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user routine, user funcion, or fortran compile effect on the memroy?

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Old   May 13, 2009, 15:24
Thumbs down user routine, user funcion, or fortran compile effect on the memroy?
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sean strand
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Dear fellows,

I have tried to run a transient model.

When I set a basic transient case, it works without issue.

but it makes error message by memory problem when I use user routine, user function and fortran complier(actually it is based on the HAVC sample in tutorial).

Here is memory condition

this is memory allocation in the case of basic transient model

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |
Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 133872.5 201.94 40.83 522939.4 807.76
Integer 232519.9 350.75 70.91 908280.7 1402.98
Character 2290.4 3.45 0.70 2236.7 3.45
Logical 51.0 0.08 0.02 199.3 0.31
Double 477.3 0.72 0.15 3728.7 5.76

This is another memroy allocation in the case using fortran compiler.

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |
Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 130494.9 196.85 39.80 509745.7 787.38
Integer 231455.7 349.14 70.59 904123.8 1396.56
Character 2289.2 3.45 0.70 2235.6 3.45
Logical 50.9 0.08 0.02 198.7 0.31
Double 475.8 0.72 0.15 3716.9 5.74

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| *** Run-time memory allocation error *** |
| Not enough free memory is currently available on the system. |
| Could not allocate requested memory - exiting! |
| |
| |
| |

As you can see, using fortran compiler needs samller memory to run than general transient model but it makes error...

Do you guys believe that user function and user routine effect on the memory to run?

How do I get out from this error?

Thank you for your interest
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Old   May 13, 2009, 19:37
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice

I am no expert on fortran in CFX but I suspect if you allocate memory in the fortran subroutine it will not be included in the CFX memory reporting and therefore if the routine gobbles up too much memory the solver won't know about it until it runs out of memory and crashes.

Glenn Horrocks
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