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Towards a new release

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Old   June 24, 2014, 12:52
Default Towards a new release
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Oliver Gloth
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I am happy to report, that finally enGrid is moving forward again. In the last couple of weeks an interface to TetGen has been implemented. TetGen became open-source in November 2013 and we believe that it better fits into enGrid and that the resulting grids have a smoother mesh size distribution. At the same time we have also moved to using CGAL for geometric surface projections. This removed the annoying requirement of different boundary codes in order to conserve feature edges.

As a result the overall meshing process got quicker, easier to use, and more reliable. Of course there are still a few kinks which need ironing out, but feel free to test the code and report problems (or success).

You can find the development version on GitHub in the branch "new_concept".

Best regards,
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Old   August 11, 2014, 00:13
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Hi enGrid users,

Has anyone successfully built this "new_concept" version? Please post the build steps. Thank you.

- ffan
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Old   August 11, 2014, 02:27
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Oliver Gloth
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In the meantime the new_concept branch has been merged into the master branch. It is now using CMake as build system, so building it should hopefully be fairly straightforward. We will put together some instructions, but haven't had the time yet.

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Old   August 18, 2014, 06:31
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Hi all,

I'm also interested on new version of Engrid.

Ffan did you suceffully build the program?

Has anyone successfully built this "new_concept" version? Please post the build steps.
Shall I compile every single one
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Old   August 21, 2014, 13:04
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geronimo_750 is on a distinguished road
Hi All,

I really would like to try this new release but the previous scripts are not working.
The netgen_svn directory is not present anymore as well as the patch "nglib_engrid_mods.diff" so the builder just stops!

Any info is more than welcome!

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Old   November 2, 2014, 18:29
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Hi all,

can someone light me how to use new version for Engrid? thanks a lot!
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Old   June 21, 2015, 17:17
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Javier de la Sierra
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I am looking to the installation instructions for master branch. I home someone could help
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Old   June 23, 2015, 08:15
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there is a install instruction which points on install script

there is a script that should do the job, it fetches the sources ...
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Old   June 28, 2015, 15:51
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Originally Posted by elvis View Post
there is a install instruction which points on install script

there is a script that should do the job, it fetches the sources ...
Quick answer: Unfortunately at this point in time, both links refer to enGrid 1.4.

The latest enGrid on the master branch uses CMake for the build system and brief instructions have been given here:
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Old   July 27, 2015, 05:00
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Javier de la Sierra
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I have been able to install the new "master-branch" in Ubuntu 14.04, please follow instructions here:
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Old   August 6, 2015, 06:14
Default enGrid 1.5 install summary, Ubuntu 14.04
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Quinn Reynolds
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First of all, thanks very much to all the previous posts and those who gave instructions on GitHub. Because it's a bit complicated and I tripped up on a lot of things along the way, I thought it might be worth documenting a full step-by-step install procedure for the enGrid 1.5 beta on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system. This is offered strictly on an “it worked for me, but YMMV” basis


0. All the instructions below assume you're working on an up-to-date Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system, on the Linux command prompt in a bash shell as a normal non-root user (unless otherwise specified).

1. I try and keep all my compiled-from-source software in a location away from the main system, typically a directory like /home/user_name/software. I keep a directory inside that location for the actual compiled executables and libraries, eg. /home/user_name/software/local. It's up to you if you want to put them anywhere else, but you'll need to modify all paths below accordingly if you do. NB - remember to add these lines to the end of the .bashrc file in your home directory, so that your new executables and libraries can find each other:
export PATH=/home/user_name/software/local/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user_name/software/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2. Install various tools you'll probably need, if you don't already have them:
user@machine:~$ sudo apt-get install git subversion build-essential vtk-qt qt-devel vtk-devel patch cmake cmake-qt-gui

Updating CGAL

3(a). The CGAL library in the Ubuntu repositories is too old for enGrid 1.5. Get the source for a newer one from any of the links in the “Build from Source” section on this page. I downloaded the 4.6.1 tar.gz file, and unpacked it into /home/user_name/software/CGAL-4.6.1:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software$ tar -zxvf CGAL-4.6.1.tar.gz
3(b). Create a “build” directory inside /home/user_name/software/CGAL-4.6.1, and cd into it. From there, run either “ccmake ../” or “cmake-gui ../” depending on your preference. On my system cmake-gui seems to work more reliably:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/CGAL-4.6.1/build$ cmake-gui ../
(If no variables show up in the central box, click the “Configure” button lower left - that should load up all the default cmake settings for CGAL).

3(c). Find and change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable from the default (“/usr/local”) to your local user software directory (“/home/user_name/software/local”). Optionally, change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to “Release”. Once that's done, click the “Generate” button lower left. Unless you get any errors, you can then close cmake-gui and go back to the command line.

3(d). Build the CGAL library:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/CGAL-4.6.1/build$ make install
(Optionally add a “-j N” switch after “make install” to use N processors on a multicore machine, to speed up compilation).

Updating VTK

4(a). The VTK library in the Ubuntu repositories is also too old for enGrid 1.5. Get the source for a newer one (version >= 6) from any of the links on this page. I downloaded the 6.1.0 Source tar.gz file, and unpacked it into /home/user_name/software/VTK-6.1.0:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software$> tar -zxvf VTK-6.1.0.tar.gz
4(b). Create a “build” directory inside /home/user_name/software/VTK-6.1.0, and cd into it. From there, run either “ccmake ../” or “cmake-gui ../”. Using cmake-gui:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/VTK-6.1.0/build$ cmake-gui ../
(See note in point 3(b) if you don't see any cmake variables displayed at first).

4(c). Change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable from the default (“/usr/local”) to your local user software directory (“/home/user_name/software/local”). Optionally, change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to “Release”. Also make very sure that the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, VTK_Group_Qt, VTK_Group_Rendering, and VTK_Group_StandAlone boolean values are set to “true” (boxes are ticked in cmake-gui). Click the “Generate” button lower left. Unless you get any errors, you can close cmake-gui and go back to the command line.

4(d). Build the VTK library:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/VTK-4.6.1/build$ make install
(See note in point 3(d) to speed things up - VTK is a large library and can take a long time to compile).

Building enGrid 1.5

5(a). From within your user software directory, checkout a local copy of the enGrid master source directory from GitHub:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software:$ git clone git:// engrid
or if that doesn't work, try:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software:$ git clone engrid
5(b). Create a “build” directory inside /home/user_name/software/engrid, and cd into it. From there, run either “ccmake ../src/” or “cmake-gui ../src/”. Using cmake-gui:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/engrid/build$ cmake-gui ../src/
(See note in point 3(b) if you don't see any cmake variables displayed at first).

5(c). Change the CGAL_DIR variable to your local CGAL cmake directory (“/home/user_name/software/local/lib/CGAL” if you followed the steps above). Change the CGAL_INCLUDE_PATH variable to your local CGAL include directory (“/home/user_name/software/local/include/CGAL” if you followed the steps above). Change the VTK_DIR variable to your local VTK cmake directory (“/home/user_name/software/local/lib/cmake/vtk-6.1” if you followed the steps above). Change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable to your local user software directory (“/home/user_name/software/local”). Optionally, change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to “Release”. Click the “Generate” button lower left. Unless you get any errors, you can close cmake-gui and go back to the command line.

5(d). Build enGrid:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/engrid/build$ make install
(See note in point 3(d) to speed things up - enGrid is also fairly large and can take time to compile).

Testing and tidying up (optional)

6(a). Test enGrid:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/local/bin$ ./engrid
If successful this should launch you into the enGrid 1.5 gui.

6(b). Rename the new install to prevent conflict with past and future versions:
user@machine:/home/user_name/software/local/bin$ mv engrid engrid1p5
You should be able to start enGrid 1.5 by running the command “engrid1p5” from anywhere in the file system now (If not, and/or if you got errors about missing libraries in step 6(a), add your local software paths to .bashrc - see step 1 - and restart your bash terminal).

6(c). If you prefer, you can delete the /home/user_name/software/CGAL-4.6.1, VTK-6.1.0, and engrid directories. Once enGrid and its components are compiled they are no longer required.
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Old   March 27, 2016, 13:14
Question problem at step 5c
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I run into the following problem at step 5c of your instructions:

The "c" configure command results in the following error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:43 (string):
string sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE needs at least 6 arguments total to command.

What's causing this problem? Any idea to fix it?

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