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Control simulation to apply different fields with chtMultiRegionFoam

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Old   February 29, 2016, 07:05
Default Control simulation to apply different fields with chtMultiRegionFoam
Joćo Ferreira
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Braga, Portugal
Posts: 53
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Hi everyone,

i'm using chtMultiRegionFoam, with frozen flow, to solve a case where one valve opens and closes depending on the temperature on a specific location.
I've solved two steady states simulations, which refer to the cases where the valve is open and closed, to obtain the flow field that is then used on the transient case.
The procedure can be put like this:
  1. Start the simulation with the valve open (using the flow field from the steady state)
  2. When the max desired temperature is achieved, stop the simulation
  3. "Close the valve" - change the boundary condition on the inlet and apply the flow field of the correspondent steady state simulation
  4. Run the simulation until the min temperature is achieved
  5. "Open the valve" - change the boundary condition on the inlet and apply the flow field of the correspondent steady state simulation
  6. Run the simulation until the max temperatue is achieved
  7. Repeat until endTime

My questions are:
1) Is there any function of openFOAM that stops the simulation when certain min/max value is obtained?

2) Copying the necessary files and restart the simulation could work? As the mesh is the same, mapFields is kind of unnecessary.

3) Feel free to refer any other way of doing this, it will be very helpful!

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