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Transient Average Timestep Selection

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Old   August 11, 2019, 08:41
Default Transient Average Timestep Selection
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Join Date: Jan 2018
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PabloXX37 is on a distinguished road

I have a question regarding the timestep selection when running with the arithmetic average from the transient statistics tab.

There is an option that lets the user select the first timestep from which the averaging takes place "Start Iteration List". My question if this value takes into account only the iterations from the current unsteady run, or if it is based on the accumulated iterations (if the unsteady run was initialized with a previous solution)

As an example:

I'm running some unsteady turbomachinery simulation for a certain ammount of periods.

1. I first initialize the blade rows with a steady state simulation (300 iterations)

2. I then feed my steady state solution into my unsteady run, which goes on for 60 periods at 50 timesteps per period (3000 iterations).

So if I want to average the last 6 periods (6*50=300 timesteps / iterations) of the unsteady simulation.

A) If I take into account only the iterations of the unsteady run, I should indicate a value of (3000-300 =) 2700 as the start of my averaging.

B) If I take into account the accumulated iterations of both simulations I should indicate a value of (300 + 3000 - 300 =) 3000 as the start of my averaging.

Which of these two approaches is correct?

Thanks in advance.
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start iteration list, transient average results

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