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Rheolef: a C++ finite element library for solving PDE (annonce)

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Old   October 14, 2009, 05:58
Default Rheolef: a C++ finite element library for solving PDE (annonce)
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Pierre Saramito
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Rheolef: a C++ finite element library for solving PDE

Home page:
User's guide:

Distibution: sources and debian packages

Keywords: finite elements, numerical simulation, partial derivative equations,
C++, meshes, graphics

Rheolef is a computer environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for computations involving finite element methods. It provides a set of unix commands and C++ algorithms and containers. In particular, this environment allows the user to express a partial derivative problem in terms of finite element spaces, discrete fields, bilinear forms, geometries and meshes. Rheolef is the only one environment to our knowledge that bases on such powerful variational concepts as basic data structures. This set of data structure is completed by the most up-to-date algorithms: preconditioned solvers for incompressible elasticity, Stokes and Navier-Stokes flows, characteristic method for convection dominated heat problems...

Current applications cover

- Poisson problems in 1D 2D and 3D with P1 or P2 elements
- Stokes problems in 2D and 3D, with P2-P1 or P1 bubble-P1 elements
- linear elasticity in 2D and 3D, with P1 and P2 elements,
including the incompressible and nearly incompressible elasticity
- characteristic method for convection-difusion, time-dependent problems
and Navier-Stokes equations.
- axisymetric problems
- auto-adaptive meshes for 2D problems
- multi-regions and non-constant coefficients

Input and Output in various file format for meshes generators
and numerical data visualization systems (paraview, mayavi, plotmtv, gnuplot).

Both reference manual and users guide are available.

Version: 5.76

The license is GPL.

Pierre Saramito
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