February 22, 2019, 11:43
Mass initianisation in IC-Setup for Combustion
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Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 1
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Hello everyone,
I am working on the simulation of a diesel combustion using the IC-Setup in STAR-CD. At the moment i am trying to simulate the diesel combustion in a pressure chamber for comparison with experimental data. Its a transient multi-phase setup with chemical reaction of the fuel. I want to setup a certain mixture of gases (N2,O2,H2O,CO2) in the chamber and I have problems to define the mass fraction correctly.
I defined all the materials but how do I set up the mass fraction? Is is correct to define only Material #1 in the Cell Editor and set the mass fraction in the Additional Scalar -> Scalar Initialisation for all 4 meterials (with Material #1 selected in the menu)?
I canīt activate Multi-Fluid together with Multi-Phase, but I am also not shure if I would need Multi-Fluid at all in this case.
I cant figure it our in the es-ice and Star-CD manuals and I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me out here. Thanks in advice!
Best regards,