July 31, 2016, 13:07
Time-averaging of fields doubt
New Member
Max Vorstadt
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 28
Rep Power: 10
Hi! I would like to ask a question regarding the time-averaging of the main fields of a simulation. Let's say I have a simulation running from time 0 to 1 seconds, but the results did not converge for enough time yet so I want to run it up to 1.5 seconds to prove the convergence.
My controlDict looks like this:
type fieldAverage;
functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so");
enabled true;
cleanRestart false;
outputControl outputTime;
resetOnOutput false;
resetOnRestart false;
mean on;
prime2Mean off;
base time;
My two questions are: - How can I indicate that I want it to average from 0.7 (let's say here it begins to converge) and up to 1.5 seconds?
- If I am already at time 1 seconds and I indicate that the average begins at 0.7, will it work or does it need to average from the moment the simulation is (re)started? I mean, in my case, does it need to start at t=1 if I'm at that point already or can I restart the simulation at t=1 but also starting the average taking into account previous values (from t=0.7)?
Thanks in advance!