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DFBI User-Defined Body Coupling

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Old   October 21, 2021, 10:18
Question DFBI User-Defined Body Coupling
Will Crawford-Jones
Join Date: Jan 2021
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 6
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I need to model contact between a 6-DOF spherical body and the environment. The environment that it is contact with (during the vast majority of the simulation) consists of three separate spheres (sphere 1, sphere 2 and sphere 3). Now, I would like to develop my own contact model rather than using the spring-damper model built into Star-CCM+. However, the normal contact force from sphere 1 is a function of the normal contact forces from spheres 2 and 3, and same for spheres 2 and 3 (think simultaneous equations). Hence, is it possible to produce a separate script that calculates the three normal contact forces from spheres 1, 2 and 3 and these can then be fed into the user-defined body coupling for each of these spheres. It seems to me i'm creating my own variables (Contact Force 1, Contact Force 2 and Contact Force 3) in a script, then feeding this into the body coupling. a) does this question make sense? and b) is what i'm describing possible in Star-CCM+?

Any help here would be much appreciated, even if it's pointing me in the correct general direction or just helping.



P.S. I have derived the mathematical model for modelling such contact, it's 'just' a case of coding it now.
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body couplings, contact, dfbi, user-defined function

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