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[General] Integral average of velocity values on a slice

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  • 1 Post By Flowkersma

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Old   October 5, 2015, 16:56
Default Integral average of velocity values on a slice
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I need to evaluate the integral average of velocity values on a slice in ParaView 4.3.1.
I want to obtain a plot of the axial velocity of water as a function of radial position in a cylinder.
Is it possible to perform this in ParaView or not?
If I need to export the data, how could I automate the process of slice selection along the axial direction?
Thank you in advance.
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Old   October 12, 2015, 09:09
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Everything is possible with ParaView However, I'm not sure if I understand your question. If you have a cross section of a pipe and you want to get the average velocity over radial distance try following:
  1. Calculate the radial distance (Calculator)
  2. Create one isocontour line with constant radial distance (Contour)
  3. Integrate (IntegrateVariables)
  4. Calculate average and save the result
For different radial distances, just change the isocontour value. Here is an example code for a pipe which axis is in z-direction:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from paraview import numpy_support as ns

# Result arrays

U = []
R = []

# Build a pipeline

slice = GetActiveSource()
calc = Calculator(slice, ResultArrayName = 'radius', Function = 'sqrt(coordsX^2+coordsY^2)')
contour = Contour(calc,ContourBy = ['POINTS','radius'],Isosurfaces = [0])
int = IntegrateVariables(contour)

# Loop over different radial distances and save the results

for r in np.arange(0.05,0.5,0.05):
   contour.Isosurfaces = [r]

   intData = servermanager.Fetch(int)
   L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('Length'))[0]


#plot with matplotlib

Last edited by Flowkersma; November 9, 2015 at 06:36.
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Old   November 9, 2015, 18:58
Felipe Alves Portela
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Hi Mikko,

I've been trying your suggestion below (as you suggested in another thread) but I keep getting a segmentation fault at the "servermanager.Fetch" stage. Any idea why this may be happening? I'm running version 4.3.1 btw

Originally Posted by Flowkersma View Post

Everything is possible with ParaView However, I'm not sure if I understand your question. If you have a cross section of a pipe and you want to get the average velocity over radial distance try following:
  1. Calculate the radial distance (Calculator)
  2. Create one isocontour line with constant radial distance (Contour)
  3. Integrate (IntegrateVariables)
  4. Calculate average and save the result
For different radial distances, just change the isocontour value. Here is an example code for a pipe which axis is in z-direction:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from paraview import numpy_support as ns

# Result arrays

U = []
R = []

# Build a pipeline

slice = GetActiveSource()
calc = Calculator(slice, ResultArrayName = 'radius', Function = 'sqrt(coordsX^2+coordsY^2)')
contour = Contour(calc,ContourBy = ['POINTS','radius'],Isosurfaces = [0])
int = IntegrateVariables(contour)

# Loop over different radial distances and save the results

for r in np.arange(0.05,0.5,0.05):
   contour.Isosurfaces = [r]

   intData = servermanager.Fetch(int)
   L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('Length'))[0]


#plot with matplotlib
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Old   November 10, 2015, 06:25
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Hi Felipe,

I haven't encountered segmentation fault there. Have you succeeded to fetch data before? Have you checked your RAM consumption? Can you share your script?
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Old   November 10, 2015, 06:36
Felipe Alves Portela
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Well, tbh this is my first go at using python scripts in ParaView so I guess I have never succeeded to fetch data before x)

I load a .csv file and convert it to points using the TableToPoints filter, then I generate a volume by using the Delaunay3D filter, then I want to compute the integral over several surfaces (which seems to work when I manually generate the contours)

As for the memory, nothing weird seems to happen... I tried both on a mac and a linux machine and the same thing happens on both!

The script I used for the integration is this (adapted from the one you posted):

import numpy as np
from paraview import numpy_support as ns
import paraview as pv
import paraview.simple as ps

# Result arrays

U = []
R = []

# Build a pipeline

slice = ps.GetActiveSource()
calc = ps.Calculator(slice, ResultArrayName = 'radius', Function = 'sqrt(coordsX^2+coordsY^2+coordsZ^2)')
contour = ps.Contour(calc,ContourBy = ['POINTS','radius'],Isosurfaces = [0])
int = ps.IntegrateVariables(contour)

# Loop over different radial distances and save the results

for r in np.arange(0.1,1.5,0.1):
   contour.Isosurfaces = [r]

   intData = pv.servermanager.Fetch(int)
   L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('Length'))[0]

Originally Posted by Flowkersma View Post
Hi Felipe,

I haven't encountered segmentation fault there. Have you succeeded to fetch data before? Have you checked your RAM consumption? Can you share your script?
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Old   November 10, 2015, 17:27
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Hmm.. can you try
intData = ps.servermanager.Fetch(int)
instead of
intData = pv.servermanager.Fetch(int)
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Old   November 10, 2015, 17:28
Felipe Alves Portela
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same problem :/

Originally Posted by Flowkersma View Post
Hmm.. can you try

instead of
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Old   November 10, 2015, 17:31
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Can you share your data?
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Old   November 10, 2015, 17:33
Felipe Alves Portela
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sent you a pm

Originally Posted by Flowkersma View Post
Can you share your data?
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Old   November 11, 2015, 06:24
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Resulting script which opens a CSV file, creates grid with Delaunay triangulation, calculates average of a scalar over spherical planes and finally saves the results to a file.

import numpy as np
from paraview import numpy_support as ns
import paraview.simple as pv

# Path to file
filename = 'data.csv'

# Result arrays
data = []
R = []
area = []

# Build a pipeline
reader = pv.OpenDataFile(filename)
ttp = pv.TableToPoints(reader, XColumn='x', YColumn='y', ZColumn='z')
delaunay = pv.Delaunay3D(ttp)
calc = pv.Calculator(delaunay, ResultArrayName = 'radius', Function = 'sqrt(coordsX^2+coordsY^2+coordsZ^2)')
contour = pv.Contour(calc,ContourBy = ['POINTS','radius'],Isosurfaces = [0])
int = pv.IntegrateVariables(contour)

# Loop over different radial distances and save the results
for r in np.linspace(0.01,1,100):
   contour.Isosurfaces = [r]
   intData = pv.servermanager.Fetch(int)
   A = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('Area'))[0]

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Old   November 18, 2015, 06:31
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The script works fine for a single slice, but how could I extend it to evaluate an average over all the slices along the axial direction?
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Old   November 30, 2015, 03:11
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Hi Felipe,

I follow your code to my case,but i get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 54, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paraview/", line 198, in vtk_to_numpy
typ = vtk_array.GetDataType()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetDataType'
My code is:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from paraview import numpy_support as ns
import paraview.simple as pv

# Result arrays

p0 = []
R = []

# Build a pipeline

slice = pv.GetActiveSource()
calc = pv.Calculator(slice, ResultArrayName = 'radius', Function = 'sqrt(coordsX^2+coordsY^2)')
contour = pv.Contour(calc,ContourBy = ['POINTS','radius'],Isosurfaces = [0])
int = pv.IntegrateVariables(contour)

# Loop over different radial distances and save the results

for span in np.arange(0,1,0.05):
contour.Isosurfaces = [span]

intData = pv.servermanager.Fetch(int)
# L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('Le ngth'))[0]
L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('ra dius'))[0]

p0.append(ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetPointData().G etArray('p'))[0])

#plot with matplotlib
can you tell me what's wrong?Thank you very much!
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Old   November 30, 2015, 03:12
Join Date: May 2015
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Hi Mikko,

I follow your code to my case,but i get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 54, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paraview/", line 198, in vtk_to_numpy
typ = vtk_array.GetDataType()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetDataType'
My code is:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from paraview import numpy_support as ns
import paraview.simple as pv

# Result arrays

p0 = []
R = []

# Build a pipeline

slice = pv.GetActiveSource()
calc = pv.Calculator(slice, ResultArrayName = 'radius', Function = 'sqrt(coordsX^2+coordsY^2)')
contour = pv.Contour(calc,ContourBy = ['POINTS','radius'],Isosurfaces = [0])
int = pv.IntegrateVariables(contour)

# Loop over different radial distances and save the results

for span in np.arange(0,1,0.05):
contour.Isosurfaces = [span]

intData = pv.servermanager.Fetch(int)
# L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('Le ngth'))[0]
L = ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetCellData().GetArray('ra dius'))[0]

p0.append(ns.vtk_to_numpy(intData.GetPointData().G etArray('p'))[0])

#plot with matplotlib
Can you tell me what's wrong?Thank you very much!

Last edited by Thomas pan; November 30, 2015 at 21:23.
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