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Modifying solverslibraries

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Old   January 31, 2005, 09:30
Default I am a new user of OPENFOAM.
Kaushik Balakrishnan (Balakrishnan)
Posts: n/a
I am a new user of OPENFOAM. I am trying to modify some of the inbuilt solvers/libraries to suit my application, but having some trouble. For example: I want to modify the K-Epsilon model under turbFoam (incompressible turbulent flow).

I copied "turbFoam" directory to "myturbFoam" directory and then moved the "turbFoam.cfg" file to "myturbFoam.cfg" file. Inside this file, I changed the following:

object myturbFoam.cfg;
executable myturbFoam;

After this, I was trying to locate the exact location of the kEpsilon model in the source code so that I can change it, but could only locate the kEpsilon coefficient files (Cmu, C1, etc.) in the source code. Could you please mail me where I need to look for the exact location of the kEpsilon model in the source code so that I can modify it. Also, do I need to make modification elsewhere to successfully run "myturbFoam?"

Thank you.
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Old   January 31, 2005, 09:52
Default First, what you want to do is
Niklas Nordin (Niklas)
Posts: n/a
First, what you want to do is take all of your modifications and throw them away.

If you just want to change the turbulence model you dont have to change anything in the code.... leave it as it is.

if you type 'src' you should get to the source directory and all of the turbulence models are located there, under turbulenceModels.

Once you have modified your turbulence model dont forget to update/compile the library,
This is easiest of you just run the Allwmake-script in the turbulenceModels directory.

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