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Description of flux() method

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Old   March 20, 2013, 05:19
Default Explanation of flux() method
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Fumiya Nozaki
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I try to describe the role of flux() method and how it achieves it's role in OpenFOAM.
This topic is difficult for me to comprehend, so I'm grad if the following explanations could be of some help
  • Role of flux() method
    To construct the conservative face flux
  • How to achieve this
    If we discretize the pressure poisson equation(e.g., pEqn in simpleFoam), we can get

    \sum_{f} \left \{\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f} \right \}=\sum_{f}\left ( \frac{H}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\cdot \mathbf{S}_{f} ---(1)

    where \mathbf{S}_{f} = \mathbf{\Delta } + \mathbf{k}(See the attached picture).

    The second term of the l.h.s of the eqn. (1) is the explicit non-orthogonal correction term
    (source term) and the first term is the implicit orthogonal part(matrix coefficients).
    If we arrange the above equation using OpenFOAM notation(v2.2), we get

    \sum_{f} \left \{ \mathrm{phiHbyA} -\left ( \left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f}  \right ) \right \}=0 ---(2)

    Then we can construct the conservative face flux phi by

    \mathrm{phi} = \mathrm{phiHbyA} - \left ( \left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f}  \right ) ---(3)

    In the eqn. (3), the pEqn.flux() calculates

    \left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f} ---(4)

    ,so we can get the conservative face flux using the following code

    if (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter())
        phi = phiHbyA - pEqn.flux();
  • Where is flux() function implemented?
    As you can see in the eqn. (4), the flux() is the sum of
    • 1st term
      the off-diagonal coefficients of the pressure poisson equation multiplied by pressure values at cell centers

      in fvMatrix.C
      00895     for (direction cmpt=0; cmpt<pTraits<Type>::nComponents; cmpt++)
      00896     {
      00897         fieldFlux.internalField().replace
      00898         (
      00899             cmpt,
      00900             lduMatrix::faceH(psi_.internalField().component(cmpt))
      00901         );
      00902     }
      and lduMatrix::faceH is implemented in lduMatrixTemplates.C
      00092         for (register label face=0; face<l.size(); face++)
      00093         {
      00094             faceHpsi[face] =
      00095                 Upper[face]*psi[u[face]]
      00096               - Lower[face]*psi[l[face]];
      00097         }
    • 2nd term
      the non orthogonality explicit corrections

      in fvMatrix.C
      00937     if (faceFluxCorrectionPtr_)
      00938     {
      00939         fieldFlux += *faceFluxCorrectionPtr_;
      00940     }

Please correct the mistakes, if any.

Best regards,
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Last edited by fumiya; March 21, 2013 at 11:09.
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Old   August 26, 2013, 00:40
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Dongyue Li
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Originally Posted by fumiya View Post
I try to describe the role of flux() method and how it achieves it's role in OpenFOAM.
This topic is difficult for me to comprehend, so I'm grad if the following explanations could be of some help


Best regards,
Excellent!!Fumiya now Its a bit clear regarding the p.Eqn.flux().

BTW, do you think
fvScalarMatrix pEqn
                fvm::laplacian(rAU, p) == fvc::div(phiHbyA)

fvScalarMatrix pEqn
                fvm::div(A*fvc::grad(p)) == fvc::div(phiHbyA)
is the same?
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Old   December 21, 2016, 11:39
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longyun wang
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Originally Posted by fumiya View Post
I try to describe the role of flux() method and how it achieves it's role in OpenFOAM.
This topic is difficult for me to comprehend, so I'm grad if the following explanations could be of some help
  • Role of flux() method
    To construct the conservative face flux
  • How to achieve this
    If we discretize the pressure poisson equation(e.g., pEqn in simpleFoam), we can get

    \sum_{f} \left \{\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f} \right \}=\sum_{f}\left ( \frac{H}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\cdot \mathbf{S}_{f} ---(1)

    where \mathbf{S}_{f} = \mathbf{\Delta } + \mathbf{k}(See the attached picture).

    The second term of the l.h.s of the eqn. (1) is the explicit non-orthogonal correction term
    (source term) and the first term is the implicit orthogonal part(matrix coefficients).
    If we arrange the above equation using OpenFOAM notation(v2.2), we get

    \sum_{f} \left \{ \mathrm{phiHbyA} -\left ( \left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f}  \right ) \right \}=0 ---(2)

    Then we can construct the conservative face flux phi by

    \mathrm{phi} = \mathrm{phiHbyA} - \left ( \left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f}  \right ) ---(3)

    In the eqn. (3), the pEqn.flux() calculates

    \left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\left | \mathbf{\Delta }  \right |\frac{p_{N}-p_{P}}{\left | \mathbf{d} \right |}  +\left ( \frac{1}{A_{P}} \right )_{f}\mathbf{k}\cdot \left ( \triangledown p \right )_{f} ---(4)

    ,so we can get the conservative face flux using the following code

    if (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter())
        phi = phiHbyA - pEqn.flux();
  • Where is flux() function implemented?
    As you can see in the eqn. (4), the flux() is the sum of
    • 1st term
      the off-diagonal coefficients of the pressure poisson equation multiplied by pressure values at cell centers

      in fvMatrix.C
      00895     for (direction cmpt=0; cmpt<pTraits<Type>::nComponents; cmpt++)
      00896     {
      00897         fieldFlux.internalField().replace
      00898         (
      00899             cmpt,
      00900             lduMatrix::faceH(psi_.internalField().component(cmpt))
      00901         );
      00902     }
      and lduMatrix::faceH is implemented in lduMatrixTemplates.C
      00092         for (register label face=0; face<l.size(); face++)
      00093         {
      00094             faceHpsi[face] =
      00095                 Upper[face]*psi[u[face]]
      00096               - Lower[face]*psi[l[face]];
      00097         }
    • 2nd term
      the non orthogonality explicit corrections

      in fvMatrix.C
      00937     if (faceFluxCorrectionPtr_)
      00938     {
      00939         fieldFlux += *faceFluxCorrectionPtr_;
      00940     }

Please correct the mistakes, if any.

Best regards,
I am studing icofoam now, and I found the code:
77 surfaceScalarField phiHbyA
78 (
79 "phiHbyA",
80 fvc::flux(HbyA)
81 + fvc::interpolate(rAU)*fvc::ddtCorr(U, phi)
82 );

I can't understand why there is an item "fvc::interpolate(rAU)*fvc::ddtCorr(U, phi)"? According to the equation above, there should be only the first item.
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Old   December 24, 2016, 13:40
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The term "ddtCorr" is considered in the transient solvers.
The following references could be of some help:

Best regards,
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Old   April 3, 2017, 21:36
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Originally Posted by sharonyue View Post
Excellent!!Fumiya now Its a bit clear regarding the p.Eqn.flux().

BTW, do you think
fvScalarMatrix pEqn
                fvm::laplacian(rAU, p) == fvc::div(phiHbyA)

fvScalarMatrix pEqn
                fvm::div(A*fvc::grad(p)) == fvc::div(phiHbyA)
is the same?
i do not think so. fvc::grad(p) returns a volscalarfield. so the second pEqn is actually based on grad(p).
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Old   January 2, 2018, 12:05
Default Flux in 2D Model
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Dear Foamers,

I am trying to add a source term to alpha using mass flux. I am starting with a circle and while using .flux(), I can see my circle changes to a square. I am wondering if .flux() can be used in 2D the same as 1D.

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