August 20, 2012, 16:39
Accessing alpha.oldTime() in multiphaseMixture
New Member
Tyler V
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 24
Rep Power: 14
I am trying to access old time values of alpha in multiphaseMixture in multiphaseInterFoam but it does not seem to be accessible by the standard "oldTime()" convention. As a test, I have added the following in multiphaseMixture::solveAlphas in the base multiphaseInterFoam solver (no other modifications):
forAllIter(PtrDictionary<phase>, phases_, iter)
phase& alpha = iter();
//Added these two lines to see what's going on
Info<< "Max delta(alpha"<<<<") = "
<< Foam::max(mag(alpha.field() - alpha.oldTime().field())) << endl;
//the rest of the function is un-modified
This prints 0 every time, even when alpha is changing with time (running on the damBreak4phase example). Why is this not picking up the old time values, and how is MULES::explicitSolve then able to access those values? How should I be calling this to get the old time values??