May 14, 2009, 11:37
Conjugate heat transfer of turbine blade
New Member
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3
Rep Power: 17
Hi Fluent user friends,
I am encountering a convergency problem using Fluent solver to solve a subsonic turbine flow. The application is a conjugate heat transfer involving solid blade, mainstream compressible flow (M0.5-M0.9) over the blade surfaces and incompressible low speed cooling air passing through the inside of blade. I always have the convergency problem for both coupled and uncoupled solvers. Does anybody have experience of this complex conjugate heat transfer which have two different fluid domains, one is compressible and another is incompressible? Any hint would be helpful to guide me.
This is how I did. Density-based solver. Ideal gas law is used to obain the density of compressible mainsteam flow, while incompressible ideal gas law is applied for the cooling flow. Periodic BC was applied in the sidewalls of computational domain. Pressure inlet and outlet boundary conditions were used for both flows. Standard KE Turbulence models are applied.
Thank you very much in advance.
Last edited by Steven-GY; May 14, 2009 at 23:36.