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#1 |
Senior Member
Samuele Z
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Mozzate - Co - Italy
Posts: 520
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Dear All,
I am using the Rev1206 you posted in this forum and I am finding some problems with the parallel computation. In fact, even tough the simulation converges, I get an error while the program tries to reconstruct the solution. Here is the simulation: Code:
zampini@pc-zampini:~/Documenti/PhD/06tesiPieri/NACA0012/optimization$ python /home/zampini/SU2_Rev1206/SU2_Rev1206/SU2Py/parallel_computation.py -f turb_NACA0012.cfg -p 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | _____ _ _ ___ | | / ____| | | | | |__ \ Web: su2.stanford.edu | | | (___ | | | | ) | Twitter: @su2code | | \___ \ | | | | / / Forum: www.cfd-online.com/Forums/su2/ | | ____) | | |__| | / /_ | | |_____/ \____/ |____| Suite (Domain Decomposition Code) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Physical case definition ----------------------- Input mesh file name: NACA0012.su2 -------------------------- Output information --------------------------- Don't visualize the partitions. ------------------- Config file boundary information -------------------- Navier-Stokes wall boundary marker(s): AIRFOIL. Far-field boundary marker(s): FARFIELD. ---------------------- Read grid file information ----------------------- Two dimensional problem. 48970 interior elements. 49434 points. 2 surface markers. 277 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = AIRFOIL). 651 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = FARFIELD). ----------------------- Preprocessing computations ---------------------- Identifying vertices. ---------------------- Performing mesh partitioning --------------------- Finished partitioning using METIS 4.0.3. (406 edge cuts). Communication levels: 1. ----------------------------- Write mesh files -------------------------- Domain 1: 24683 points (268 ghost points). Domain 2: 25284 points (265 ghost points). ------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_DDC) ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | _____ _ _ ___ | | / ____| | | | | |__ \ Web: su2.stanford.edu | | | (___ | | | | ) | Twitter: @su2code | | \___ \ | | | | / / Forum: www.cfd-online.com/Forums/su2/ | | ____) | | |__| | / /_ | | |_____/ \____/ |____| Suite (Computational Fluid Dyn. Code) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Physical case definition ----------------------- Compressible RANS' equations. Turbulence model: Spalart Allmaras Mach number: 0.15. Angle of attack (AoA): 10 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg. Reynolds number: 6e+06. No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream). Surface(s) where the force coefficients are to be evaluated: AIRFOIL. The reference length/area (force coefficient) is 1. The reference length (moment computation) is 1. Reference origin (moment computation) is (0.25, 0, 0). Input mesh file name: NACA0012.su2 ---------------------- Space numerical integration ---------------------- 2nd order Roe solver for the flow inviscid terms. Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.1. The reference element size is: 0.1. Average of gradients with correction (viscous flow terms). Piecewise constant integration of the flow source terms. Scalar upwind solver (first order) for the turbulence model. Average of gradients with correction (viscous turbulence terms). Piecewise constant integration of the turbulence model source terms. Gradient Computation using weighted Least-Squares method. ---------------------- Time numerical integration ----------------------- Local time stepping (steady state simulation). Euler implicit method for the flow equations. A LU - symmetric Gauss-Seidel iteration is used for solving the linear system. CFL ramp definition. factor: 1.1, every 10 iterations, with a limit of 80. Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number: 1 Euler implicit time integration for the turbulence model. ------------------------- Convergence criteria -------------------------- Maximum number of iterations: 99999999999. Cauchy criteria for Drag using 100 elements and epsilon 0.0001. Start convergence criteria at iteration 10. -------------------------- Output information --------------------------- Writing a flow solution every 500 iterations. Writing the convergence history every 1 iterations. The output file format is Paraview (.vtk). Convergence history file name: history. Surface flow coefficients file name: surface_flow. Flow variables file name: flow. Restart flow file name: restart_flow.dat. Surface(s) to be plotted: AIRFOIL. ------------------- Config file boundary information -------------------- Navier-Stokes wall boundary marker(s): AIRFOIL. Far-field boundary marker(s): FARFIELD. ---------------- Flow & Non-dimensionalization information --------------- Viscous flow: Computing pressure using the ideal gas law based on the freestream temperature and a density computed from the Reynolds number. --Input conditions: Grid conversion factor to meters: 1 Ratio of specific heats: 1.4 Specific gas constant (J/(kg.K)): 287.87 Freestream pressure (N/m^2): 184090 Freestream temperature (K): 300 Freestream density (kg/m^3): 2.13163 Freestream velocity (m/s): (51.3648,9.057) -> Modulus: 52.1572 Freestream energy (kg.m/s^2): 217263 Freestream viscosity (N.s/m^2): 1.853e-05 --Reference values: Reference pressure (N/m^2): 184090 Reference temperature (K): 300 Reference energy (kg.m/s^2): 86361.1 Reference density (kg/m^3): 2.13163 Reference velocity (m/s): 293.873 Reference viscosity (N.s/m^2): 626.428 --Resulting non-dimensional state: Mach number (non-dimensional): 0.15 Reynolds number (non-dimensional): 6e+06 Reynolds length (m): 1 Froude number (non-dimensional): 16.6554 Specific gas constant (non-dimensional): 0.999998 Freestream temperature (non-dimensional): 1 Freestream pressure ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | _____ _ _ ___ | | / ____| | | | | |__ \ Web: su2.stanford.edu | | | (___ | | | | ) | Twitter: @su2code | | \___ \ | | | | / / Forum: www.cfd-online.com/Forums/su2/ | | ____) | | |__| | / /_ | | |_____/ \____/ |____| Suite (Computational Fluid Dyn. Code) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Physical case definition ----------------------- Compressible RANS' equations. Turbulence model: Spalart Allmaras Mach number: 0.15. Angle of attack (AoA): 10 deg, and angle of sideslip (AoS): 0 deg. Reynolds number: 6e+06. No restart solution, use the values at infinity (freestream). Surface(s) where the force coefficients are to be evaluated: AIRFOIL. The reference length/area (force coefficient) is 1. The reference length (moment computation) is 1. Reference origin (moment computation) is (0.25, 0, 0). Input mesh file name: NACA0012.su2 ---------------------- Space numerical integration ---------------------- 2nd order Roe solver for the flow inviscid terms. Venkatakrishnan slope-limiting method, with constant: 0.1. The reference element size is: 0.1. Average of gradients with correction (viscous flow terms). Piecewise constant integration of the flow source terms. Scalar upwind solver (first order) for the turbulence model. Average of gradients with correction (viscous turbulence terms). Piecewise constant integration of the turbulence model source terms. Gradient Computation using weighted Least-Squares method. ---------------------- Time numerical integration ----------------------- Local time stepping (steady state simulation). Euler implicit method for the flow equations. A LU - symmetric Gauss-Seidel iteration is used for solving the linear system. CFL ramp definition. factor: 1.1, every 10 iterations, with a limit of 80. Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number: 1 Euler implicit time integration for the turbulence model. ------------------------- Convergence criteria -------------------------- Maximum number of iterations: 99999999999. Cauchy criteria for Drag using 100 elements and epsilon 0.0001. Start convergence criteria at iteration 10. -------------------------- Output information --------------------------- Writing a flow solution every 500 iterations. Writing the convergence history every 1 iterations. The output file format is Paraview (.vtk). Convergence history file name: history. Surface flow coefficients file name: surface_flow. Flow variables file name: flow. Restart flow file name: restart_flow.dat. Surface(s) to be plotted: AIRFOIL. ------------------- Config file boundary information -------------------- Navier-Stokes wall boundary marker(s): AIRFOIL. Far-field boundary marker(s): FARFIELD. ---------------- Flow & Non-dimensionalization information --------------- Viscous flow: Computing pressure using the ideal gas law based on the freestream temperature and a density computed from the Reynolds number. --Input conditions: Grid conversion factor to meters: 1 Ratio of specific heats: 1.4 Specific gas constant (J/(kg.K)): 287.87 Freestream pressure (N/m^2): 184090 Freestream temperature (K): 300 Freestream density (kg/m^3): 2.13163 Freestream velocity (m/s): (51.3648,9.057) -> Modulus: 52.1572 Freestream energy (kg.m/s^2): 217263 Freestream viscosity (N.s/m^2): 1.853e-05 --Reference values: Reference pressure (N/m^2): 184090 Reference temperature (K): 300 Reference energy (kg.m/s^2): 86361.1 Reference density (kg/m^3): 2.13163 Reference velocity (m/s): 293.873 Reference viscosity (N.s/m^2): 626.428 --Resulting non-dimensional state: Mach number (non-dimensional): 0.15 Reynolds number (non-dimensional): 6e+06 Reynolds length (m): 1 Froude number (non-dimensional): 16.6554 Specific gas constant (non-dimensional): 0.999998 Freestream temperature (non-dimensional): 1 Freestream pressure (non-dimensional): 1 Freestream density (non-dimensional): 1 Freestream velocity (non-dimensional): (0.174786,0.0308195) -> Modulus: 0.177482 Free-stream turb. kinetic energy (non-dimensional): 0.000118125 Free-stream specific dissipation (non-dimensional): 399.335 Freestream energy (non-dimensional): 2.51575 Freestream viscosity (non-dimensional): 2.95804e-08 Force coefficients computed using freestream values. (non-dimensional): 1 Freestream density (non-dimensional): 1 Freestream velocity (non-dimensional): (0.174786,0.0308195) -> Modulus: 0.177482 Free-stream turb. kinetic energy (non-dimensional): 0.000118125 Free-stream specific dissipation (non-dimensional): 399.335 Freestream energy (non-dimensional): 2.51575 Freestream viscosity (non-dimensional): 2.95804e-08 Force coefficients computed using freestream values. ---------------------- Read grid file information ----------------------- Two dimensional problem. ---------------------- Read grid file information ----------------------- Two dimensional problem. 48970 interior elements. 49434 points. 48970 interior elements. 49434 points. 2 surface markers. 277 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = AIRFOIL). 651 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = FARFIELD). ------------------------- Geometry preprocessing ------------------------ Setting local point and element connectivity. 2 surface markers. 277 boundary elements in index 0 (Marker = AIRFOIL). 651 boundary elements in index 1 (Marker = FARFIELD). ------------------------- Geometry preprocessing ------------------------ Setting local point and element connectivity. Checking the numerical grid orientation. Checking the numerical grid orientation. Identifying edges and vertices. Identifying edges and vertices. Computing centers of gravity. Computing centers of gravity. Setting the control volume structure. Setting the control volume structure. Area of the computational grid: 35899.4. Area of the computational grid: 35899.4. Searching for closest normal neighbor on the surface. ------------------------- Solution preprocessing ------------------------ Initialize jacobian structure (Navier-Stokes' equations). MG level: 0. Searching for closest normal neighbor on the surface. ------------------------- Solution preprocessing ------------------------ Initialize jacobian structure (Navier-Stokes' equations). MG level: 0. Initialize jacobian structure (SA model). Initialize jacobian structure (SA model). ------------------ Integration and solver preprocessing ----------------- ------------------ Integration and solver preprocessing ----------------- Wall distance computation. Area projection in the y-plane = 0.999003. Set Near-Field boundary conditions (if any). Set Interface boundary conditions (if any). ------------------------------ Begin solver ----------------------------- Wall distance computation. Area projection in the y-plane = 0.999003. Set Near-Field boundary conditions (if any). Set Interface boundary conditions (if any). ------------------------------ Begin solver ----------------------------- Iter Time(s) Res[Rho] Res[nu] CLift(Total) CDrag(Total) Iter Time(s) Res[Rho] Res[nu] CLift(Total) CDrag(Total) 1 0.530000 -6.225848 -12.141599 1.703441 1.008433 1 0.530000 -6.225848 -12.141599 1.703441 1.008433 2 0.583333 -6.314402 -12.258284 2.250416 1.217102 2 0.586667 -6.314402 -12.258284 2.250416 1.217102 3 0.602500 -6.370996 -12.350428 2.671578 1.377864 3 0.605000 -6.370996 -12.350428 2.671578 1.377864 4 0.620000 -6.400009 -12.424623 3.008930 1.506214 4 0.624000 -6.400009 -12.424623 3.008930 1.506214 . . . . . . . . Iter Time(s) Res[Rho] Res[nu] CLift(Total) CDrag(Total) 1560 0.580122 -5.485943 -9.778572 1.093895 0.015975 Iter Time(s) Res[Rho] Res[nu] CLift(Total) CDrag(Total) 1560 0.580596 -5.485943 -9.778572 1.093895 0.015975 1561 0.579987 -5.491314 -9.795725 1.093896 0.015975 1561 0.580461 -5.491314 -9.795725 1.093896 0.015975 1562 0.579853 -5.496671 -9.813593 1.093897 0.015974 1562 0.580326 -5.496671 -9.813593 1.093897 0.015974 1563 0.579712 -5.502007 -9.832217 1.093898 0.015974 1563 0.580192 -5.502007 -9.832217 1.093898 0.015974 1564 0.579578 -5.507316 -9.851645 1.093899 0.015974 1564 0.580058 -5.507316 -9.851645 1.093899 0.015974 1565 0.579438 -5.512590 -9.871929 1.093900 0.015973 1565 0.579923 -5.512590 -9.871929 1.093900 0.015973 1566 0.579311 -5.517820 -9.893122 1.093900 0.015973 1566 0.579789 -5.517820 -9.893122 1.093900 0.015973 1567 0.579171 -5.523001 -9.915280 1.093901 0.015972 1567 0.579649 -5.523001 -9.915280 1.093901 0.015972 1568 0.579031 -5.528122 -9.938460 1.093902 0.015972 1568 0.579509 -5.528122 -9.938460 1.093902 0.015972 1569 0.578898 -5.533176 -9.962725 1.093902 0.015971 1569 0.579376 -5.533176 -9.962725 1.093902 0.015971 1570 0.578765 -5.538152 -9.988114 1.093903 0.015971 1570 0.579243 -5.538152 -9.988114 1.093903 0.015971 1571 0.578626 -5.543042 -10.014660 1.093904 0.015970 1571 0.579109 -5.543042 -10.014660 1.093904 0.015970 1572 0.578487 -5.547835 -10.042401 1.093904 0.015970 1572 0.578976 -5.547835 -10.042401 1.093904 0.015970 1573 0.578355 -5.552522 -10.071444 1.093905 0.015969 1573 0.578844 -5.552522 -10.071444 1.093905 0.015969 1574 0.578222 -5.557094 -10.101492 1.093905 0.015969 1574 0.578711 -5.557094 -10.101492 1.093905 0.015969 1575 0.578090 -5.561543 -10.132264 1.093906 0.015968 1575 0.578579 -5.561543 -10.132264 1.093906 0.015968 1576 0.577958 -5.565859 -10.163321 1.093906 0.015968 1576 0.578440 -5.565859 -10.163321 1.093906 0.015968 1577 0.577820 -5.570032 -10.193980 1.093907 0.015967 1577 0.578308 -5.570032 -10.193980 1.093907 0.015967 1578 0.577682 -5.574054 -10.223231 1.093907 0.015967 1578 0.578176 -5.574054 -10.223231 1.093907 0.015967 1579 0.577557 -5.577918 -10.249674 1.093908 0.015966 1579 0.578051 -5.577918 -10.249674 1.093908 0.015966 Iter Time(s) Res[Rho] Res[nu] CLift(Total) CDrag(Total) 1580 0.577432 -5.581617 -10.271557 1.093908 0.015965 Iter Time(s) Res[Rho] Res[nu] CLift(Total) CDrag(Total) 1580 0.577925 -5.581617 -10.271557 1.093908 0.015965 1581 0.577295 -5.585143 -10.286979 1.093909 0.015965 1581 0.577788 -5.585143 -10.286979 1.093909 0.015965 ------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------ ------------------------- Exit Success (SU2_CFD) ------------------------ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/zampini/SU2_Rev1206/SU2_Rev1206/SU2Py/parallel_computation.py", line 153, in <module> main() File "/home/zampini/SU2_Rev1206/SU2_Rev1206/SU2Py/parallel_computation.py", line 53, in main options.output ) File "/home/zampini/SU2_Rev1206/SU2_Rev1206/SU2Py/parallel_computation.py", line 130, in parallel_computation merge_solution( Config_CFD_filename, partitions, output=output) File "/home/zampini/SU2_Rev1206/SU2_Rev1206/SU2Py/merge_solution.py", line 372, in merge_solution input_file = open("%s_%s.vtk" % (volume_flow_filename, domain+1)) IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'flow_1.vtk' [2]+ Done gedit flow.plt How can I solve it? Thanks a lot, Samuele |
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#2 |
Senior Member
Samuele Z
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Mozzate - Co - Italy
Posts: 520
Rep Power: 19 ![]() |
I think I have found the bug: running the attached config file with the old version of SU2, I noticed that each WRT_SOL_FREQ iterations it writes n (n = number of processors) flow_i.vtk files. With the Rev1206, instead, I have only one flow.vtk file.
Why this happens? Any idea? Where should I make modifications? Thanks a lot, Samuele |
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#3 | |
Super Moderator
Francisco Palacios
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Long Beach, CA
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The new version of SU2 (2.0.2) counts with a new I/O based on Tecplot (binary and ascii), and CGNS (that can be visualized by paraview users). As far I know VisIt counts also with a Tecplot reader (https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit/). Anyway, using the current structure of the code it is very easy to create a paraview output format from scratch. If you are interested, my recommendation is to use output_WriteTecplotASCII.cpp as baseline and write something similar for paraview. Once you finish it, if you are interested, we can add the code to the official release (with the appropriate credits for the authors). Best, Francisco |
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#4 |
Senior Member
Samuele Z
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Mozzate - Co - Italy
Posts: 520
Rep Power: 19 ![]() |
I am gonna try.
Do you know, by chance, where I can find some guidelines to understand how a vtk file is structured? Is there a .cpp for the paraview output? Where can I find it? Thanks a lot, Samuele |
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