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interFoam running blowing up

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Old   April 15, 2013, 07:04
Default interFoam running blowing up
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Cardiff, UK
Posts: 74
Rep Power: 13
sandy13 is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,
I am doing a liquid jet simulation using interFoam, my geometry is OK according to checkMesh. After setting the suitable boundary conditions I ran my case and after moving about the third way of my simulation, the running had some errors and stopped, I do not why? .. can any body helps me please because I am not that good in analyzing these kinds of errors. Following is what I got in my log file and later what I got when I tried to visualize the results I got so far.....

--> FOAM Warning :
From function Time:perator++()
in file db/Time/Time.C at line 1010
Increased the timePrecision from 425 to 426 to distinguish between timeNames at time 0.00334471
MULES: Solving for alpha1
Phase-1 volume fraction = 0.0996296 Min(alpha1) = -7.15878e-18 Max(alpha1) = 1
--> FOAM Warning :
From function Time:perator++()
in file db/Time/Time.C at line 1010
Increased the timePrecision from 426 to 427 to distinguish between timeNames at time 0.00334471
MULES: Solving for alpha1
Phase-1 volume fraction = 0.0996296 Min(alpha1) = -6.92445e-18 Max(alpha1) = 1
--> FOAM Warning :
From function Time:perator++()
in file db/Time/Time.C at line 1010
Increased the timePrecision from 427 to 428 to distinguish between timeNames at time 0.00334471
DICPCG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.0701232, Final residual = 0.00347794, No Iterations 15
time step continuity errors : sum local = 4.77586e-08, global = 8.31991e-20, cumulative = -0.0192578
DICPCG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.0102893, Final residual = 0.000508149, No Iterations 49
time step continuity errors : sum local = 7.46065e-09, global = 1.01329e-19, cumulative = -0.0192578
DICPCG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.00247839, Final residual = 9.2203e-08, No Iterations 539
time step continuity errors : sum local = 1.35495e-12, global = -6.14748e-20, cumulative = -0.0192578
ExecutionTime = 65764.4 s ClockTime = 65868 s

Courant Number mean: 0.000206534 max: 0.536392
Interface Courant Number mean: 1.24362e-05 max: 0.122753
deltaT = 4.82732e-22
--> FOAM Warning :
From function Time:perator++()
in file db/Time/Time.C at line 1010
Increased the timePrecision from 428 to 429 to distinguish between timeNames at time 0.00334471
Time = 0.003344711717348729240750770941303926520049571990 966796875

--> FOAM Warning :
From function Time:perator++()
in file db/Time/Time.C at line 1010
Increased the timePrecision from 429 to 430 to distinguish between timeNames at time 0.00334471blowing up
#0 Foam::error:rintStack(Foam::Ostream&) in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#1 Foam::sigFpe::sigHandler(int) in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#2 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
#3 void Foam::MULES::limiter<Foam::geometricOneField, Foam::zeroField, Foam::zeroField>(Foam::Field<double>&, Foam::geometricOneField const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::zeroField const&, Foam::zeroField const&, double, double, int) in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#4 void Foam::MULES::limit<Foam::geometricOneField, Foam::zeroField, Foam::zeroField>(Foam::geometricOneField const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh>&, Foam::zeroField const&, Foam::zeroField const&, double, double, int, bool) in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#5 Foam::MULES::explicitSolve(Foam::GeometricField<do uble, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh>&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> const&, Foam::GeometricField<double, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh>&, double, double) in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/interFoam"
#7 __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
in "/opt/openfoam211/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/interFoam"

and when I tried to visualize it I got this:

atheel@l031:~/interFoamvalidation/laminar/liquidjet111$ paraFoam
created temporary 'liquidjet111.OpenFOAM'
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
Find an unexpected case. The input polyhedron cell may not be a water tight or the polygonal faces may not be planar. Contouring will continue, but this cell may not be processed correctly.
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Old   April 17, 2013, 21:22
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Santiago Marquez Damian
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Typical MULES blow-up, try decreasing the time-step and/or increasing the number of nAlphaSubCycles.

Research Scientist
Research Center for Computational Methods (CIMEC) - CONICET/UNL
Tel: 54-342-4511594 Int. 7032
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Old   May 5, 2015, 08:16
Post interFoam running blowing up
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 15
Rep Power: 11
Sam_CFD is on a distinguished road
Dear Foamers,

I am simulating a case which involves 2 phases with very high pressure difference from inlet to outlet using interFOAM.
I have set up the case and trying to run the case but its blowing up.
Mech check was ok. setFields was perfect.

I have attached the case set up and also log file.

Please guide me where its going wrong.

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