January 23, 2018, 07:02
Forum News - Improved breadcrumbs, new OpenFOAM forums
Jonas Larsson
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Posts: 838
Rep Power: 10
As you might have noticed we have improved the breadcrumb links available just under the top drop-down menu when you are visiting a forum. The breadcrumb now includes links to all preceding forums. This should hopefully make it easier to navigate up in the sub-forum tree.
We have also recently launched a new OpenFOAM forum for Community Contributions, you can find it here:
This forum is intended for discussions about open source extensions to OpenFOAM coming from the community. Each extension also has a Prefix and it is possible to filter the forum to only see threads about one extension/prefix. If you are missing an extension/prefix please send an email to webmaster@cfd-online.com or reply to this thread.
Our intention is also to under this Community Contribution forum add additional sub-forums for specific development groups. So far we have only added one development group.