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Falling to do Block Assembling

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Old   November 13, 2013, 04:32
Default Falling to do Block Assembling
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Y Yang
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Hi Everyone,

I am trying to create a mesh around the wing. I have already meshed the wing and farfield domain. However, when I was trying to do assemble the block, I could not do it.
In the creating block menu, I can not press "Okay" after selecting all domains.

How can I solve this problem? Any help would be appreciated.
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Old   November 13, 2013, 11:12
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Chris Sideroff
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Originally Posted by andromeda91 View Post
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to create a mesh around the wing. I have already meshed the wing and farfield domain. However, when I was trying to do assemble the block, I could not do it.
In the creating block menu, I can not press "Okay" after selecting all domains.

How can I solve this problem? Any help would be appreciated.
Yosheph you'll have to give us a few more details. What type of domains have you created? What type of block are you trying to create? A couple of solutions pop into my mind but it'll be easier if you provide more details first.
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Old   November 13, 2013, 13:20
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Y Yang
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Originally Posted by cnsidero View Post
Yosheph you'll have to give us a few more details. What type of domains have you created? What type of block are you trying to create? A couple of solutions pop into my mind but it'll be easier if you provide more details first.
Hi Chris,

I am still learning how to use Pointwise. I am planning to create O-grid type domain. I have created the wing domain. The wing is meshed with hybrid T-Rex near the leading edge and trailing edge. I also created the hemispherical farfield domain. The mesh type of this domain is unstructured. The block type that I am planning to create is unstructured one.
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Old   November 13, 2013, 13:59
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Chris Sideroff
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Originally Posted by andromeda91 View Post
Hi Chris,

I am still learning how to use Pointwise. I am planning to create O-grid type domain. I have created the wing domain. The wing is meshed with hybrid T-Rex near the leading edge and trailing edge. I also created the hemispherical farfield domain. The mesh type of this domain is unstructured. The block type that I am planning to create is unstructured one.
Unstructured then. FYI, O-grid refers to a type of structured mesh.

Since you're new to PW you're likely not going to use multiple blocks or using a baffle so the first thing to check is that all the connectors are used by 2 and only domains. The way to do this is with Grids > Merge.

At the top of this panel is a table. All the connectors should be Manifold and colored cyan in the display. If there are any Free or Non-Manifold connectors you need to merge them together. The totally automated way is Auto Merge. Simply enter a reasonable tolerance (a good guess in your case might be 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the wing's chord length) and click Apply. All the connectors should now be Manifold. If not try increasing the tolerance slightly. Rinse and repeat.

Exercise a little caution though because you don't want to use a tolerance large enough to merge away necessary features. If you get to a tolerance that's within an order of magnitude of your surface mesh spacing something else is likely the problem.

If that doesn't seem to work or it's not giving the results you want, you might have to post of picture of your mesh.
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Old   November 14, 2013, 03:17
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Y Yang
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Originally Posted by cnsidero View Post
Unstructured then. FYI, O-grid refers to a type of structured mesh.

Since you're new to PW you're likely not going to use multiple blocks or using a baffle so the first thing to check is that all the connectors are used by 2 and only domains. The way to do this is with Grids > Merge.

At the top of this panel is a table. All the connectors should be Manifold and colored cyan in the display. If there are any Free or Non-Manifold connectors you need to merge them together. The totally automated way is Auto Merge. Simply enter a reasonable tolerance (a good guess in your case might be 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the wing's chord length) and click Apply. All the connectors should now be Manifold. If not try increasing the tolerance slightly. Rinse and repeat.

Exercise a little caution though because you don't want to use a tolerance large enough to merge away necessary features. If you get to a tolerance that's within an order of magnitude of your surface mesh spacing something else is likely the problem.

If that doesn't seem to work or it's not giving the results you want, you might have to post of picture of your mesh.
Thank you very much. It works perfectly fine.
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Old   April 15, 2024, 00:28
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Isaac Hiew
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Originally Posted by cnsidero View Post
Unstructured then. FYI, O-grid refers to a type of structured mesh.

Since you're new to PW you're likely not going to use multiple blocks or using a baffle so the first thing to check is that all the connectors are used by 2 and only domains. The way to do this is with Grids > Merge.

At the top of this panel is a table. All the connectors should be Manifold and colored cyan in the display. If there are any Free or Non-Manifold connectors you need to merge them together. The totally automated way is Auto Merge. Simply enter a reasonable tolerance (a good guess in your case might be 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the wing's chord length) and click Apply. All the connectors should now be Manifold. If not try increasing the tolerance slightly. Rinse and repeat.

Exercise a little caution though because you don't want to use a tolerance large enough to merge away necessary features. If you get to a tolerance that's within an order of magnitude of your surface mesh spacing something else is likely the problem.

If that doesn't seem to work or it's not giving the results you want, you might have to post of picture of your mesh.
Hi there, I stumbled across this thread and I would like to ask if any of you can suggest some video tutorials, reference books, or any other useful resources for meshing an unstructured aircraft using Pointwise. I've been using Cadence CFD, other YouTube videos, and even the Bilibili Chinese teaching platform but to no avail, it is still difficult to find a useful tutorial on meshing an aircraft. I hope to hear from any of you soon!
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