideally like a "ordered faceZone" on the pressure and suction side of the blade. That way I can plot this data straightaway without having to mess with it later.
Hi ganeshv
Have you found your solution on this issue? Recently I'm struggling for the similar problem!
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patch, probe, sample

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